Hi Pablo! Quite a report you wrote there... I read through most of it, but you lost me in some parts. I'd like a much more brief explanation of what you're saying here. Kinda like "what's the bottom line?" Who do you mean to be the NEW Faithful and Discreet slave? Jbean
Posts by JBean
All JWs have already been disfellowshipped!
by Pablo inive been visiting this site for about 8 months, just taking in all your comments and the issues that are of importance to those who have been jehovahs witnesses and the problems that you have identified with the religion.
i was brought up in the truth in the 60s and 70s but my parents left before i reached the age when i would consider being baptised.
subsequently my parents divorced but have remarried separately and are both back in the religion.
Why I Became an Inactive Witness
by Dutchy ini used to be a gungho witnesses.
i was even a full time pioneer with small children and i used to drag my kids with me from door to door, in the heat of summer and in the cold of winter.
goin from door to door in buildings where crime was rampant and where i should not have been in the first place.
I understand how you feel, Dutchy. In fact, upon waking up this morning some thoughts went through my mind as to "what am I going to do now?" and "how am I going to worship now?" I haven't been to a meeting in over a year, but my entire family is still in and active. At times I feel like I'm drifting... like I should be doing something spiritual in my life, but it is definitely NOT the JW's anymore. (I was also born into the faith.) I'm so busy now with work and school and many "real" friends that I don't have much time to think about it... but I did this morning. I think we just have to take our time and do what feels right to us individually. Jbean
I cooked rice today!!!
by Elsewhere inafter five years of failed attempts, i finally cooked rice today!!
it isn't soggy, it isn't crunchy, it's just right!
light and fluffy!
Sorry if that sounded too bossy, but look at the listings on the side of the box... it's the only rice you'll probably find that has percentages listed in the fat and cholesterol columns... just tryin' to keep y'all healthy! : )
I cooked rice today!!!
by Elsewhere inafter five years of failed attempts, i finally cooked rice today!!
it isn't soggy, it isn't crunchy, it's just right!
light and fluffy!
Stay away from Uncle Ben's and all "bleached" white rice!!!! Esp. if you have high cholesterol or heart problems... the damn stuff causes fat deposits on your arteries... brown rice is the way to go!
Last night's meeting
by RunningMan inmy son had a talk last night, so i had the priviledge of trudging off to another meeting.
the bible section being considered at the present time is isaiah 19-26. much to my surprize, i learned that the society is prefigured in at least two places in these few chapters.
they consider themselves the "watchman" class, as well as the "eliakim" class, with the poor old clergy of christendom relegated to the mere "shebna" class.. this correspondance of the society to virtually everything in the bible is getting sickening already.
I'm laughing out loud at work and people are wondering what's wrong with me!!!!! ahahah! Thanks.... it's truly *dog'* gift to us to laugh first thing in the morning!!! ahahahah... (see, now I can't stop...)
JW Cheerleader, Basketball Player, Etc: Huhhh???
by MadApostate inathlete recognition.
character counts!
in chaves county's winter sports athlete recognition program congratulates the girls' and boys' middle school basketball representatives.
I believe it's a mixture of 2 things... as someone said "the new breed of Witness kids" and also it depends on how highly "visible" the kid/the parents are in the borg. I was an elder's kid and got to do almost anything I wanted in school: music, drama, prom, school newspaper, honor society, you name it! The one thing I DID NOT get to do however was be a cheerleader... and I wanted to soooo badly!!!! I guess my folks felt that would be stepping just a teensy-weensy bit too far over whatever line they had drawn up in their minds! : )
A brief summary of life as one of JW's
by Angst inthank you stacey and individual's wife!
i appreciate your comments and encouragement.
the ex-witnesses i am in communication with are family and they are very hateful towards the witnesses.
Growing up we lived close to Bethel and people frequently would ask if I was going to go when I grew up. For as far back as I could remember being able to talk, my answer was: "um, no." Why ANYONE would want to live and work there is beyond me!!! Not that it's not "talked up" when you're a JW kid, but upon visiting and touring just ONCE, I realized that living "by the bell" is not my idea of living. For those who haven't ever visited, an example of this is that they ring a bell for every mealtime. The bros. & sisters have abt. 1/2 hour for lunch. They have to go back to their rooms to get totally CLEANED UP (not just wash their hands) but put on appropriate clothes -- FOR SISTERS THIS MEANS PUTTING ON A DRESS OR SKIRT... rush to the lunch room, eat in about 5 mins, go BACK to change into their work clothes and rush back to their assignments. Once I saw this in action, I said NO WAY! Where is the godly love and compassion??? Everyone at Bethel probably has acute heartburn! This seems like a small example, but it's indicative of the entire picture. Anyone have any other examples you may know of ?
Single at 40 .JW virgins.
by sleepy income on admit it, if you were brought up a witness you were dead scared that you were going to end up like the men you saw prowling the assembles and congregations looking for wives.. there would always be men and women in there 30's and 40 who had never had a boy or girl friend.. i used to know quite a few.. the horror of their lives shocks me.. now i not dissing anyone who has chosen not to marry that is their choice.but these people i know want to meet someone and get married.. but the bad news is that the older they get the harder it is to find a wife .what makes it worse is that the choice is so limited.. many of these grown men are even affraid of women .
because they are taught that even to look at a woman is to commit imorality let alone talk to one.. i knew a brother who had never had a girl friend , he was about 26 at the time.now a sister asks to go out with him so he accepts.quite soon she wants to hold his hand.. this brother now tells her off, for in the family book it says holding hands is only for people who are going to get married.. he doesn't go out with such a spiritually weak sister again.. what has the socity done to these peoples lives.. many people who were once happy teenagers hoping to meet the wife or husband of their dreams are now approaching 40 or even older and have never even had a girlfriend.theri only hope is the new system and i don't want to breack the news to them but its not coming.
Flower: Yup... I hear ya! All the young couples that got married just in my Congregation ALONE right out of high school are now really very miserable or divorced. And in this day and age, I have five "sisters" that I can think of off the top of my head that re about 35 yrs old who are now "old maids" according to the congregation. They all sit together at assemblies, like old grandma's... yuk. And most of these gals still live with their folks. Now I say C'MON! If you're not going to be married, then at least show some courage and become independent... get an apartment or something... Jeeeezzzz! (But I guess that's hard to do on a housecleaning salary... and we ALL know that's ANOTHER story!) : ) Jbean
Single at 40 .JW virgins.
by sleepy income on admit it, if you were brought up a witness you were dead scared that you were going to end up like the men you saw prowling the assembles and congregations looking for wives.. there would always be men and women in there 30's and 40 who had never had a boy or girl friend.. i used to know quite a few.. the horror of their lives shocks me.. now i not dissing anyone who has chosen not to marry that is their choice.but these people i know want to meet someone and get married.. but the bad news is that the older they get the harder it is to find a wife .what makes it worse is that the choice is so limited.. many of these grown men are even affraid of women .
because they are taught that even to look at a woman is to commit imorality let alone talk to one.. i knew a brother who had never had a girl friend , he was about 26 at the time.now a sister asks to go out with him so he accepts.quite soon she wants to hold his hand.. this brother now tells her off, for in the family book it says holding hands is only for people who are going to get married.. he doesn't go out with such a spiritually weak sister again.. what has the socity done to these peoples lives.. many people who were once happy teenagers hoping to meet the wife or husband of their dreams are now approaching 40 or even older and have never even had a girlfriend.theri only hope is the new system and i don't want to breack the news to them but its not coming.
So true! I know of many "brothers" who are in their late 20's, early 30's, 40's who have led many older (30's) "sisters" on... major flirting, false promises, telling them things like "let's work out in service together so we can get to know each other better so one day, maybe possibly, we can get married....etc. and then as soon as a young hottie moves into the area, pounce on this 17/18/19 year old and get married in a heartbeat!!!! They are marrying young girls who have NO IDEA what it is to be a woman yet. Soooo many sisters have had their hearts broken by these HEARTLESS boys. (This sounds like I was one of them, but I was not! : ) I married a "worldly" instead!!!! ahahahah!) Jbean
The sick mind of the JW
by JT inyou got to love these folks.
>>interesting remarks at morning worship from tom & esther chin:.
Proandcon: Excellent post! My sentiments exactly!!! Welcome!