Thanks Simon (and everyone else too!)... that explains a lot! : ) And thank you also for having much respect for our privacy... for some of us it's been a life saver. Jbean
Posts by JBean
Technical Curiosity
by JBean inhi everyone... in my last post i admitted that i was semi computer-illiterate (!
) so my question is, given the stuff that's just gone on with yoyo/sexyteen's threads... how does simon (or anyone) figure out that these are the same people?
he mentioned that the post was from the same computer!
Technical Curiosity
by JBean inhi everyone... in my last post i admitted that i was semi computer-illiterate (!
) so my question is, given the stuff that's just gone on with yoyo/sexyteen's threads... how does simon (or anyone) figure out that these are the same people?
he mentioned that the post was from the same computer!
Hi everyone... In my last post I admitted that I was semi computer-illiterate (!) So my question is, given the stuff that's just gone on with YoYo/SexyTeen's threads... how does Simon (or anyone) figure out that these are the same people? He mentioned that the post was from the same computer! He can do this even if the e-mail address is blocked? How? (Does he actually know who I am???) : )
For those who grew up a JW . . .
by Trixie indoes it ever surprise you when you see people that you grew up with as a jw and they're still witnesses?
i went to school with a lot of those jw kids my age and i can't believe that they continue to be jws when they are free of their parents.. i want to say," you're an adult with a high school education or a ged!
haven't you figured the scam out?!".
I appreciate everyone's comments... but I want to clarify one tiny, little thing: not all JW kids were/are geeks!!!!! : ) I for one, can say ( have to trust me on this...ahem!) that I'm QUITE attractive and since my entire extended family is "in"... siblings, cousins, etc. they are also QUITE good looking... my brother (a servant) is absolutely gorgeous with a personality to boot... he even tried his hand in modelling a while back. Soooo, it HAS to be lots of other things other than looks or being "geeky"!!!! Although I do admit that the JW's do draw some very "unique" types of people... ha! I really don't know why most of my peers are still in, I truly don't. And...please don't ask for a picture as I'm kind of computer-illiterate and don't know how to 'scan' things... : )
For those who grew up a JW . . .
by Trixie indoes it ever surprise you when you see people that you grew up with as a jw and they're still witnesses?
i went to school with a lot of those jw kids my age and i can't believe that they continue to be jws when they are free of their parents.. i want to say," you're an adult with a high school education or a ged!
haven't you figured the scam out?!".
It hasn't surpised me until lately (with help from this board) when I personally had begun to "see" something wrong with the organization. I grew up a JW and (as I've mentioned many times before) still am, although I haven't really attended meetings regularly for over a year. I think it's normal for a person, no matter HOW they were raised, to continue in that path... kind of like tradition. Until something bad/traumatic, whatever you'd want to label it, happens personally to them or someone close to them(and it really may NEVER) they'll not have their eyes opened. The JW's are REALLY GOOD about brainwashing their followers... and as others have mentioned before, keeping them soooo busy in "the work of the lord" they are exhausted and don't have the time to question anything. I personally just stumbled onto this board (and similar ones) about 6 mos. ago, only when I was "out" long enough for my own god-given reasoning to start kicking in. Those are my thoughts.... : )
10 years since My Exit - The Introduction
by Amazing inmy exit introduction .
over the next few weeks or months, i will post an accounting of my exit process in a series of 15 short stories.
it will be part of my permanent notes that may someday be incorporated in a book likely a private book for my children and grandchildren.
Hi Amazing... I'm looking forward to reading your experiences... chapter by chapter. : ) Could someone please direct me to the thread about how Amazing got his family out? I'm so scared to begin the process with mine, but I believe I must. Thanks in advance... Jbean
Special Dub Words That Make You Go YUK!
by Englishman infor me, the word was "loving".. great "loving" kindness.. great undeserved "loving" kindness!.
disfellowshipping is a "loving" provision.. when the wtbts want their accolytes to swallow another bitter pill, another restriction, another rebuke, another demand on time, the buzz word is "loving".. the "loving" word, is, to the average jw, the same as the mccabe nod is to the salesman.
the mccabe nod is used by salesman all the time to get the prospective customer to agree to something that he doesn't care for too much.
I don't like the term "spiritual head"... sounds sacriligous : )
But I do like Fred Hall ! hee! -
What did you give up to become a witness?
by sleepy inwhat did you give up to become a witness?.
was it something you are still glad about or something you regret.. i'll start of with things i gave up.
(even though i was brought up in the truth talks and the mags made you guilty about certain things).
Hiya Tom! Congratulations on your really seems like you are now living the happy ending! (Even tho' you probably had to go through a lot to get there!) It proves to me to never say never! Jbean (ps: since I was born into the JW's I guess the only thing that I had foregone was the college education... doing that now tho!)
Is this site important?
by sleepy ina lot of us come here on a regular basis.i like to read what's going on most days.mostly now to make sure i havent missed some important news , less and less to learn more of the corrupt teachings of the org.. but at one time it was a revelation to meet people who felt like me , maybe now i take it for granted.. so how important is this site , has it directly effected your life and is it vital that sites like this ,where people can disscuss issues carry on in existance?
I know a few have recently left this board and others have complained about it randomly for various reasons. But I have to say that this board is VERY important to me. Even though I don't post as frequently as I'd like (either because I'm so busy that it takes all my time just to read as many posts as I can... or else some of the posts don't really interested me...)--- I need to visit this site to keep being encouraged, believe it or not. There is no one else and no where else at this point in time where I feel comfortable voicing my concerns and hearing about the situations of others that touch me. So, yes, this board is VERY important. Thanks to Simon and all the others who are regulars and keep us informed on all sorts of important stuff! : )
Beggin for help
by DIAMOND inladies and gentlemen of the jury listen to my story then make a wise and fair decision in my case.. i'm a 42 year old male.
been in the truth for 32 years.
married to a witness.
Oh my, Diamond! You have your path cut out for you alright! : ) But a huge welcome! I've been born and raised a witness...I'm still "in" along with my entire family (who all are REALLY still in)... I'm doing the quiet fade. It works best that way if you could put up with the constant questions... why don't you go out in service? why didn't you make Tuesday's meeting? etc., etc....blahhhhhhh.... But at least it's not giving them a heart attack. I don't have a husband (yet!) but when I do I will definitely make sure he's NOT in the truth. : ) Keep posting... these folks are a definite help and you'll find MANY with situations similar to yours...(I believe you already have, right?!) As for your wife, just go slow and ask her the tough questions when the time is right. (you know, UN, blood, etc.) Give it time to sink in ... she won't change overnight. Love & Peace to you... Jbean
Brief Explanation
by joelbear inmy path needs to be revamped.. i do plan to have a serious discussion with elders and attend the kingdom hall.
where that will lead, time will tell.. i am not leaving mitch.
even if i did become a jehovah's witness and celibate again he would love me just the same and i him.. you cannot become ungay.
Hi again Joel. I do appreciate what you are doing and am trying hard to not be one-sided. If you find something of real value in your journey that you feel we all might have missed somewhere along the line, please let us know about it. Jbean