"Why can't we believe both? Perhaps 'reality' is eternal life."
Well said, Paul!
me.. wasting time believing in such silliness is like hoping one day to turn into mickey mouse.
why not accept life now, while you have it, and understand that like all others before you, you are going to die too.
you won't wake from that.
"Why can't we believe both? Perhaps 'reality' is eternal life."
Well said, Paul!
may you all have peace!.
a little while ago a dear one referred to my trip to "bethel" and discussion with carey barber.
he asked if he could read them.
Dear all,
I've just read the thread for the first time - its many responses arose my curiosity. I don't usually read any threads started by AGuest - and... I have no words. Do you know the impression I was under as I was reading it? That it was just a dream and the next day I would post here saying: "You'll never believe the strange dream I had last night".
Have I gone crazy overnight?
Because I have grown to love you and I want to know what's going on in your lives. Because you make me laugh and cry and both feel wonderful. Because I learn new facts every day that fascinate me. Because through this site I've come to meet some loving people that have taught me what humility and objectivity mean. You are stuck with me now.
if you're an ex-atheist, what changed your mind?.
please be as brief or comprehensive as you'd like.
Thanks for the link, Sylvia. Wow! More confirmation of my observations. Just in his line, isn't it?
to you, Leavingwt.
would you use the handicap stall that is big and roomy ... even if other smaller stalls were available?.
"I like to stretch out with a newspaper. Can't do that in the smaller stalls." LOL, Sacolton.
"Stop practicing my Kegels and hurry out of there!" LOL, Sylvia.
if you're an ex-atheist, what changed your mind?.
please be as brief or comprehensive as you'd like.
Dear Leavingwt, I just wanted to tell you how I delight in your open-mindedness, your objectivity and your respectful attitude towards all posters, and that not just on this thread, where it definitely stands out, but as your general demeanour on the board.
(I'd also love to know your opinion on the book "The Shack" if you get to read it -I'm quite puzzled by the good reactions of people whose opinions I respect compared to my disappointment and anger as I read it-).
for newer members.
if you haven't already done so, please visit the site and have a look around.
here are a few of my favorite pages, there:.
Dear Leavingwt, that's the site that removed the last scales off my eyes (although I'm proud to say I had already dropped everything overnight two months before discovering it).
what god could have done to show himself:.
he could have left incontrovertible evidence of his existence.he could have made it impossibly evident that mankind has been here only 6000 years, not the 200,000 give or take, that fossil evidence supports.
he could have provided evidence through jesus to millions of non-believers, instead of focusing on a small band of fanatical followers eager to point to 'the messiah'.he could at any time, being the ultimate of beings, just simply show himself in the sky, speak to millions instead of to the lonely occasional deluded sheepherder in the desert, or provide miracles to millions of us as observers - part the ocean, cure cancer and announce it from heaven in a clear unmistakable voice, or instantaneously stop starvation and plague in it's tracks.
Dear AK-Jeff, I love all your posts.
Mais tutoie-moi, mon cher ami Paul!
Well, as tempting as I would find it to carry on in French, I'll switch to English for fear of being rightfully told off. So, Paul, you speak French as well! I'm impressed too. Listen, I'll be happy to translate whatever you may desire (I'm used to translating -ha, ha!) if you can't get hold of a native who would do a far better job than me. Languages are my hobby and a real thrill to me.
Awildflower, not bad at all! Did you take French at school?
Belbab, your mastery of French makes mine pale in comparison. I envy you...
Cher Paul, bien que je suis espagnole, si tu as besoin d'une petite traduction ou quelque chose d'autre, je serai heureuse de t'aider. Il y avait Narkissos, bien sûr, mais ça fait longtemps qu'on ne l'entend pas...