JoinedPosts by yalbmert99
Everlasting life on a paradise earth? Unlikely!
by yalbmert99 inthe watchtower of january 1st, 2010 p. 22-23 pretends that "all who respond favorably to gods warning and bring their life into harmony with his righteous principles (meaning jehovah's witnesses) will be granted salvation and enjoy everlasting life on a paradise earth.".
but is it true?.
astrophysicists say that like other stars of its type, our sun will become a planet-engulfing red giant.
Everlasting life on a paradise earth? Unlikely!
by yalbmert99 inthe watchtower of january 1st, 2010 p. 22-23 pretends that "all who respond favorably to gods warning and bring their life into harmony with his righteous principles (meaning jehovah's witnesses) will be granted salvation and enjoy everlasting life on a paradise earth.".
but is it true?.
astrophysicists say that like other stars of its type, our sun will become a planet-engulfing red giant.
The Watchtower of January 1st, 2010 p. 22-23 pretends that "all who respond favorably to God’s warning and bring their life into harmony with his righteous principles (meaning Jehovah's Witnesses) will be granted salvation and enjoy everlasting life on a paradise earth."
But is it true?
Astrophysicists say that like other stars of its type, our Sun will become a planet-engulfing red giant. Why would our Sun have a different fate? Just because the Watchtower says so? In fact, earth will be vaporized by our sun. There will be no everlasting life and no paradise earth.
Here is an interesting article about our Sun's fate : : The Fate of the Sun
The sun has been shining for about 4.5 billion years [source: Berkeley]. The size of the sun is a balance between the outward pressure made by the release of energy from nuclear fusion and the inward pull of gravity. Over its 4.5 billion years of life, the sun's radius has gotten about 6 percent bigger [source: Berkeley]. It has enough hydrogen fuel to "burn" for about 10 billion years, meaning it has a bit over 5 billion years left, and during this time it will continue to expand at the same rate [source: Berkeley].
When the core runs out of hydrogen fuel, it will contract under the weight of gravity; however, some hydrogen fusion will occur in the upper layers. As the core contracts, it heats up and this heats the upper layers causing them to expand. As the outer layers expand, the radius of the sun will increase and it will become a red giant, an elderly star.
The radius of the red giant sun will be 100 times what it is now, lying just beyond the Earth's orbit, so the Earth will plunge into the core of the red giant sun and be vaporized [source: NASA]. At some point after this, the core will become hot enough to cause the helium to fuse into carbon.
When the helium fuel has exhausted, the core will expand and cool. The upper layers will expand and eject material.
Finally, the core will cool into a white dwarf.
Eventually, it will further cool into a nearly invisible black dwarf. This entire process will take a few billion years.
So for the next several billion years, humanity is safe -- in terms of the sun's existence, at least. Other debacles are anybody's guess. -
WTF? Steven Untank's money accounts suddenly closed!!
by mind blown inthis is weird?!
i just came accross this on mr unthank's personal site: recently read something where the wts is, let's just say connected, to various institutions/companies to wield/get their this one or just coincidence?
moniespersonal message from steven unthank.
The Watchtower is obviously behing that. They pressured paypal. Just to let you know, I had Google Adwords ads on my site for a year and after a year, I got a message from Google Adwords saying they'd stopped displaying ads on my site because my site ditn't respect their rules, citing my page on pedophilia in the JW's. The watchtower clearly did a complaint to Google Adwords.
France : another JW pedophile
by yalbmert99 infeb 2, 2012. google tranlsation :.
original in french :.
Feb 2, 2012
Google tranlsation :
Original in french :
Atheist Quote of the day
by whereami inchristians have put up with a theory of salvation that has at its core the idea that god requires the sacrifice of his own son so that human sin can be cancelled.
'there was no other good enough to pay the price of sin,' we will all sing.
the fact this is a disgusting idea, and morally degenerate, is obvious to all but those indoctrinated into a very narrow reading of the cross.. giles fraser.
I like Robert Pirsig's statement in Lila that "when one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion."
Australia : a JW woman dies after refusing blood
by yalbmert99 in
SOUTHPARK - Scientology episode removed from DVD boxset!!! Why??
by Witness 007 injust heard on the radio the episode they did on scientology was not on the new season dvd boxset.
an ex- member released documents from the church on the net showing a campaign of harrassment against the shows creators.
one example even their garbage was investigated for anything they could use.
Cults are waging a war.
Watchtower $
by outsmartthesystem indoes anyone else get the sneaking idea that perhaps the borg is worth a lot more $ than even we suspect?
do you think it is possible that over the past 100 + years they have managed to hord tens upon tens upon tens of billions of dollars?
i wonder that because.....they aren't completely retarded.
10 years ago, a news site said : watchtower Revenue: $951 million U.S. dollars : The watchtower owns billions in real estate too.
Court grants transfusion order for Jehovahs Witness baby
by yalbmert99 incourt grants transfusion order for jehovahs witness baby sept, 23 2011.
Court grants transfusion order for Jehovah’s Witness baby sept, 23 2011
Watchtower admits the KISS method works - Nov 1, 2011 WT, p. 24
by Alleymom inthe following posts and graphics refer to the k.i.s.s.
(keep it simple, sweetie) approach to 587/586 bce,.
which i introduced on july 12, 2003.. here is a link to the original thread:.
Thanks for posting this!