I just watched a documentry called "Devils Playground" and it was about the bad side of the Morman religion and what the kids have to go thru. It painted a true story about how those poor kids are raised and the hard choses they have to make when it comes to staying or leaving the religion. Someday I hope someone will make a simular one about the insides of the JW organization. The world needs to know.
JoinedPosts by brainwashed-from-birth
JW Media Warnings????
by brainwashed-from-birth indue to the dangers of this organization, and the fact that all of them spend hours a week trying to recruit others into the madness, has there ever been media attention, a msnbc story or something, that have done a story about the facts?
maybe my dad will catch it and be tempted to investigate further.
it would probably have good ratings.
JWs just came to my door and didn't even knock
by hemp lover ini was working in the back room of my house, transcribing an interview with lara logan (she's fascinating), when my dogs started barking at the front door.
i ignored it for 30 seconds, because that's just what they do.
figured it was a cat or the mailman.
The trick was to push on the house next to the doorbell to give the illusion you rang it. If there was one thing I did learn as a JW that is beneficial, it is how to be sneaky.
The ideal JW Brother is....
by highdose inagain please fill in the blanks.... in my experiance, a window cleaner, skinny to the point of skin and bones, no real education but belives that everything he tells you is true if it comes from the borg, views the sisters as toliet cleaning minons and gets a real kick out of climbing the jw rank ladder!.
MY DAD. Elder, pioneer, devoted father and husband. Follows all the rules to a TEE to make sure he is a happy fulfilled servant of Jehovah and looks good among his peers. Even the disowning of his oldest daughter.
Yet he never sleeps, gets so depressed that he locks himself in his room, has to take several brain meds a day just to function, and secretly watches non-rated (basically Xrated) movies. (I unfortunatly found out while working at Blockbuster after I moved out)
So I guess the ideal JW Brother wears a pretty good MASK.
How do you release the grudge?
by brainwashed-from-birth ini have got a huge grudge against jehovah and his "organization".
i feel like it has ruined my life and any chance of a relationship with god..(if there is one.
) my immediate family has disowned me along with everyone i was comfortable with my whole life.
thank you everyone that posted suggestions. After reading some of your responses I realize I really do still subconsciencely believe the JW crap. I am going to start posting questions on here everytime I feel myself going back to teaching from my childhood. I assumbed everyone on here still had serious hangups on what they had been taught, but some of you seem so at peace. I want to be too.
Stephen I really want to thank you for the scriptures you included. I admire your ablility to study the bible so closely even after being subjected to JW teachings. I mean I am sure throughout my lifetime I have heard every scripture like 1000 times and had it applied 1000 times to the way they wanted me to believe. I hope I can find that strength some day.
JW Media Warnings????
by brainwashed-from-birth indue to the dangers of this organization, and the fact that all of them spend hours a week trying to recruit others into the madness, has there ever been media attention, a msnbc story or something, that have done a story about the facts?
maybe my dad will catch it and be tempted to investigate further.
it would probably have good ratings.
Due to the dangers of this organization, and the fact that all of them spend hours a week trying to recruit others into the madness, has there ever been media attention, a MSNBC story or something, that have done a story about the facts? Maybe my Dad will catch it and be tempted to investigate further. It would probably have good ratings. I think alot of people are curius and don't know much at all about the JW. I mean I am always being asked questions. For a religion that gets out as much as they do it amazes me when some people do not even know they believe in Jesus.
Two Elder`s cane to my door the other day
by is there help out there inthe first thing i showed them was a wt picture of what is going to happen to us poor worldly people at the big "a".
i realy ratteled his cage when i asked him if i could borrow his copy of pay attation to your self and your flock.
he then asked where i heard about this book.
FANTASTIC. I oddly had two elders stop by my house the other day for their yearly follow...Cuz they care so much. I reconized the voice as being good old elder "Rich" who also has a disfellowshiped daughter. I told him I was not interested in talking to them, and that he should probably be knocking on her door. I mean it would have meant more to me if my parents would have actually try to stop by for once. Everything is so backward. I mean why woud I ever want to talk to two men who were involved in destroying my family.
What do most ex-JWs "believe" after leaving?
by EverAStudent inhas anyone done a survey to determine what faith system, religion, or set of religious beliefs ex-jws tend to settle into after leaving the organization?
if not, would you care to post what you presently consider to be your own personal religion (e.g.
protestant, catholic, baptist, jw but not in the organization, agnostic, atheist, ...) and especially what you presently believe about jesus (was he a real historical human, is he god, is he an angel, ...).. thank you!.
I am confused always... looking for ways to dispute every uncomfortable doctrine pumped down my throat 3 to 5 times a week for 18 years. When I was a JW I of course wanted it to be true. Being sheltered from the hypocracy becz my family was good at being JW's (I guess) I took it all in, accepting it ,and looking down at the "world" for not wanting to hear the true religion. Now I am in the "world". I think I really left becz of some rebellion and not wanting to be controlled. I did believe it was the true religion even when I left. I just did not seem to really care. I used to tell my Mom "I would rather die with the world..then live forever with these people." I had no friends in the congregation and felt a horrible need to escape to somewhere that seemed more normal. I have been out for 10 years now and have just been living my life day to day. I mean the "world" kind of sucks too. The word ALONE takes on a new meaning out here. I know I am depressed by being shunned by my family. I cry as I type now. But it will never change. They are hooked, and they have a support system. There are 5 of them all faithful zombies of the organization, and one of me. I could never go back now. I have pushed all that nonsense to some corner in my brain. It pops up occassionally and I put it back where it belongs. I mean when someone tells you that 1 and 1 equals 4 your whole life. You really need factual proof to make you change your thinking. Due to the fact that no one really knows what the heck God wants, or if there really is a God at all, how could I ever feel totally secure. I need to do more research for myself Im sure. That is why I am on this site. Please help me with any unduckable facts that make their doctrines fake.
Ever been the victim of gossip from JW's?
by highdose ini was many times, the final bout was what drove me out of the borg altogether..... .
I was a victum because I believe that most elders (who we were forced as teenagers by our parents to talk to when we get into "trouble") are pathetic and try to sound important by going home and telling their wives, and who knows who else, everything about everyone's buisess. What else would they talk about? It is not like they have lives, or anything exciting happen ever.
How do you release the grudge?
by brainwashed-from-birth ini have got a huge grudge against jehovah and his "organization".
i feel like it has ruined my life and any chance of a relationship with god..(if there is one.
) my immediate family has disowned me along with everyone i was comfortable with my whole life.
I have got a huge grudge against Jehovah and his "organization". I feel like it has ruined my life and any chance of a relationship with God..(if there is one.) My immediate family has disowned me along with everyone I was comfortable with my whole life. I get so angry when the elders try to stop by my house to see if my life is bad enough to start coming back to the KingdomHall. I cant stand it. I have abandonment issues now and cant seem to stay in a relationship. I have tried to talk to others about my feelings, but I never feel people understand. I do not want sympathy I want to be happy for once in my life. I had guilt when I was in, and now that I have left I feel lost and alone. Worst of all, becz of what I was taught, I have no fear of death and do not regret any of my stupid actions. What's the point? Im going to be destroyed anyway right? My family life would have been a lot better if the JWs would have never stopped by so many years ago. My Mom used to say we were so lucky that they became JW when I was born, cuz we might be smokers or something. I dont know about all you out there, but I would rather smoke 6 packs a day then deal with the pain that this religion has caused. Please if anyone understands my feelings please give me suggestions for handling my anger.
This is a perfect religion!
by life is to short inthis is perfect religion with imperfect people.
the elders are imperfect that is why there are problems.
we just need to endure because jehovah is allowing this as a test to see if we will still love him.
I dont mean to come off harsh, but if you believe this is the "perfect", "true" religion why would you call yourself "life is too short". According to your perfect religion you are going to live forever on earth, perfect, playing with all the wild animals. I mean the "end is near" right? You should be happy and rejoice in all you do...yet you are not rejoicing at all. Instead you are acting like you are trapped in a cage. You should ponder this very long and hard because in reality life is too short. You are wasting it trying to meet the expectations of a group of imperfect humans who you would probably not even reconize behind closed doors. It is not an easy decision. I lost everyone close to me becz of mine, but I still have a sense of peace I hope you can find someday. I wish you the best "life is too short". I think you should really investigate the organization and continue to ask questions on this site. Everyone seems very open minded and loving. Something you may not find so much of asking questions to the elders in your congregation.