JoinedTopics Started by witchtowerwitch
What is the number or % of young people leaving the cult?
by witchtowerwitch ini'll bet it's getting up their folks?with the wonderful modern tool known as the internet,anyone can easily read endless information about the witchytowers secret society,and learn of all of their lies and corruptions!ya mon!!!!!!!!!!!
!thank god in heaven,for waiting until man made this high tech.
computer net work,to give us all the ability to chat and research sxxt like this wacky cult,and get the hell out of it,and trade information that exposes all of their dirty rotten evil tactics,all the way back to where it all began,charles taze russel,,,,,the idiot of idiots!.
My independance day started 20 years ago,when i left that God damned cult!
by witchtowerwitch inonly the witchytower can be free to do and say what ever they want,,,,,it's too bad that their rank and file dubs are denied those same rights!how can we be free moral agents,when we have morons telling us all lies?ask questions,or disagree,and out the door you go,as fast as a hot cake!people,,,remember 1 peter 4:17 ,,,,,,,,,,,judgement begins with the house of god,butt the problem here is that they are not, nor ever were gods house,hehehe lol ...!do not touch or change one word in the bible?about 20 false armageddon dates?dubs door to door preaching,now not the separating of the sheep and goats,,,,guess they finally found jesus words,that that is his job after the great trib.
is over?1914 a false date,and the creators promise that they = 1914 generation would be alive to see the end,now an expanded generation?god help us?so now their telling the rank and file,just forget everything you learned from us in the past?done borgs,,,,,,,,20 years ago done,so i was ahead of my time on that point,,,,hehehe lol!idiots!.
1 John 4:1-4 says...brothers test every inspired expression to see if it originates with God or not!
by witchtowerwitch inhow can any of us test the witchtowers teachings when we're forbidden to do so,is that not signs of a mind controlling cult?yes it is my fellow free minders!.
Witchtower HQs GB enjoys 100% total information control over the rank and file,thus they FEAR the INTERNET!
by witchtowerwitch inwhen any group like religious ones tells their members that they are not allowed to question their authority and directives and infomation / teachings ,.......................then red flags should pop up all over town people,and this signals a cult or cult like practices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!espcially when the gb tell jws that they are not allowed to surf the internet freely,then they have something to hide from ok,and what their hiding from is 130 years of lies and false prophecies and tons of corruptions in their little shop of horrors down there in nyc,,,hehehe lol,,,but it's not so funny people!anyone can easily read all about the trash that comes from this mind control cult!.
Tloday tak was on 607 BCE.,,,,what a lie people,,,everyone knows it was 587 BCE,and non of that matters,since the witchtower is only 600 years off ,hehe lol!
by witchtowerwitch injesus said,jerusalem will be trampled on,then the appointed times will begin,will be denotes a future time at 70 ce not 587 bce .fxxkin idiots!.
Forget everything we said/printed in the past????This is the latest witchtower mind control tactic?Well done dubs!
by witchtowerwitch inwelcome to the 21st century cult experts people!of course they want all dubs to forget everything that they were taught in the past,because it was all lies okay!you have got to be kidding me right?so should i forget my baptism,the bible,all publications,and everything that was taught for the last 130 years?done folks,,,,i'm in ,and have been forgotten that wacky cult shxt for over 25 years now,,,amen!
i wish that the gb would have said that 45 years ago,,,hehehe ,,,,lol,,,i would have left back then!i'm trying to forget all of this nonsense,but it is very hard to,seeing them down in nyc scrambling to save all of the dead prophecies that never came true!i'm laughing so hard that i'm crying now!.
king,,,,,,,dumb,,,,,,,hall,,,,,,,,????????How stupid are these mindless idiots?
by witchtowerwitch inafter 130 years of false prophecying,like 20 false armageddon dates,russels witchtower pyramid measurements @1914,,hehehe lol,and every other flip flop teaching,like all of them,like the expanded 1914 generation?come on people,get real with this sxxt ok?then their is the 8th king membership for about 10 years?how can the dubs stay in there and swallow all of this nonsense is beyond me ok?i can't go on about these fools any more,it is just too sad people,to see good hearted witchtowerite like christians being mislead down a road to no where okay?soon the truth about the truth will be seen by all,,,hehehe lol,,,!the only difference between these cultist and the jxxxs compound,is the missing vat of purple koolaid?most of them know that something is very wrong,but they have a social club to maintain,and besides,they all have way too much pride to admit that their teachings are all wrong,and they have infested their whole lives into that church,some over 60 years okay,so to leave now would mean that their whole life as a witness was all for nothing,and that is a reality that they refuse to think about or accept!glad i'm out of there now for over 25 years!.
Reinstatement in the kingdom hall means that you'll still be shunned by all for a long time = decades!
by witchtowerwitch indon't count on too much mercy my fine featherd friends,,,hehehe,,,lol...!after your reinstated,it will take 20 to 30 years before the dubs start to forget your sorted past.....and you all know this right?so why bother crawling back with you little tail between your legs,so a bunch of glorious elders can save face before the rank and file?no one should be df okay,as this was not the teachings of jesus,only paul who wrote this stuff,but could some wacko in the last 2000 years have inserted this satanic practice into the scriptures to control the masses and manipulate them?the apostle paul wrote too many contradictions in his writings,so why trust in anything that he wrote about?why trust the gb in hq/nyc as to their writings in these past 130 years,since everything that they wrote about is all lies,,,hehehe lol...!who is going to disfellowship them in the hq department for being liars?maybe jehovah will do it in his own due time?.
Who like jehovah witness?I don't for sure!
by witchtowerwitch inthey won't give you the sweat off of there balls!.
Are the JWs of today really Russelites?Yes,and here's why!
by witchtowerwitch inif any witness today desided to go back in time to about 25 years ago,and teach what the witchtower taught back then,then they would be disfellowshiped.but the witchtower is not consistant with it's own pracitices okay!....................1914 is a false date,now that all of the 1914 generation is dead,and everything that charles taze russel taught was a lie and false,especially 1914,since he copied this false 7 prophetic times from john a. brown from about the year 1800,but russel jazzed it up some more by putting his own spin on the calulation of the 1914 date, by using measurements of egyptian pyramids in inches of there door ways to equal years of time,so he came up with some wierd shit that only a wacko like russel could, to sucker in followers to believe all of his bull shit about the end times/1914,,,hehehe, lol, what and idiot he was folks!the occult part about this too,is the fact that the witchtower up until 1943, taught that 1874 was the beginning of the end times,not 1914 as they have written in throught their books and magazines for over 50 years now,but how many witnesses know about this today?not very many i bet?never the less,,,,,,,,,,,if the witchtower hangs onto russels main lie about the 1914 date,are they not fools and corrupt people?hell yes,and they are the real apostates not us!if the light gets brighter every year,then why do they still hold onto lies from russels past?you all know that answer,,,,,,it is to keep the pressure of preaching on all of the rank and file so to speak,,,,as the end is right around the corner,,,hehehe what idiots!russel was a fool people,and so is anyone who still teaches his ancient false shit today~!and russel was a false prophet people,and so are the ones that still hold onto his false dates = 1914 and a few more of his nonsense dates from back then!.