Somebody would start a new, superior group with a new, superior TRUTH so we could join it and get to feel important and better than all those poor benighted folks who haven't accepted the NEW LIGHT!
(sound familiar?)
many of us who lend money will not be paid.
victims of pedophiles will not receive justice.
criminals will not be jailed.
Somebody would start a new, superior group with a new, superior TRUTH so we could join it and get to feel important and better than all those poor benighted folks who haven't accepted the NEW LIGHT!
(sound familiar?)
(may you all have peace!)...
after a 25 minute "discussion"... that simply blew their minds.
so much stammering and stuttering.
They came by for a Bible study, and you saw to it they had one. Good work--Peace to you, too, Shelby!
one thing i miss about not buying vinyl now is the artwork on the album cover.
post some of your favorite album covers.
this is taken from the reasoning book.
page 206. .
a key factor is that the witnesses really believe that the bible is gods word and that what it contains is there for our instruction.
Jesus said that he would have on earth a “faithful and discreet slave” (his anointed followers viewed as a group), through which agency he would provide spiritual food to those making up the household of faith. (Matt. 24:45-47)
That passage is a parable, an allegorical teaching--one of many illustrations in this passage from Matthew's gospel about staying faithful, being prepared, and living every moment as though it will be your last. It does not identify a specific person or group as a major domo ruling God's servants on Earth; rather it calls every one of us to be a wise and faithful servant of the Lord.
The two men in the field and two women at the mill (Matt 24:40-42) are not specific people; they are examples contrasting those who are living God's way and are ready for his coming to those who live their own way and are caught unprepared at the end. The master of the house (Matt 24:43-44) was not a lesson about home security, it says to to take action now and prepare for the coming judgement before it is too late. The ten virgins (Matt 25:1-13) is not about weddings and lamp oil, it is about being wise and prepared instead of foolish and not doing your duty. The parable of the talents (Matt 25:14-30) is not investment advice, it tells us to apply ourselves and do the Master's will to the best of our ability today and every day, not to hesitate out of fear of inadequacy or punishment for falling short.
So, amid all these allegorical parables, did the Lord abruptly toss in a clue about a literal "Faithful Slave" to oversee us, then just as abruptly return to his previous discourse? Or was He telling us, all of us, to do his Father's will at all times, to always be ready no matter when the Master returns to judge our faithfulness? The first interpretation is out of context with the remainder of this two-chapter passage; a blatant attempt to inject a particular meaning into the text. The second is harmonious with passage as a whole,; it follows a consistent theme and teaching.
So I ask (rhetorically): who really will "resort to philosophical arguments to evade its clear statements of truth or to justify the way of life of people who have abandoned its moral standards"? Who really makes up "theories as to its significance"?
this explanation is extracted from the reasoning book, page 205. .
jesus foretold for our day this work: this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.
he also instructed his followers: go .
Because the organization, the publications and the elders told them to.
The requirement to meet a monthly quota for "preaching work" weed out those who won't meekly obey every command from the leadership--first door knocking, then shunning friends and family who doesn't measure up to the Watchtower's standard of perfection, then withholding a blood transfusion a family member desperately needs, ...
we could come up with a few suggestions, mine are:.
-find a different audience (people on this forum are so careful to believe any kind of bullshit-i know that from my own experience-, they were lied to by the wbts).. -perhaps even better, become a zealous jw, work your way up in the org and be in a position to influence their policy concerning end-of-the world predictions.. .
I feel a bit sad for him.
While I don't agree with what he says, he isn't harming or threatening anybody else (not here, at least). Posting his latest corrected predictions is far from the worst thing he could be doing. Besides, we've all had a log or three to pull out of our own eyes during our own re-awakenings (de-AWAKE!-enings?).
What they don't say says more than what they do:
So which Baptism do you prefer: turning away from evil and to God, or enlisting in a door to door sales force?
folks, i almost feel silly creating this thread, but i think i must do it based upon comments by folks who think the various governments in the usa can make any legally enforceable laws they want.. they cannot!.
in the usa we have a republic.
we do not have a democracy.
We have 5
activist judges right now, they are furthering an agenda,
one agenda or the other (according to their respective partisan views),
and they have been given
the supreme power in the land.
It's been going on at least since Marbury v Madison. No Congress has ever had the spine to say "Legislature is empowered to enact the laws; the Supreme Court's charter is to apply those laws faithfully. For exceeding your constitutional authority, you are impeached!"
Unfortunately, Congress has deliberately chosen to install (and encourage) "activist" judges who morph the constitution and the law in ways even the most partisan legislators dare not attempt. It was a sad, true insight during the debate over the health care act when the most honest point made was "The sooner we pass this bill, the sooner the courts can tell us what the law is!"
so, one of the things that is catching me off guard is that i have forgotten how to pray.. as a jw we were all told to pray, but when we really look at it, the prayers are just as structured and mind numbing as those of the catholic church reciting the rosary.
what caught my attention was stephen at act 7:59 where he calls on jesus (not jehovah) to receive him.
he prayed to jesus.. yet, as a jw, the prayers you always here begin like this: "jehovah god, our loving heavenly father..." and end in "in jesus name, amen".
Why not start with the words the Lord gave us (Matthew 6:9-13):
"This is how you are to pray:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil."
i suppose its a little late to ask this and i never got it even as a jw, but:.
can someone please explain what the whole 144,000 thing is about?
has god only saved a certain group of people?
In Rev. 7 there is not much language describing them, but it does say that they are from the tribes of Israel: 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes (though instead of "Dan" we read "Mannasseh"). When the caucasian leaders of a Biblical-literalist American religion claim to be among them, remember that the Book of Revelation clearly identifies the 144,000 as Middle-Eastern Jews!
For those who accept a non-literal interpretation (allowing non-Jews to be among the sealed!), consider this explanation (paraphrased from Asimov's Guide to the Bible): In the language of the time, 1000 was the largest named number. Twelve carries the connotation of sacredness, as in the twelve tribes and twelve months in a year. So 1000 times twelve times twelve again represents an unimaginably large number, the largest number they could speak of, doubly increased by a number with sacred significance: the countless resurrected souls eternally praising the "Holy of Holies". 144,000 is not a limit to the number of those who can be saved, only a limitation of human language to express the countless number of the saved, using a poetic description fitting for the magesty of the scene depicted in this passage of Revelation.