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JoinedPosts by goldensky
6/15/10 WT - p. 8, par. 12
by sd-7 in"what else do we learn from the experience of the psalmist?
he found security and wisdom among god's people.
he started reasoning clearly and logically when he went to the place where jehovah was worshipped.
What was your initial reaction to finding out the religion is a cult?
by make yourself inmine was filled with shock and anger but mostly anger.
it made me feel that way because i have never been lied to like that growing up in the religion with it being all you know.
Thank you, Serenitynow! You are right, many if not most of you weren't that happy in the organization, which makes my question even more relevant: shouldn't more of you then have jumped for joy somewhat more immediately after your realisation without necessarily having to go through those painful stages? I don't mean everybody, but why do I seem to be the odd case?
What was your initial reaction to finding out the religion is a cult?
by make yourself inmine was filled with shock and anger but mostly anger.
it made me feel that way because i have never been lied to like that growing up in the religion with it being all you know.
I've loved all your answers, but I was quite surprised nobody seems to have jumped straight from being very happy in the organization to being very happy outside, just me from what I've heard so far. Am I weird? I mean, I'm glad for myself, but your reasons for feeling down and disappointed, angry and confused are SO legitimate! Why didn't I go through any of that? That's what this thread has me wondering...
how long in truth,,,what was the final "straw"
by peaches ini was in for 30 years.....my ex was an elder...."holy spirit appointed" he tortured me....i was married 33+ years....you know,,,marriage is sacred...you can leave,,,i know,,,,if abuse is intolerable....but that starts a series of events...etc etc etc....i finally left everything...and moved far away.....people actually believe "holy spirit" appoints people,,,my ex would not pray unless there was an audience...you know,,,,people invited over for supper kind of thing,,,you get the point..... my best friend had a mental breakdown,,,,she basically became psychotic.....had to be hospitalized....she took up smoking,,,got disfellowshipped...and lost all emotional support....to this day,,,,as far as i know,,,she is still disfellowshipped...needs to be hospitialized every so often....she is on complete disability.....and still trying to get back into the org....her mother does support some what,,,,even though she is a witness herself,,,,,takes her to assemblies,,,,memorial,,,etc,,,,this has gone on for years.....she cannot mentally handle the organization,,,nor can she mentally handle not being a witness...lost everything....guilt....etc..... did not mean to ramble on so much......i have mental scars that will not go away....because i stayed in a "mess" for god,,,,i could write page after page of things like the above....as being my "last straw".......curious about you here on the board....any specific "breaking point" or a collection of many things..... thanks for your in put...peaches.
Dear Peaches, I'm truly sorry you are carrying those scars and very sincerely hope time will be a healing factor for you.
I was a devout witness for 45 years, since the age of 3 till almost one year ago. I had been having doctrinal doubts for the previous two years and praying hard about it, while totally involved with the congregation. I woke up one Sunday morning (that week I had gone to all my meetings, answered profusely at all of them, gone out in service my usual two or three days, as I had been doing for as long as I can remember) and a whole different picture popped up in my mind: Jehovah was not directing the organization and, since he was not answering such a legitimate prayer for more faith, chances were he had never listened to me or to any other human for that matter. In a couple of hours I made up my mind and the next day I announced to my presiding overseer I'd never go back to meetings, no reasons given. I've never regretted it: the prospects in front of me ever since that momentous day are too bright to miss any of it looking back.
I wish you peace of mind and many happy days.
Wow, Titus, how did you do that?
Atheist: What words of comfort do you give when you find out someone is terminally ill?
by cyberjesus ini found out someone i know is terminally ill. before i would put my jw hat and give them comfort from the bible and the hope of resurrection.
but now that i dont believe in paradise nor in heaven what do you say to someone who is terminally ill and still has some religious beliefs?.
Very good question, Cyberjesus... Just a few months ago my heart swelled wih enthusiasm as I shared the words at John 5: 28, 29. I was so full of contagious conviction that in many cases I could tell I had brought real comfort to the person. But now the question of an afterlife hangs in the air without any possible proof one way or another, and I know I will be puzzled next time I face this issue. It's good you bring this out, you've made me aware I must give some thought to an appropriate answer.
I like what some of the posters have said. I want to reread their good answers.
Melbourne Australia weather right now....what's your weather like today and where are you?
by Witness 007 intook my dogs for a walk on a beatiful mild sunny day 24 degrees.
winter is coming soon so i cleaned our wall heater!
i have never seen snow here but our cars and lawns can frost over with cold night temps so hows your weather?.
I live in Madrid. When I took my kids out this morning to drive them to school, "springtime was in the air". Many flowers had bloomed as if magically (I'm sure they've been out for a few days, but I saw them today for the first time) and I ran to some beautiful daffodils with my kids in tow to admire their beautiful "faces". Some red rosebuds had appeared overnight as well, and the town is all colourful with flowers basking in the warm sunshine. I wondered about all of you, whether you were also experiencing the thrill of so much natural beauty in your respective localities...
Here's my story! (Long one!)
by its_me! inhere is a quick version of my life in the org.
i was born and raised in it.
my father was physically and mentally abusive to my siblings and i. he was inactive from the meetings and service for much of my life.
Dear its_me...,
It's just sickening that you've experienced so much abuse on the part of your father, husbands and other witnesses in the congregation. I never suffered any of that, so that behaviour is totally alien to me. It's beyond me how anybody can treat somebody as humble, gentle, and kind-hearted as you with so much cruelty and still look at themselves in the mirror every morning. It makes me so sad and angry...
It's great that you've found this board. We all wish you a swift recovery from your wounds. Best of luck to you. OLGA.
Would you be shattered if your mate had sex with someone else? Why?
by goldensky inplease don't say, "yes, for obvious reasons".. it's not obvious to me..
Crazy2try, wow! Few men encounter so much understanding on the part of their wives. Congratulations! No wonder you have such a great relationship.
Voideater and Jwfacts, very interesting points (Jwfacts, I feeling like hugging your baby everytime your avatar pops up...).
Would you be shattered if your mate had sex with someone else? Why?
by goldensky inplease don't say, "yes, for obvious reasons".. it's not obvious to me..
A vital clarification is needed: I'm not asking him for the same freedom in exchange. Due to my JW upbringing, I'm impaired for life from ever engaging in sex with any other man but him, at least for as long as he lives.