I remember when I was a rank and file and even for 3 years after being disfellowshipped, I thought the shunning was out of love. I just felt like I was bad and was confused as to why I couldn't fix myself and feel close to God. I didnt feel comfortable even talking with other Df'd people. I now see as it as sort of a blessing in disguise. I don't know how many more years I would have devoted to the Watchtower if I wouldn't have made the "mistakes" I did to be kicked out. Also, the way in which the JC handled it seemed okay and "loving" at the time, but as I began to see more clearly I saw how messed up it all was. This helped when I started sorting things out in my head. Not saying it's a good thing.. just trying to remember what it was to think like a rank and file member about Dfing.
That is exactly how I USED to feel...like getting kicked OUT of the 1 place I counted on HELPING me - was an act of 'love' on Jehovah's part! BOO HISS!!!! I'm sorry, but being out NOW and reasoning on that statement, it really shows no compassion or real love on Jehovah's part. My situation was really messed up (involved abuse) - so - that meant that Jehovah loved ME so much that he disposed of ME, yet allowed my abuser to continue in his org as if nothing happened - accepted by all? Or that Jehovah is the kindof God that would deem my LIFE worthless enough to toss me out of his cong despite there being threats on my life and my safety? WOW! Even sadder is that we didnt see all of this till we were out...and felt it was ok to finally think for ourselves. Makes me sad that I treated other DF'd JWs this way when I was still in the org - ignoring them, judging them, looking at them as if it was what they deserved because it was supposedly Jehovah's way of showing 'love' to that person. UGH!