BTTT -- because it's worth another read, and the doctor is IN tonight!
Jeff, thanks for saying this so well!
being a jehovah's witness at any time and at any level is a major head f*ck.
the reason is that it obscures what is important and causes you to focus on what doesn't matter.. i've moved on from my jw experience.
it's a shame that i found myself a born in, taught to focus on things that don't matter.
BTTT -- because it's worth another read, and the doctor is IN tonight!
Jeff, thanks for saying this so well!
for the most part, i am able to understand how my family treats me.
i was a jw for 20 years...since birth.
i used to shun people.
What a little darling! Congratulations to you and your husband.
i stumbled upon this coming of age novel about a teenage jehovahs witness growing up in san francisco.
it was such a great novel and hit real close to home.
it was funny and sad at the same timel but i loved it.
See this thread (no, I haven't read it myself).
on a different thread (
someone commented that.
as a sister especially you are nothing when not attached to you husband.. this made me curious.
Sisters claw each other aside for eligible brothers.
So I think the majority of them stay single out of choice.
I think the clawing has a lot to do with their decision. Who would want to spend their life with a nasty back-stabber?
(From the readings for the vigil of Pentecost, Psalm 104)
Bless the LORD, O my soul!
O LORD, my God, you are great indeed!
You are clothed with majesty and glory,
robed in light as with a cloak.
Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
so in the hustle and shuffle of moving i must have left my entire collection literally in the appartment parking lot.
just to give you an idea of what was in there i had about a dozen america and canadian silver dollars, a couple gold coins, a bunch of ancient coins from the 1600s, old canadian paper money and us money and a bunch of coins, stamps, paper currency ive been collecting since i was a kid.. all in all my stuff was worth in the 5-7 thousand dollar range.
believe it or not a young guy in his mid twenties from the appartments across the st came over and asked me if i lost anything and what my name was.
now this is a kid who comes across as being one of those little drug dealing punks (my first jw auto-judement after i totally dismissed the judgemental thought lol!!) he was not one of jehovahs witnesses, he was not even religious for that matter.
Thank you for sharing the story. With so much undue emphasis on bad behavior, it's easy to forget that most people are decent and honest. Too often we expect the worst, based on a stereotype.
You knew the answer before you asked, Sylvia!
Your kindness is a big reason why.
wherefor iz ya'll, chile??
ah bin lukin' 'n lukin' but ain't see hyd no hare 'o ya'll on dis heah b'od, latly!
ya'll ok owt 'der??
Syl, I want you to prove Shelby right--by taking good care of yourself!
You've been through a lot lately, so take advantage of those two weeks off and rest up.
this here is a true story, so please don't interrupt me until i'm finished telling it.. way back in the woods in the late of night, a woman died.
her bereaved husband walked 20 miles to get the undertaker.. he and the undertaker returned to the home to remove the body of his wife to the morturary.
too upset to assist with the removal of his wife's body, the husband remained outside in the hearse while neighbors helped the undertaker.. after placing the body in the back of the hearse, the undertaker went back into the house to do the necessary paperwork.
Funny story!
I can't help imaging Dan Ackroyd in the "Ghostbusters" hearse playing out this scene.
have you ever noticed what the elders say when a depressed person commits suicide?.
i unfortunately knew of two people in my area, one a guy about my age, the other was in his mid 40's that commited suicide.
both times, at their memorials, the elders from stage said that they were home alone and was cleaning their hand gun/ rifle when it accidently fired and killed them.
You're welcome, Tal!