OH....this topic is 1 close to my ARSE!!! (hehehehhe)
I live in the same apt bldg as a former inactive JW sister. This woman and I used to be friends, but the friendship CEASED because she really has issues - and loves MALE attention. She would attempt to 'hook up' with EVERYONES man (married ornot) and she was studying with a nice woman and her daughters, all the while, making blatant attempts to 'screw' this womans boyfriend and asked ME to keep it a secret. She had been married twice (to nuts), DF'd twice because of it, and has been inactive for years bringing man after man into her home - with her young daughter witnessing it all. TRIFFLIN woman if there ever was one!! She and I had a fallin out because I just didn't like how she treated so called 'friends' and her incessant need to have ANY man....so I left her alone. At this time in the org, I was heavily involved - so I had brothers come in to visit me from Bethel, across the US, and from in my circuit all the time!!!! In the past I would include this sister in my gatherings, but since we were no longer friendly, that all stopped. Apparently, she didn't LIKE that and made every attempt to mess up what I had going on. The elders had tried to catch up with this woman sooooo many times (she had a man living with her at this point) but she avoided them at all costs. They would come knock on MY door asking where she was (as IF I was her keeper or gave a rats) ... finally, I start seeing this brother, and he spends a LOT of time at my home - alone. This inactive woman made an attempt to get my bf's attention, and when he turned her down - she decides to call the elders and tell them that she has not been going to meetings because she and her daughter are 'so discouraged' over how I have tons of MEN (brothers) coming in and out of my house on wknds (the 'men' were all JWs), that these men stay the night (she forgot to mention that I LEAVE when they do), and that she has heard noises (sex) when my bf comes over and we're alone. Not ONLY did she make this report, but she also got HER gf to claim she was at the house at the same time and overheard me having sex!!!!! So the elders come over and read all these scriptures...blah blah blah...accuse me of having fornication. I LAUGHED - I mean, this woman has a man LIVING with her, she is a baptized JW, she hasn't been to a meeting in years (no one really cared for this woman anyways) - and they take HER word over mine????? This 'investigation' went on for MONTHS....no exaggeration. I asked to have a mtg with this woman so I could confront her over her accusations - never happened. I had all my friends willing to testify on my behalf that nothing inappropriate happened - they were never spoken to by the brothers. I in turn was honest about ALLL the crap going on in this womans home (SHE was the one with men coming and staying over - all the while her daughter is in the next room). Do you think they opened a case on HER???????????????? Nope! Finally I had to get the C.O. at that time involved because tge witchunt got out of control where the elders would approach me every meeting, NEVER give me an update on what was going on, told me to 'leave it all in jehovah's hands', and would blow me off when I asked WHY procedure was not being followed....the C.O. told them to finish it up and end it - they questioned me AGAIN (never brought this inactive heffa in front of me) and so the case was closed. But it left a BAD gutt feeling that I was being 'watched' by the brothers closely because they did NOT like that the C.O. got involved.