The study found no difference in the levels of Serotonin on the BLOOD STREAM.. But the assumption is that lack of serotonin is on specific spaces inside the BRAIN. So a study is need for that.
However many people who use anti-depressants do show improvement... Because an increase in serotonin does improve your mood and overall happiness. And new discoveries (10 years) have shown that its in the intestines where the majority of serotonin is produced..
How many of us... cultist and ex-cultist suffer from Depression? What percentage that is? I think its on the upper 90%
I have also noticed that mormons also have high incidence on mental issues.... I guess this idea of flying being and magical convesations with magical people and the living on constant fear do take a toll on us.
I too took anti-depreesants..
And yes exercise and diet DO help... the problem is that when you are depressed you dont want to exercise and you eat bad...but is the same with seeking medical help.. when you are depressed you dont care for mental health.
And Pysolocibin has been shown to help on depression with only one use... I tried it several times now.. and Its wonderful on the awareness you can get... 100% down on everybody eating them..... it has now been discovered that wine in rome was always spiked and very frequently with mushrooms...