Topics Started by jb
Back Surgery
by AuntieJane inhi guys, i'm asking for your support as i face a frightful event...back surgery.
excrutiating pain for about 6 weeks due to the l2-3 herniation.
i have had problems only since.
Tick bite/Lyme disease...any experiences with this?
by restrangled indear all,.
my husband came back from a 3 day camping trip in northern il.
he was fine up until last week.. suddenley, he was so exhausted, achey, and had a constant headache 2 weeks later.
HELP!! ADVICE....Saying NO to pioneering
by Kristofer ini have a female friend who i've been discussing the religion with.
she definitely has doubts about the org but isn't sure on leaving just yet as she has still got about 6 months to go being a minor dependent on the parents.
lately, she's been getting heavy pressure to start pioneering.
Facing Death-Change of Heart?
by kojo inhello, i'm new here and finally remembered what email i used to log in when i signed up.
i wasn't able to respond to past posts ,so sorry if anyone asked a question and i didnt reply.
my question this time is if anyone here has known someone or have themselves faced death ( a near-death experience, illness, old age,etc.
by badboy inone notices that some jws don't seem to do fs in their neighbourhood,is this common?
Talking to my mother...
by mrsjones5 ini was talking to my mother last night and towards the end of our conversation she said "oh i'm tired so after i get off the phone with you i'm going to get in bed and study my watchtower.
then i said "i know what you mean but i have to get the kids in bed.
they want to go to church tomorrow but they dont want to go to bed and it's hard for them get up for church if they dont have enough sleep.
How many did you "bring in"
by slugga incredit to
how many people did you bring into the truth, what was there reaction to you fading, daing or getting df'd and do you feel guilty about it now?
Do you consider posting here as "Therapy" for you?
by JH in.
is this place therapy for you, or just a place to mingle?
Watchtower baptises mentally ill ?
by oldflame indoes the wtachtower baptise the mentally ill ?
it sure seems like it with all the new freaks here making claims of being prophets and jesus this how low they will go to get their numbers up ?
it really makes me wonder.......