Hugs for you and your husband, LennaB.
"Please rember this is fairly new to me and I was taught this from a young age... I just turned twenty this year only a few months ago.."
Time is on your side.
Take a deep breath.
Have your favourite drink.
Slow down.
Calm down.
Be grateful (for waking up so early in life).
It is a process - not an event.
You do not have to figure it all out today.
It should be an exciting journey of discovery.
Yes, we've all been lied to, but are now free.
It can be a bit of a shock to discover that our "trusted leaders" are simply blind fools.
We are partly to blame.
(Psalm 146:3) . . .Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.
Instead of listening, obeying and being blessed, what did we do?
We allowed a small group of men to claim God had appointed them over us (read clergy class or clericalism).
We allowed them to insert themselves as self-appointed middlemen (read clergy class or clericalism).
By refusing to deal direct, we rejected God in favour of a VISIBLE Golden Calf (read clergy class or clericalism).
One day your future self will smile and laugh at much of the fuss and confusion your present self is dealing with.
It passes.
Clarity and peace takes its place.
Now back to the beginning...
Take a deep breath...
Have your favourite drink...
Slow down...
Calm down...
Greetings Fernando