The WTS has problems with fulfillment of the "last generation" but not the true elect. The "ten virgins" start out together -- these represent the WTS. The WTS is also the field that was sown in with weeds. "Let the two grow up together until the harvest." That means even though corrupted early on, Jehovah still used the WTS to preach the "good news" and focus on 1914, even though everything taught about that date is not correct. It begins the generation that would see all the prophesied signs. This "genereation" would begin with a world war. So 1914 is correct for beginning the generation that would see those signs. But since Jerusalem actually fell in 529 BCE, the 2nd coming occurs in 1992 and thus 1914 is wrong for the end of the "7 times." Also, the "end of the gentile times", which also ends the 1290 days (Daniel 12) is a reference to the natural Jews and thus occurs on November 30, 1947 when the Jews officially came out of exile. So the "end of the gentile times" is also not 1914, but 1947.
But I don't want anybody tho think the Bible is not true or is not being fulfilled. Basically, after the 2nd coming there is a period of time when Satan is on the earth preparing the nations for Armageddon and that is an unspecified time. Thus Armageddon is not part of the "genereation" events mentioned by Jesus Christ that would all come to pass within a generation.
On that note, the vast majority of the signs and the "end of the system of things" which is a reference to the end of the gentile times and not Armageddon, all occur within a generation of just 40 years from 1914-1954!! The major events fulfilled are:
1. The "great tribulation" against the "holy ones", which is not Armageddon but the Holocaust. That was fulfilled before 1954!
2. The appearance of the new state of Israel, represented by the budding fig tree. That occurred in the Spring of 1948, again, before 1954! The State Of Israel must be reestablished and the Jews come out of exile prior to the second coming or the appearance of the messiah since the Bible says when you see the budding of the fig tree then know that he is "near at the doors."
3. The "end of the system of things", that is, the end of the gentile times was to occur when the "good news" had been preached worldwide. That meant that the little congregation of Bible Students would be a confirmed international organization prior to the end of the gentile times in 1947. But this was LITERALLY fulfilled when NH Knorr took a worldwide preaching tour early in 1947. Thus the "good news" was lliterally preached around the world just before "the end" came, which took place on November 30, 1947.
Kingdom Proclamation Surges Ahead
With a view to worldwide expansion, on February 6, 1947, the Society’s president and his secretary, Milton G. Henschel, embarked on a 47,795-mile [76,916 km] world service tour. The trip took them to islands of the Pacific, New Zealand, Australia, Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, the Mediterranean area, Central and Western Europe, Scandinavia, England, and Newfoundland. It was the first time since 1933 that representatives of the Society’s headquarters staff in Brooklyn had been able to visit their brothers in Germany. Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world followed the two travelers as reports of the trip were published in issues of The Watchtower throughout 1947.
(Proclaimers, p. 98)
4. The "end of the system of things" which is a reference to the end of the gentile times did occur on November 30, 1947.
5. The appearance of the "sign of the sone of man." This sign is made up of cloud images that are seen by the chosen elect depicting a dead black child. This relates to the second coming since the imperfect man chosen as the physical body of the Christ at the second coming goes through some spiritual challenges and for a while loses himself in immorality and thus becomes spiritually dead for a while. That is why the eagles are said to surround a "carcass." At any rate, the appearance of this chosen imperfect individual occurs 42 years before the actual second coming and is said to occur shortly after the State of Israel is set up. That is, this individual is born and then tested for 40 years before appearing as the promised messiah at the beginning of the 70th week, which begins in the Fall of 1989. He becomes anointed as the Christ in the middle of the week, which means by April 6, 1993. So he must be born by 1949-1950 to fulfill this. Indeed, the "pre-messiah" was born on January 19, 1950, at which time the "sign of the son of man" began to appear.
So all these above things occurred as prophesied, within the first 40 years of 1914.
As far as Armageddon is concerned, it comes on the heels of the UN takeover of world government. Right now a global government to manage the global economy makes sense. When the UN takes over and is finally able to say "peace and security," then Armageddon will occur.
In the meantime, the 2nd coming occurs 45 years after the "end of the gentile times" which also ends the 1290 days, and thus in 1992. This matches the fall of Jerusalem in 529 BCE which can be confirmed by the VAT4956.
So in SUMMARY, sure the WTS is having problems with having Matthew 24's last generation being fulfilled, but that's because they have the wrong interpretation. They think the "end of the system of things" is a reference to Armageddon, but it is a reference to the end of the gentile times, which ended in 1947. In the meantime, everything is right on schedule. The pre-messiah appears shortly after the State of Israel is set up, which occurred in 1948. The "sign of the son of man" began appearing from the time of his birth in 1950. The 2nd coming did take place on December 25, 1992. It is now approaching 21 years since the 2nd coming. After arriving, Christ must have his angels gather in the elect; in the meantime, Satan is preparing the nation sfor Armageddon, which is a confrontation between Christ and the UN. So far, especially based on the economic crisis created, the world is moving toward world government, even the USA! So everything is still right on schedule as far as the Bible's timeline is concerned.
I don't want to hijack this thread, but I also don't want people to think others of the anointed don't have the correct understanding or that the Bible, somehow, is also not true just because the WTS is having a hard time with making their interpretations work out.
The Bible is true and Bible chronology and prophesy are being fulfilled just as written.