Apart from anything else the length of her skirt would be an issue right there!
As an aside I was thinking yesterday how small the world is now and how American cultural hegemony has multiplied due the internet. For instance my British kids stayed up all night watching the superbowl with their mates - a "watch party"! I don't exaggerate when i say very few of my generation would even know what it was (I'm sure other Brits would back me up here!)
My kids also pronounce things in an American way like the word Dune they say "Doon" like Americans, not the British way "DJune" (a sort of june with a slight D at the front). There's so many words like that Gen Z no longer pronounce in the British way. My grandparent's generation had regional accents from one village to the next nearly....now the world is one cultural village (well the western Anglophone world anyway)