The OP title reads like it belongs on a giant (uncle Sam style) poster, or on a billboard, on the road to a major convention.
JoinedPosts by Fernando
Jehovah's Witnesses Rank-and-File Are the Elite Witnesses Pension Plan!
by BucketShopBill init's all about money these days in all the kingdom halls and changing title from the congregation over to the watchtower organization so the governing body and all their trusty aids can have a nice retirement.
who is going to provide for all the jws heading towards retirement age over the next five to ten years, men and women in bad health who must work because the watchtower through their salesmen (cos, dos) promised we all would be in god's paradise and "worrying about material things shows a lack of faith".. .
the governing body is showing they are worried about money because all they are talking about is "sign the secret envelope and obey the promise you made to donate each month!
Are Jehovah's Witnesses THAT Bad?
by minimus ini'm not fond of any religious fanatic.
islamic fundies can be downright crazy.
mormonism seems silly to me.
Personally I believe the minority of JWs are evil, and that the majority are forced into behaving in questionable ways due to peer pressure and bad associations (hanging out with the woe'ers of Matt 23:13-29).
In other words, the majority of JWs could be quite normal if their hearts were totally circumcised of religion (legalism, moralism, materialism, hypocrisy, sexism, supremacy, blindness, addiction, clericalism and hierarchical thinking).
Copy of my DA Letter
by airborne inthis is my first time posting here, although i have been a visitor to it for around a year.
after doing a simple google search under "jehovah'switnesses" over a year ago, i found ttat.
i was deeply unhappy with the congregation and decided to educate myself, and boy what an education i have gotten so far.
Welcome airborne, and thank you for sharing and posting; especially your DA letter.
In my humble opinion, and from my personal perspective, this is the best DA letter ever, and on so many levels.
- Articulate
- Well considered
- Respectful
- Balanced
- To the point
- Brief (1-page max)
- Very hard to forget/ignore/rationalise
- Factual
- Insightful
- Plain
- Simple
- Renders ignorance inexcusable
- Irrefutable (without compromising honesty and good ethics)
- Unapologetic
- Fearless (Matt 10:32,33)
- Duty of care (to warn)
What are your thoughts of making copies available to every JW you know?
SEQ, Australia
Were we drug addicts?
by new hope and happiness ini imagine drug addicts have a similar adiction.
you can not imagine life without a fix.
or was it we had addictive personalities?
I do believe so NHAH.
The same mechanics at work, at least in part.
That is one reason why it is hard to help family and friends that are still trapped.
Reflections on 1 year WT Free-breaking the chains...
by MissFit inhi everyone.. i just realized that it has been over a year since i discovered this site and started to recognize i was shackled by invisible chains.
i am still in the process of chipping away on those chains.. i posted on another thread how these threads here are like little time capsules.
the moment, the emotions, the attitudes are all there frozen.. .
Hey MissFit, well described. I imagine the journey is similar for many here on JWN; it certainly has been for me too.
Want to make Money $ with a Web Site?
by sarahsmile inhas anyone had success with a high traffic website or blog ?.
it might take a team of people to accomplish.. ads pay and people count, lots and lots of people.
does make money every time someone looks at the web site?
I would hazard a guess that Simon earns at most 1% of what he otherwise could when he donates many hours of his precious time to the labour of love that is JWN which generously and voluntarily serves atheists and believers alike.
How many hours would you and I be willing to work for one hundredth of our hourly rate?
If it is such a headache-free money-spinner, why did Simon once consider closing up shop?
Of course, I too would appreciate more civil behaviour from those JWNers that pray for my conversion to atheism.
And seriously, there have to be better ways to make money than elusive (and illusive) traffic from thousands hundreds of visitors busily ignoring adverts.
A silly thought on freewill...
by new hope and happiness inthis was mythought on " freewill" and made me think...i need " air" to how was i born with freewill?.
If God exists, and I believe he does, then the existence of atheists would seem to prove free will, to my mind at least.
What Happened to my DEAR FRIEND?
by NoMoreHustle inwhen i first learned about the bull $#@!
about the cult that i am in, i reached out to my good friend who brought me into this organization through a study.
this man is wonderful human being & i thought would be understanding to my struggles.
Once we have invested too much in a scam we strangely develop a vested interest in supporting it at all costs to save face.
If Jehovah God Really Loved Humans & This Earth How Might He Show It?
by minimus insupposing that you might say that you believe in god, how might a god of love, show that he really cares about us all?.
Provide a sociological map, which if followed, would begin to elevate the human race from a primitive Type-0 civilisation.
Grant us free will and autonomy, allowing us to choose to heed or ignore the map, as we observe and contemplate the consequences, of each option.
Training aid for Call Centre ops/phone training free on Kindle....
by punkofnice inthis isn't shameless advertising because right now it's free to download.. i have put together a brief basic training manual to help folk to learn skills for answering the phone or going to work in a call centre.
i have trained people in this in real life).. please download it while it's free for kindle.. thanks mr p the punk.
Unky Punky, I gave it a crack, but Amazon says not downloadable in Australia due to copyright...