Just wanted to know if anyone saw the segment where he was interviewing David Smith (ex-husband of babykiller, Susan Smith, here in the US). It was a great interview, despite the fact that over 5 years after this horrible murder, the dad (David) could barely speak about his 2 small sons. At one point, Larry asked David if he believed in God. David said yes. Then Larry said, "you were a Jehovah's Witness, correct?" David said yes. Larry said, "are you still a Jehovah's Witness?" David said no! : ) Anyhow... that set the stage for a brief discussion of where David felt his son's might be, etc. David said that "...he wasn't raised to believe this, but now he believes that his sons are in a better place and that they are still "with him" in a sense..." That he has to believe that for his own peace. (last part I'm paraphrasing) I just thought that was so interesting. What I gleaned from that is that no matter how hard the Borg tries to make us believe what they say is the ONLY truth... when hardships and tragedies happen to (some) people, they don't get any comfort from the JW teachings. Huh. Anyhow... this guy David is now remarried and has a new daughter... the people who were calling in at the end of the show were so kind and telling him to hang in there and "god bless" him, etc. If anyone saw this, was just wondering if you had any comments. If not... well, then just a good morning to everyone! : )
Posts by JBean
Did anyone watch Larry King show last night?
by JBean injust wanted to know if anyone saw the segment where he was interviewing david smith (ex-husband of babykiller, susan smith, here in the us).
it was a great interview, despite the fact that over 5 years after this horrible murder, the dad (david) could barely speak about his 2 small sons.
at one point, larry asked david if he believed in god.
Do you celebrate Holidays after you leave?
by Lalis inhi everyone im new in here i was just curios does anyone here after leaving the j.w.
organization celebrate any holidays without a problem?
or attend birthday parties and stuff like that without it bothering you?i know i dont have a problem with it.i dont celebrate any major holidays but thats because after so many years not doing it i would feel weird doing it now but i dont have a problem being invited to a gathering that has to do with any of the above.
Great stuff to hear, Target! Enjoy! I remember when I received my first birthday card and gift (along with flowers, actually) from my first "worldly" boyfriend. What a thrill... I cried. At the time he didn't understand what the whole "big deal" was, thinking that I expected the gift(s). I had to explain the entire lifestory to him at that point... I was 30! : )
Jehova's Witnesses and Dating
by SoManyQuestions inthere's this really great girl i know, and she is so perfect for me, except for the fact that she's a jehova's witness and i'm not.
she says that she can't date outside the religion.
i'm pretty sure that jehova's witnesses are a branch of "mainstream christianity" (meaning they just basically follow the bible, not have a different interpretation like like mormons).
Good points, BlindFool... there are degrees of all points you mentioned, but basically... yup... that's the way it is! Somany: you should question her about how much of what she was taught she really believes. You might have some luck and find out she's in it only because her family is... or whatever, but that she'd be more than happy to go along with what you'd like to do, esp. around celebrations, etc. Talk to her!
by JUSTAMOM inhello to everyone today.
some of you asked why in the world we go to the kingdom hall to partake of the emblems at memorial when we don't believe in them anymore?
was it just to cause an irritation?
Thank you DoubleEdge... my eyes actually welled-up at your response... 'cos it's exactly what I'm hoping for. : ) Thank you.
Do you celebrate Holidays after you leave?
by Lalis inhi everyone im new in here i was just curios does anyone here after leaving the j.w.
organization celebrate any holidays without a problem?
or attend birthday parties and stuff like that without it bothering you?i know i dont have a problem with it.i dont celebrate any major holidays but thats because after so many years not doing it i would feel weird doing it now but i dont have a problem being invited to a gathering that has to do with any of the above.
I'm one of those folks who just LOVES a party... of any kind! I also LOVE to give... soooo... I do not have any problems with holidays/birthdays/etc. And get this: as I said before, I'm still technically in... but keep my celebrations VERY quiet around the JW's... I only celebrate with all my "other" friends !!! I sometimes wonder how many other JW's celebrate without anyone finding out! It's like anything else, once you realize that these celebrations are not evil as we've been brainwashed to believe, and you see wonderful people, just like yourself, celebrating out of love of family, etc., it becomes a very happy time, actually. : )
A new JW Urban Legend in the making?
by NikL ingot this e mail that seems to be making the rounds.
sounds made up to me but in case you are interested in this sort of thing read on.... interesting remarks at morning worship from tom & esther chin: .
monday, january 28, david splane, a member of the governing body conducte.
Yup... heard this one already. Definite urban legend stuff!
by JUSTAMOM inhello to everyone today.
some of you asked why in the world we go to the kingdom hall to partake of the emblems at memorial when we don't believe in them anymore?
was it just to cause an irritation?
Thanks for your reply so far, JustaMom. I look forward to your continued story. I am at the point now where I AM asking to be led in the right direction. So far, I'm not "getting" any answers. No gut feelings... no light bulbs going off... no nothing. Maybe I'm not quite sincere enough yet (maybe subconsciously afraid of what the truth is and isn't) or maybe it just isn't time for me to make a move yet. There are those on this board that may feel I'm not getting any "answers" because there ARE no answers... however, I'll continue to try to search for something! After all... after 40 years of being taught and actually believing in one thing... it's quite emotional to begin to realize it's not what you have trusted in.
by JUSTAMOM inhello to everyone today.
some of you asked why in the world we go to the kingdom hall to partake of the emblems at memorial when we don't believe in them anymore?
was it just to cause an irritation?
Wow JustaMom... I'd like to hear more about how you and your immediate family, after sooo long in the JW organization, came to the stage you are at now. Please forgive me if I've missed a past thread... point me in the right direction and I'll look it up! : ) I'm at a point where I haven't technically left yet, but I am beginning to search for what I can only described as "my real truth". This board has been a tremendous help, but anything else you can add for me would be appreciated.
lunch meats
by larc inwell, friends,.
it is time for some fluff.
in the states, we call it lunch meat at an average store and we call it deli meat at an upscale store.
Bologna & American Cheese w/mayo on a portugeuese roll!!!! I'm dreamin' bout them now 'cos my cholesterol is too high and they've been banned from my diet (for now... : )
Always a Bridesmaid...
by Stephanus inwell, i complained about them never coming anymore, and they didn't.
i was looking out the window today and a car parked outside under our tree.
two ladies, one middle aged, one elderly, got out and went to see our next-door neighbours.
You made me laugh soooo hard!!!! I can just imagine you skulking around the bushes... you shoulda jumped out and said "boo!" : )