Why is god hiding?

by AK - Jeff 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    What god could have done to show himself:

    • He could have left incontrovertible evidence of his existence.
    • He could have made it impossibly evident that mankind has been here only 6000 years, not the 200,000 give or take, that fossil evidence supports.
    • He could have provided evidence through Jesus to millions of non-believers, instead of focusing on a small band of fanatical followers eager to point to 'the messiah'.
    • He could at any time, being the ultimate of beings, just simply show himself in the sky, speak to millions instead of to the lonely occasional deluded sheepherder in the desert, or provide miracles to millions of us as observers - part the ocean, cure cancer and announce it from heaven in a clear unmistakable voice, or instantaneously stop starvation and plague in it's tracks.
    • He could have provided more than anecdotal 'proof' of his existence and involvement in 'creation'.
    • As the supposed most powerful of all supernatural beings, he could have provided unmistakable real evidence seen daily, instead of 'evidence' that can be easily explained by non-supernatural science.

    Why did god hide the evidence that would clearly mark his handiwork. Why is the universe set up to appear precisely as if god were never involved in it's 'creation'? Why do the natural laws, including natural selection, make it so difficult to identify god in the processes? Why is complete acceptance of god dependent, not on logical evidence and rational conclusion, but on something called 'Faith'? And isn't 'faith' just another way of stating a willingness to bypass the evidence in order to show preference to an unprovable conclusion?

    Believers can demand that there really is a god. They can demand that he wants us to believe him. They might insist that 'salvation', whatever that means to their particular set of beliefs, is dependent on 'faith' in god, instead of objective proof of god. This is the believers' desire. Believers often invent elaborate imagery for god, and insistence on his existence. They often construct elaborate reasons for keeping himself so well disguised.

    Then the believer must create mental gymnastics and justifications in order to make the whole story plausible with the scientific evidence to the contrary.

    I have to just ask simply: Why? Why faith instead of evidence? Are those who believes in god due to 'faith' better servants of god in some obtuse manner? Why would god withhold solid incontrovertible evidence and prefer than one who would believe in god due to 'faith' alone?

    The believer could simply ask himself this question:

    Could it just be that the world looks just like there is no God because there is no God? Could it appear that what seems delusion is just delusion?



    The WBT$ fired Jesus..God is afraid he`s next..


  • sacolton

    I found Him!

  • superpunk

    IIRC, God wants to prove to humans that they cannot live in a world where earthquakes occur, while exercising the free will that he gave them.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I would hide too if I had as much to answer for as him.


    Oh dear Jeff - you have opened up a can of spiritual worms with this one.

    There are as many gods as you want there to be, or as few, one, or none. It is all in the mind. I personally keep my gods on a CD - it frees up my mind for carnal matters.

    God is there for those that want to believe he is there and if it comforts them or fills a need or emptiness inside, then good luck to them. I would personally rather wrestle with a tiger than a god, but then that's my trade.

    Faith is the essential mental requirement, even the bible gets that bit right. For me, if it doesn't bark and wag its tail it is not a god, sorry dog, unless it is Outlaw!

    May Aphrodite, Dyonysos and Jupiter bless you and protect you from pagans.

  • tec

    Great post. Have to go to work, will respond later... BTW, I believe in God, and I do not think that I 'bypass' evidence to show preference to an unprovable conclusion.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Good analogy Glad.

    If someone told me not to walk thru the yard because the invisible dog would bite me - why should I worry? A real dog is clear to see. The argument works with a real dog. No denial for a real dog.

    If they showed me this invisible shit, the invisible leash, and told me the barks were inaudible to the human ear, and that what I really lacked was 'faith', and that I was the crazy one for not 'believing', I would stop, not pass go, not collect $200, and call the guys with the little white coats. Yet, when such dismal delusion grips millions, it somehow seems acceptable to then grab onto the delusion because 'everyone is doin' it'.

    Sorry, I prefer reality now that I have found it. Once I see the dog I will believe. Otherwise it is delusion, no matter how grand the delusion has become.


  • snowbird
    Sorry, I prefer reality now that I have found it. Once I see the dog I will believe. Otherwise it is delusion, no matter how grand the delusion has become.

    I don't think so, else you wouldn't continue the quest.

    Peace to you.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Sylvia - in all respect - what 'quest' do you believe I am on?

    Life in general is a quest I suppose. Knowledge is to be mined and considered, sometimes at great depth. In these I continue to quest. But not in any search for god if that is your suggestion. I solidly believe he is either dead [either literally or metaphorically] or never was.

    Further, why would any god worth his salt expect us to 'quest' for him? Why not show himself, remove doubt, and allow logical and rational people to know him easily?


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