Glad to see you back. Always enjoyed what you had to say.
I was in a position similar to his children. When I was 8, my dad was df'd. My mother chose not to divorce him--at least, not legally--but she lived in the same house with him for another 38 years and managed to disrespect him at every turn. She also made it clear that he was evil and that to love him was to reject Jehovah.
Guess what? My dad never said anything bad about JWs except that he didn't agree with them. He made us go to meetings with Mom until we were teens, then let us make our own decisions--and backed us up on it. He didn't force holidays on us--but he always made sure that, for instance, when we went back to school after Xmas break, we had some new clothes and new toys to talk about (even though, out of respect for our mother, those gifts were not wrapped in holiday paper).
He also encouraged us to explore our interests--school activities, sports, hobbies.
And at the end, none of the three of us are JWs. We were never baptized--not even tempted--because we saw close-up how the JWs treated our father. The lack of love from all of them--even our mother--was palpable.
And, as one of my brothers always said, they didn't just df Dad. They df'd us all. My brothers and I were often excluded from congregation activities, disrespected and taunted because our dad was df'd, and always blamed if kids got into some sort of trouble--whether we were there or not! After all, we had a df'd father. We were bad association.
One by one, when we reached an age of understanding, we asked Dad for his side of the story. He told us that he'd cheated on Mom, that he still loved her and asked for her forgiveness and for God's, and was forgiven. He simply didn't believe that a bunch of janitors and window-washers could determined whether he was repentant or not.
I agree. After all, he stayed with us when it would have been a whole lot easier to bail. Bless him for it.
He died a little over a year ago. All his kids and grandkids were around him, as well as many friends he'd made outside the bOrg. And my mother was there. But the JWs weren't there for her.
Dad won.