However we have no idea or way of finding out as human mortals who or what is "in heaven" or when or how they got there. Its a matter of what one believes and where ones faith lies.
Posts by tiki
Was Paul A false Prophet?
by saorean ini ask the question on the title because there a quite a number of statements the apostle paul made about the coming of jesus and resurrection of the holy ones that never fulfilled.
1 corinthians 15: 51, 52 (nwt) : .
i tell you a sacred secret: we will not all fall asleep in death, but we will all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet.
Dealing With Smelly People
by minimus ini can never understand why some people simply stink.they don’t smell themselves??
i knew of certain jws that had to be counseled many times because they refused to regularly bathe, wash their hair or use deodorant.
and it’s not just witnesses.
Reminds me of a cong book study we used to go to....the lady of the house insisted everyone take off their shoes prior to entering the place...she was sweet...had a basket of foot socks for people to put on...anyway someone brought their student along one week and this woman, while being appropriately clean and groomed ...Sat next to me...and the foot odor was killing. Truly awful. You can only hold your breath so was awful. Amazing too that a clean person could have such putrid rank stench feet.
Dealing With Smelly People
by minimus ini can never understand why some people simply stink.they don’t smell themselves??
i knew of certain jws that had to be counseled many times because they refused to regularly bathe, wash their hair or use deodorant.
and it’s not just witnesses.
Some people suffer from an ailment that alters their chemistry causing foul body odor.....that is a difficult thing to deal with. But just plain slobs quite another. In some cases mental illness is a factor in a person not properly attending to his personal body health and hygiene.....
New member
by saorean inthis is the first of many posts from me.
i'm pimo, an overseer, somewhere in africa.
i'll hold of giving further details until i've executed my plan to leave the organization.
Welcome and congratulations for seeing through the scam and extricating yourself!
Creepy display
by neat blue dog in.
i dunno about you, but if i walked up to this display at an expo i'd be a little creeped out..
It embarrasses me to think I was ever a part of that lunatic cult. Where oh where were my parents heads...and then you get stuck because its all you know...I just pity the kids that are getting drowned in this insanity.
Publisher ID - I Saw It In Person & It Was Terrifying!
by thedepressedsoul ini'd like to start off this post by saying, we all know that the wt loves control.
it's clear by their history, their wt's, the elder arrangement and so on.
however, after witnessing and using the publish id program in person, it takes this need for control to a whole new level & it was scary.. if you've ever seen builder assist (the website program used for ldc volunteers) or the metro program, it actually looks pretty similar to that.
But why? For what reason are they maintaining such a massive database?
Do You Think Jehovah’s Witnesses Are A Threat To Any Government?
by minimus inrussia believes they are a threat.
the usa has put witnesses in jail in the past.
other countries look at jws as a nuisance.. do you think the witnesses are a threat to governments?
Not a threat in the least. The best they can do is be an innocuous annoyance in the public sense....on a personal level it is emotional and mental abuse...but victims allow that to occur unwittingly....
Hotels Deny Watchtower Discount Rates For 2020 Regional Conventions
by JW GoneBad inthe wtbts is not being given special room rates by 2 major hotels at the long beach convention center area for the upcoming 2020 regional conventions & wt is t'd off.
letters are being read in surrounding circuits and congregations.
apparently wt is afraid that other hotels are going to blackball them as well.. has anyone else heard this?
If there an angle they can line their pockets, they'll find it and exploit it. And sniveling creeps make the lemmings think they're getting a deal. We always booked rooms wherever we place in particular was banned but we stayed there anyway...subsequent years it was back in the list...we booked and got a lower rate than the WT rate as we were regulars. Then we quit conventions forever.
How Does It Make You Feel Kids?
by neat blue dog ina recent printable kids activity asks kids to describe their feelings when marketing various jwdotorg products:.
meanwhile, here's a recent public post from harvest inn's social media profile:.
How awful. Poor kids....
simple illustration by a carpenter
by waton inthis week's study ( no.
88) on the illustration of abraham and the begging lazarus and the rich man, all dying, in heaven and hell fire.
the bible stories, convoluted as they are, even more pretzelled by wt.
Ayiyi...I remember those convoluted explanations of that rich man and Lazarus one. They never made any a lot of other things.....esp that red revelation book. Flights of fancy....