Answer to elder-schmelder: Built before the Flood that never happened. Questions for the WTBTS:
1) Since hundreds of pharaoh's are known from archaeology and their reigns dated, why does the Society not take the list and give their own datings for each of them? Then we should believe... Well, they might get into some trouble, because many of the names are connected to the known history of other nations as well... but here is the challenge to the Brooklyn guys: Update the table
2) Concerning the dating of the pyramids, a couple of years ago I read Chris Turney's book Bones, Rocks and Stars, with some interesting stuff on independent dating of the pyramids based on astronomical data (nothing to do with Alcyone...). Or is this problem for the Society solved by 'sun standing still' etc?
3) Another question for the Society: After the Flood, how much time would be needed for such a big nation and a strong civilization to evolve so that it could produce monuments such as the great pyramid? Some time had already been lost in building the first tower and relocating and there were no giants left on earth...