Thank you.
Regardless of Watchtower nonsense if there is the possibility of a patient getting treatment out of States/s and said States have reciprocal's, patient's absolutely should receive it.
the court of justice of the european union (cjeu) yesterday delivered the judgment (press release) on a request of the supreme court of latvia on whether domestic authorities are obliged to reimburse costs of cross-border medical treatment when the patient's decision to perform it in another european country was based on religious, not medical, grounds.
the opinion of advocate general (summarized here) is helpful in understanding the case.. the son of the applicant in the main proceedings had to have open heart surgery.
that operation was available in the latter’s member state of affiliation, latvia, but could not be carried out without a blood transfusion.
Thank you.
Regardless of Watchtower nonsense if there is the possibility of a patient getting treatment out of States/s and said States have reciprocal's, patient's absolutely should receive it.
i did a video on this subject once but feel this is a noteworthy topic.
to be honest the old nwt has come under sonsiderable attack from fundie morons attacking it's nt which was translated with a few revisals in 1950.the truth is john 1:1 and 8:58 and other texts, though despite being odd, are within the translation rules as are the inclusion of the word {other} since this was stated in the forward as an interpolation.
jehovah in the nt is odd but certianly lacking as other translations have added more yhwh.. so the ot?
Scholar did you watch the Dr Price video I posted? Timestamp 39:16 Interestingly Dr Bob thinks the witnesses are on to something when it comes to the Bible
hi this guy is a classic.
if you have a few mins he's well worth checking out, highly recommended!.
another guy i love on youtube is pinecreek....he has a wonderful, gentle manner as he gets into discussions with christians about god, atheism etc.
Hi this guy is a classic. If you have a few mins he's well worth checking out, highly recommended!
Another guy I love on YouTube is Pinecreek....he has a wonderful, gentle manner as he gets into discussions with Christians about God, atheism etc
i did a video on this subject once but feel this is a noteworthy topic.
to be honest the old nwt has come under sonsiderable attack from fundie morons attacking it's nt which was translated with a few revisals in 1950.the truth is john 1:1 and 8:58 and other texts, though despite being odd, are within the translation rules as are the inclusion of the word {other} since this was stated in the forward as an interpolation.
jehovah in the nt is odd but certianly lacking as other translations have added more yhwh.. so the ot?
But I do not excuse his scholarly dishonesty to prove a doctrinal point. A good example is Jer. 29:10 in order to prove the 1914 date
That's because Fred Franz was never a scholar. A talented amateur for sure, but no scholar else he would have taken his scholarship more seriously.
i did a video on this subject once but feel this is a noteworthy topic.
to be honest the old nwt has come under sonsiderable attack from fundie morons attacking it's nt which was translated with a few revisals in 1950.the truth is john 1:1 and 8:58 and other texts, though despite being odd, are within the translation rules as are the inclusion of the word {other} since this was stated in the forward as an interpolation.
jehovah in the nt is odd but certianly lacking as other translations have added more yhwh.. so the ot?
This is an interesting piece from Biblical scholar Dr. Robert M. Price (love him!) about Jehovahs Witnesses translation of the Bible and whether the Arc Angel Micheal could really be Jesus. See timestamp 39:16
(Also v funny if you go a little earlier his favourite comedic bits of the Bible)
idiot muslims do it again.
when will libtards learn.
and now scotland wants to prosecute people for saying things in their own homes the muslims deem hate speech.
BBC are saying it happened “NEAR” a church. I can’t believe how they are willing to father worked for the beeb for years and I used to trust it so much. When David Attenborough dies that’s it for my license fee!!!!
stude 138 this week is about jesus ruling; seen standing in heaven, sitting at the right hand, standing up for his people, sitting down again for judgement, riding ---but the portion, what he is actually biblical doing right now, col. 1:13 was never read or discussed.
even the whole section of the book's article was not read!.
next month jws are covering the land with their kingdom of 1914 and soon panda paradise saga, but will deaden into silence the ~ 2000 year old real possible kingdom of --- love.. was the whole chapter 138 read in your zoom room?
Can anyone explain to me what a “full preterist ” is please.
i've been out of the loop for a while so some things have passed me by.
so i'm curious how jw's are affected by the covid virus.
are they still preaching or having meetings etc?.
Are they actively pushing Covid as a sign that the End is Near ( again ) ?
Yes Jan. I've heard on this board of uninterested non believing mates suddenly going to meetings and studying for baptism! A GB member has done morning worship on the subject, claiming they're not surprised and have been predicting this for years...indeed it's a good time because the pandemic proves the GT is close! So yes, they are using COViD to claim Armageddon is close.
But then Watchtower does that with any & everything.
The travel/dressing time is reduced. And it is far easier to get a drink and snack or browse something
Road to nowhere I'd put a tv next to my browser (out of sight)&and just watch something else...all the time looking like I'm watching the zoom meeting😜
i've just been introduced to this site by a pimo friend of mine.
this will be my first post on this website.
i need help, and he told me you guys are a very supportive community.. i'm a female in my mid twenties.
Just to say if you still have faith Borean pickets have their own zoom meetings.
I agree you need to speak with your Dad and get his permission to stay. He is under no obligation to shun you as he isn't baptised. Maybe show him JWfacts and get him thinking. Tell him he needs to do his research before he gets baptised.
Tell him what kind of man Rutherford was. Would Jesus have chosen him to lead his one true org in 1919?
I recommend buying him Crises of Conscience and asking him to read it. I promise he will never get baptised once he's read that book.
If all else fails....@Cookiemaster sounds promising !!!
for those who want to see how bad it really is, 2 thoughts: .
1) the article says "jehovah" gave gifts in men, but the bible in gal: 6 clearly mentions the one who ascended into heaven as the one, jesus, their reigning king, that does provides these " the captives.. of course when wt writers say jehovah they really mean the wt society.
and local elders, ms, really are wt appointees, now done by the co, a man with no assets.
Yes Funky it's gifts unto other words simply gifts to men.
More Watchtower twisting scriptures to control people, brag and glorify themselves.