JoinedPosts by GLTirebiter
JW bumper stickers
by innerpeace inso my husband (who was never a jw) saw a christian bumper sticker today and asked me if the witnesses have any.
i said no (not that i know of anyway) so here are a few he came up with.. 'honk if you're a zombie'.
'my other car is noah's ark'.
WTS vs. Star Trek
by Farkel instar trek claimed to be fantasy and in fact, was fantasy.. wts claims to be the sole truth on earth and in fact, is fantasy.. star trek had spock who solved problems with logic.. wts has a gb who solves problems with bullshit.. star trek had a pompous ass charismatic leader whom everyone loved to watch rant and emote.
wts had three pompous ass charismatic leaders whom everyone hated to watch rant and emote.. captain kirk was always saving his people from new disasters.. wt leaders are always leading its people into new disasters.. star trek made money by always giving its fans the stuff they wanted.. wts makes money by always charging its fans for stuff neither they nor anyone else else wants.. people had fun when star trek came on.. people would rather have a root canal when meetings come on.. star trek was all about making the cosmos a better place for all.. wts is all about making the cosmos a better place for a few and killing everyone else.. people love to go to star trek conventions.. people would rather be in an earthquake than go to wts conventions.. star trek had a transporter room.. people in meetings wish they also had a transporter room.. star trek had lots of insane villains.. wts had judge rutherford and fred franz.
same thing.. star trek also had lots of good guys.. good guys are banished from the wts.. star trek had the klingons who spoke a bizarre language.. wts had fred franz who spoke an even more bizarre language.. star trek had all sorts of devices which could cure most any medical problems, but of course, they were science fiction.. wts had the electronic radio biola which it sold and said could cure most any medical problem, but of course, that was science fiction.. star trek had floppy disks, computers you could talk to and flat screen monitors all of which were about 50 years ahead-of-their time.. wts had vaccines which were called "filthy animal pus", humans hearts which were the seat of all emotions, organ transplants which were cannibalistic, human personalities which were also transferred with blood transfusions and black people turning white by reading their literature, all of which were 100 years behihd-their-time.. if you missed a few star trek episodes in a row, no one came by to harrass you.. if you miss a few meetings in a row, you are in deep shit.. star trek tv shows and movies are still played all the time, even after 47 years.. wts dramas never even play a second time.
Farkel, good to hear from you again!
Star Trek had professionally written scripts, designed to appeal to both children and adults.
WTS has tracts from the writing department, appealing to nobody.
Re: Will you attend the Memorial this year? Why? Why not?
by check inyou all had some interesting thoughts on that jw memorial thread.
some of you mentioned that you are going so that you can set some sort of example.
i gather that some of you believe that by going and eating, you are somehow showing them they can (or should) do it too.. that really confuses me.
No, I won't go (and even when married to a JW, I never did). I don't want to send any sign that I am an "interested one", nor do I want to give offense. While I don't believe what they do, there is no need to offend them on their High Holy Day. The real problem is in Brooklyn, not at the local Kingdom Hall.
Who songs that remind me of the jehovahs witnesses
by hoser intwo that come to mind are.
my generation and.
won't get fooled again.
Should Employers be WARNED about Jehovahs Witnesses
by BlindersOff1 inany gov agency or private company that has private personal info of customers/clients should be aware.
its common knowledge to long time witnesses that jws will violate customer privacy laws and rules when they see something a customer does or buys that they think jw congregation elders should know about .
thats right they will spy for the elders.. .
An inactive JW I used to work with complained about how she had to put up with Sister Zealous at work. Once Sister Zealous found out there was another Witness in the office, she took every opportunity to come to our side of the building for lengthy Theocratic chit-chat sessions. Mrs. Inactive did not appreciate that, she wanted the boss to see her getting work done instead of goofing off (not to mention other issues that come with distracting and and annoying the folks in the adjacent cubicles). It took a while, but Sister Zealous finally got the message.
Non JW involved with a JW
by LostInTranslation ini am a non jw who has been doing a fair amount of research on my own in hopes of finding some answers and understanding for my current heartwrenching situation:.
i have been dating a man for the last while, and we grew very close, very quickly.. .
suddenly he has pulled away from me, gotten very skittish and says he feels like he is leading a double life, and isn't ready for a relationship.. all the while stating that his impending divorce is the reason for his cold feet, which could be understandable except the marriage was very much "over" long ago.
Greetings, and welcome LostInTranslation!
He speaks of "leading a double life." There is "hot/cold, switch flipping behaviour." "The rejection/love cycle was doing my head in!" And he's out seeing a new girlfriend (you) before the divorce is official.
I suggest these things provide a good look at his character. Don't expect him to change if you become further involved with him. If you continue to see him, at least do so with eyes wide open, knowing what you are getting into. But if you were my daughter, I'd tell you it's usually better to suffer a little heartbreak now than a huge one later.
So Your Husband Is Thinking of Becoming A Jehovah's Witness
by LoisLane looking for Superman ini want to share with you, things your husband can demand from you, because, well he is the man and you are not.
i don't know if you have read about jw's sex lives and what is allowed and isn't.. no oral for anybody.
no masturbation for anybody.
Lois, what I wrote is an outsider's observation of what I saw going on, based on over a decade and a half as the unbelieving husband. I ain't no saint, but I wasn't that bad! And in all fairness, not all JW husbands are as bad as I described...but some are, and unfortunately they're not easy to recognize before making a big mistake.
(source: Jimmy Akin)
The Statement
Here's the full statement from Pope Benedict on his resignation:
Dear Brothers,
I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonizations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church.
After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.
I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering.
However, in today's world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the bark of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me.
For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is.
Dear Brothers, I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects.
And now, let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff.
With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer.
I think an American is out of the question for political reasons
If you mean an American Anglo, I agree. If you mean this time around, I also agree. But there is a small chance that a Native American or hispanic American bishop will someday be elected to the papacy, perhaps within our lifetime. And I think there is a good chance the next Pope will not be European--that alone would be a remarkable turn of events!
So Your Husband Is Thinking of Becoming A Jehovah's Witness
by LoisLane looking for Superman ini want to share with you, things your husband can demand from you, because, well he is the man and you are not.
i don't know if you have read about jw's sex lives and what is allowed and isn't.. no oral for anybody.
no masturbation for anybody.
We're going to the assembly. We're staying in the Society Approved Hotel. If there's any free time, We're going out in service. We're eating at the all-you-can-stand buffet with the other friends. Before bedtime, we'll review the newly released publications. Oh, and you need to iron my shirt, get the kids cleaned up, and wash off that spot on my suit coat. And tomorrow, we get to do the same thing all over again! (Dear, how can you be so tired, when the assembly is SOOO uplifting?)