JoinedPosts by freydo
Top 10 Signs You Might Not Be A Libertarian
by Elsewhere ini have known many republicans who claim to be libs all the time, thinking that republicans are somehow closer to libertarians then democrats are.
i tell them, no, on social issues, dems are a lot closer.
personally, that is the important part.. .
Things You'll Never Hear a JW Say ...
by sacolton incheck out the responses:.
if you already have a fb account ... join our channel!.
1Cor11:17 "In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings do more harm than good."
Top 10 reasons why JWs don't have the truth - please contribute
by oldlightnewshite ini thought it would be an interesting exercise to ask everybody on here what their 'top 10 reasons why jws don't have the truth' actually were.
maybe we can see some correlating views/patterns/ideas that may help us de-programme the newbies that come on this site.
if eventually most people have an outstanding gripe/concern it'll help everybody understand the ex-jw mindset a little better.
debator - What those who are "not under", is the condemnation that the law demands for violation. The law could never acquit or justify, only condemn. In other words a death sentence. but that is for unintentional transgression. Willful transgression is a whole nother matter. See Heb 10:26-29 which jw's hardly ever quote, while you can hardly ever go to a meeting without hearing them quoting Heb 10:23-25. What hypocrisy! It's as bad as the Talmud saying that as long as you keep the Sabbath that you are keeping the whole law. BTW - I ran into a couple of my orthodox Jewish contacts today and asked how Rosh Hashanah(their New Year) could be the New Year when it's in the 7th month. After one explained that 150 years ago one could "get burned" for asking such questions, the other simply said I had to consult the Talmud and then got very busy and had to get back to work. LOL
Top 10 reasons why JWs don't have the truth - please contribute
by oldlightnewshite ini thought it would be an interesting exercise to ask everybody on here what their 'top 10 reasons why jws don't have the truth' actually were.
maybe we can see some correlating views/patterns/ideas that may help us de-programme the newbies that come on this site.
if eventually most people have an outstanding gripe/concern it'll help everybody understand the ex-jw mindset a little better.
The 10 Commandments have always existed.
Genesis 26:5 " Abraham obeyed me and kept my requirements, my commands, my decrees and my laws ."
And circumcision too which Abraham did at 99 years of age.
Thanks for the correction on 1cor - forgot the 11.
From hard core JW Christian to Atheist within 5 months?
by cyberjesus ini found this video and it summarizes it very simple.
i hope you enjoy it.
life is too short to waste it on fairy tales..
Ultimately, I feel that an absence of belief in god is neutral "worldview" ground but I also acknowledge the varying degrees of assertiveness within that group.
I'd say it's more like going from ignorance to total blindness rather than one extreme to the other.
Top 10 reasons why JWs don't have the truth - please contribute
by oldlightnewshite ini thought it would be an interesting exercise to ask everybody on here what their 'top 10 reasons why jws don't have the truth' actually were.
maybe we can see some correlating views/patterns/ideas that may help us de-programme the newbies that come on this site.
if eventually most people have an outstanding gripe/concern it'll help everybody understand the ex-jw mindset a little better.
coffee black - it's just another way jw's have twisted meanings - there's nothing that Paul wrote, or anywhere in Scripture that suggests that a woman should only be covered when performing the duty of a man in prayer or prophesy(including making comments at meetings)
1Cor 5-7
"And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is just as though her head were shaved. If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head. A man ought not to cover his head,"
debator - the only reason jw's study Torah is to justify their own ideas - as for Jews - Messiah and all the first century church practiced Torah. They didn't start a new religion. That came later with the merging with Roman Sun Worship - hence SUNday
Matt 5:17 - "Think not that I came to destroy the Law."
When we present Almighty Yahweh's law, And arguments from the Scriptures draw, Objectors say, to pick a flaw, "IT'S JEWISH."
Though at first Almighty Yahweh blessed, And sanctified His day of rest, The same belief is still expressed, "IT'S JEWISH."
Though with the world this rest began, and then through all the Scriptures ran, And Yahushua said, 'Twas made for man" -- "IT'S JEWISH."
If from the bible we present, The Sabbath's meaning and intent, This answers every argument-- "IT'S JEWISH."
Though the disciples, Luke and Saul, Continue still this rest to call, The 'Sabbath Day', this answers all, "IT'S JEWISH."
The evangels taught a plain expression, That "Sin is of the law transgression", Seems not to make the least impression-- "IT'S JEWISH."
They love the rest of man's invention, But if Almighty Yahweh's Day we mention, That puts an end to all contention, "IT'S JEWISH."
Well, those who Yahweh's Day abuse, Simply because 'Twas made for Jews', The Savior, too, you must refuse, for "HE'S JEWISH!"
Top 10 reasons why JWs don't have the truth - please contribute
by oldlightnewshite ini thought it would be an interesting exercise to ask everybody on here what their 'top 10 reasons why jws don't have the truth' actually were.
maybe we can see some correlating views/patterns/ideas that may help us de-programme the newbies that come on this site.
if eventually most people have an outstanding gripe/concern it'll help everybody understand the ex-jw mindset a little better.
1) They diregard the 10 Commandments
2) They disregard the rest of Torah
3) Use an adulterated form of God's name
4) Use an adulterated form of Messiah's name.
5) Women aren't covered(head)
6) Pervert justice
7) Don't baptize in the name of Messiah
8) Do strange things with Scripture(NWT)
9) Require absolute obedience to men
10) Protect pedophiles
Egypt deep in prophesy of our present and future
by EndofMysteries injust checking if anyone else is onto that, i haven't been here in awhile.
If it weren't for oil, the whole of muslimism would be back to picking dates and knitting rugs.
Pedophiles should have the death penalty
by Leprechaun inpedophiles should have the death penalty .
too many, wonderful children are being wasted by these filthy low life sobs, why are these pigs from hell not put on death row in this country i will never know.
shame shame shame!.
Saw something the other day - "BRAND THEM LIKE CATTLE - RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES." (Ditto for other low lifes)
Why is the Bible so complicated...
by on the rocks inwas wondering why god didnt make it straight and simple...why there are so many explanations and intepretations..
There is a universal premise, that fools are not entitled to truth - lest they would either be led by it
or misused by others to start cults.