Spacegirl! Way to go! I haven't been "door to door" in a few years... but can remember dreading getting someone at the door with half a brain! I didn't want to have to talk... I just really wanted to leave the literature and be gone! Maybe this guy won't feel much like witnessing for a while... : )
Posts by JBean
At Last the JW's come a-knockin'
by spacegirl inhad a really interesting experience with a jw that came knocking on sunday and have to say that i couldn't have dealt with him as well as i did if it had not been for new found knowledge on the web and spending the last four months reading.
oh that's were you are definitely wrong he says i've studied the bible thoroughly and there are definitely no contradictions at all.
i say thank you for your time, very interesting chat but i find it laughable that anyone could say the bible is not full of contradictions.
What will you do?
by YoYoMama inwhat will you do when harmageddon is here?
will you ask jehovah for a second chance?.
will you seek to protect your young children?.
Joel said: So, here I am a product of a typical JW home where we obeyed all the rules and went to all the meetings and are all 4 miserable and barely able to keep ourselves sane.
That is soooo true. I sometimes wonder for all the "training" my parents had and then passed on to me...why we are not doing nearly as well, in a general sense, as the rest of our "worldly" relatives! Makes ya think. Hope you are feeling better today, Joel. Hugs... Jbean
What will you do?
by YoYoMama inwhat will you do when harmageddon is here?
will you ask jehovah for a second chance?.
will you seek to protect your young children?.
Ok all... have I missed something big here?!?!?!? YoYo is disfellowshipped???? Is this breaking news or did everyone else know but me? : )
Kind of Depressed, Looking for Someone to Talk to
by Reborn2002 insome of you on this board know me, or at least part of my story, very likely most of you do not.. i am a 21 yr old male from chicago who finally mustered the courage to da myself roughly 6 months ago.
being a 3rd-generation jw, my grandfather was an elder 45 years, so this developed a reputation and precedence for me that i would one day be a co.. or go to bethel.
such high expectations, which i am happy i never fulfilled.
Hi Jason... all the above advice is sooooo valuable. I have tears in my eyes reading everyone's comments and concern for you. I want to tell you that you are strong, strong, strong... To do what you did takes courage and a strong sense of self and what is right and wrong. I am 40 years old and a 3rd generation-er also... I am STILL gathering my courage to do what you did. You will make wonderful friends here. Try to find out if any live close to you (within the state) and you can possibly try to get together in person on occassion. Keep hangin' in there!
Shots fired at Kingdom Hall!
by nicolaou inwest st. paul: shots fired at jehovah's witnesses hall .
west st. paul police are looking for suspects who shot three holes into windows at a jehovah's witnesses hall last week.
people in the building heard shots about 8:30 p.m. wednesday and saw a midsize newer car with a rounded body speed away, west st. paul police chief terry cook said.
Don't know about this story... but noooooo, Room 215, ALL quick builds now have LOTS of windows, very large ones sometimes. The Halls may have gone through a period where they were built without many windows, but being a JW all my life (and travelling to MANY different Halls), I've NEVER been inside one that didn't have windows...(except for that really small one in Chinatown once!) : )
Excellent news BritBoy! I felt the anxiousness in your post, and am soooo happy that it turned out well. Live long & prosper! : )
Some good news.
by JeffT ina prostate biopsy i had last week came back negative.
i didn't really realize how worried about it i was until i found our i didn't have to worry about it at all (or at least until next year).. my daughter got a part in two plays.
for those of you in oz (she's in sydney) i'll post details when i get them.
Congrats on your wonderful doctor's report! I can see how it definitely can be a relief! (I personally am awaiting a follow-up blood test... my cholesterol was off the charts!! yikes!) And secondly, congrats to your daughter!
WindRider needs your love and support
by Skeptic inwindrider is seriously depressed today, dangerously so.
she really needs your support, friendship and encouragement.
she would have posted on the board herself, but her system is down.
Windrider... we don't know yet the full extent of your hurt and trials, but know that we're here for you. It may help if you try writing it out, even if you never show anyone, it helps to get it all on paper. If you stop and think about it, you are so very lucky to have Richard in your life. And if he's the ONLY one in your life right now, regardless... that is still a blessing that many on this earth don't have. Please remember that sometimes just a day makes all the difference. With each day brings the possibility of goodness. Don't lose hope. Love & peace... Jbean
URGENT: alamb needs your prayers TODAY
by SUSCARRA infriends, alamb, desperately needs your prayers today.
she is going back to court today to try and get her 3 girls back from the jw dad.
it's been a trememdous battle for her and her husband.
Given we don't know the particulars of this situation, I pray that all works out according to what is most beneficial for the children, and that all hearts are healed. Personally, I would hope for your friend's peace, that she does become reunited with her children. They are in my thoughts.
Congrats! Now tell us the scoop! : )