aheeheehee@ Babel On the Grape.
Good one
in 1993, a former jehovahs witness kingdom hall in commerce became the new spiritual home for some two dozen catholic families and it was named st. catherine laboure to honor sister catherine and the french nun who was given the vision of mary now inscribed on the miraculous medal.. .
see: http://www.georgiabulletin.org/local/2009/12/24/st_catherine_laboure_dedication/.
why do the witnesses always stress "free home bible study"?.
as if other religions charge for them.
i never understood that lol..
why do the witnesses always stress "free home bible study"?.
as if other religions charge for them.
i never understood that lol..
why do the witnesses always stress "free home bible study"?.
as if other religions charge for them.
i never understood that lol..
no not about the blood issue, though i would say yes to that.. what i'm talking about is in regard to the preaching work.
i recently commented on a thread that i thought field service was an inconvenient necessity when you are a witness.
many active ones probably feel the same way today, as it is their ticket to paradise earth.
"Christendom" uses those tools to advertise and spread the Word, which means the WT would never do anything to resemble them..sad.
I have often wondered the same thing and when i asked hubby, he says that the door to door work is what Jesus commanded them to do, not like "lazy Babylon The Great" where they just broadcast online and on TV which means the rest of the world is lazy and don't get out the bed to worship. (rolls eyes) gotta love them..
in 1993, a former jehovahs witness kingdom hall in commerce became the new spiritual home for some two dozen catholic families and it was named st. catherine laboure to honor sister catherine and the french nun who was given the vision of mary now inscribed on the miraculous medal.. .
see: http://www.georgiabulletin.org/local/2009/12/24/st_catherine_laboure_dedication/.
why do the witnesses always stress "free home bible study"?.
as if other religions charge for them.
i never understood that lol..
the holidays are here and they certainly do present a problem for jehovah's witnesses once again.
christmas parties at work, getting christmas bonuses, dealing with holiday greetings, christmas carols, decorated trees and houses, santa claus everywhere, christmas candy, sleighbells ringing brings the witnesses into a very troubling and disturbing time of year.how do most witnesses handle it all?
we will be discussing these questions with former witnesses and active witnesses on the conference call this saturday night, december 19,2009 at 7 p.m. the conference call is presented like a radio talk show program.
funny .. I was gonna start a topic about my hubby recieving flack at his job today for taking the Xmas bonus.
While he gladly recieved his Xmas bonus check and his holiday giftcard recently, but when the coworkers asked for donations to purchase the boss a Xmas gift, he proudly tells them "I don't celebrate the Holidays so I will not pitch in"..They in return replied "well if you don't celebrate Xmas, then why did you accept the bonus and giftcards?"
He tells them.."well it's not an Xmas bonus, it's a "year end bonus!". Needless to say, they were not buying that and they made him feel pretty small.
He came home to me complaining about the dudes at work dogging him out about accepting it and I simply stated, "well what do you expect? It doesn't seem fair that you take but don't give. Non-Witnesses cannot understand that concept" lol... He was tongue tied, because their is no way in explaining that, because it just doesn't make sense at all.
Just more hypocrisy from J dubs...
would love to hear how.
i'm sure many others here would also..
it never fails to amaze me how hypocritical the watchtower is.. the november 1, 2009 watchtower's title is "exposed: six myths about christianity".
myth 1: the soul is immortal.
myth 2: the wicked suffer in hell.