JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
How confident are you about various so called facts?
by slimboyfat inno facts about the world are absolutely certain.
that being the case i wonder how others would rank amd rate their confidence in various factual statements about the world.
i am going to rate my confidence in ten items of "knowledge" as a percentage.
VI just interested in your magician Jesus theory. Do you have any links to info around that please? -
Had any weird dreams recently?
by LoveUniHateExams inso, i'll go first.. i dreamt last night that i was still at uni, i said goodbye to one of my lecturers.
then ulrika jonsson (former weather girl, shooting stars captain, and swedish nymphomaniac) gave me a lift home in her car - wtf?!
she kept trying to change the cd whilst trying to drive (reaching on the floor, looking for a cd).
Loveunihatexams ULRIKA - KA - KA - KA!
CrazySaintBertie Megalodon...oh yeah! Spend hours with my kids looking up all things megalodon.
Your megalodon dream Kind of reminds me of the Harry Potter film where Ron Weasley meets ARAGOG the giant spider in the Forbidden Forrest. Ron kind of asks like u did "are you gonna eat me?" and Aragog gives her word she won't ' but cannot promise her many CHILDREN will turn down this easy bit of FRESH MEAT!!!
This just in new policy bethel
by poopie ini called bethel recently asking a question.
the question was do you have a bible example of someone that showed pricipled love to anothet human by giving them the silent treament for months?
answer well bro are you a jw yes well we will aens the elders over to help you.
You go get 'em, poopie - sock em where it hurts.
They want to send the KGB around Kingdoms gormless brothers
Discussion with a Pioneer Pt. 2
by Saved_JW in[cont..] our conversation outdoors then took us into the small eating area inside the grocery store.
my friend richard had to leave, which left the conversation to just david and i. .
discussing the anointed .
This is definately bookmarked.
They spend so long going over & over the same old ground & are prevented from really learning anything. Sad.
Pause for a minute!
by username infor all those who are still on the fence regarding this evil cult i present one image that tells a thousand stories.
i just took a screenshot of this months cult indoctrination broadcast.
although i have watched the "faith in action" video before and it still has the same effect on me as it always does, this image is the most evocative of them all.
It's like Secretslaveclass often says, these people would more likely been saved if they had not trusted in Jehovah but used their own thinking abilities to get to a (high ?) place of safety.
Not to mention the agony they would have felt not understanding why they weren't saved - no doubt thinking they had somehow done wrong, always being told Jah blesses those who please him.
Astral Projection
by Black Man inso what are your thoughts on astral projection?
have a co-worker who claims to know how to induce this on himself.
is he crazy?
I have a crazy witness story about Astral projection.
Where I'm from their where a lot of Indian sisters coming into 'the false'& hindu family members (we were told)would try to stop it "because Indian religon is satanic". Fot that read "we know nothing about it so we'll say its bad".
Anyway one determined granny supposedly astral projected from India to Bedford, attacked the family left blood everywhere " so someone got it but not the witness". I suppose they were protected by mr edgar Jah-hoover.
Borrowing a beautiful wedding sari I was told not to wear it lest the hindu's atrally project into my bedroom & attack me.
The person who told me this was a university educated teacher.
On respect for the belief of others. Sorry for the long post
by StarTrekAngel ini am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
Personally I think we should all get back to exploring the shape of David Splane's head.......
Edit: sorry I chucked that in without reading the posts...(backs out looking shifty & embarassed)
How long till the hounders come back ?
by Clambake inafter having a baby ?
we just had an elder drop by and invite my wife to the kh with a 21 day old baby.. i thought it was kind of classless.
Clambake congratulations! Make no excuses for getting all the rest you need, put a sign on your door saying "Practical help & pre cooked meals gratefully recieved - keep your spiritual advice to yourself!
Lisarose 😜love the advice!
Ssn587 That elder definately remembered young fatherhood!
Was my dad awake?!
by EyesOpenHeartBroken ini am wondering if my deceased elder father was awake?
once we found out he was dying, i spent every moment i could with him, we were very close.
anyway, i offered to read to him a lot when he was resting.
Thank you for your incredibly touching post.
I will definately re read James & John in your Dad's memory.
I think your Dad sounds like he was awake and gave you the best advice he could in the situation. He also sounds like a man of principal, a much rarer thing than we would like to believe.
Sounds like you were priviledged to have him as a Dad😊
Welcom btw. Don't worry about some of the heated debates we get into here. What you will notice is that most of the real ding dongs are between long time "grown up"members who "know"each other well enough to take the gloves off.
Most members are very sensitive to "newbies" and those at different stages of their journey.
Even the most militant just want you to think for yourself really.I guess that's what your Dad was kind of teaching you to do.
That's the great thing, you can think what you like and even your ideological nemises will be here to support you if you need it.
Do you have post-borg reunion stories?
by John Free insix months ago i knocked on my sister's door.
she was shocked to see me "god johnfree, who has died" she said smiling.
she was disfellowshipped 20 years ago.. i had not seen her for years.
I'm so glad for you John free, what an amazing, brave, good hearted person your sister sounds...you're a lucky boy.
Thanks for sharing👍