You can read the article version of this book at:
From there click on the link to the book on pdf.
any cheaper ways of getting a copy?
i won't want to steal.
You can read the article version of this book at:
From there click on the link to the book on pdf.
why are you guys so obsessed with organizations?
there has to be order in the world and organised people!
Dear Richard C B, whose member account name must stand for "Richard Cult B*tch" am I right?
JW's prefer the term 0rganization because their turd of a Company President Judge for four days Rutherford told them the term religion was a no-no.
So today the JW religion that Rutherford founded on the schizophrenic Millenerian Bible Student movement, is an 0rganization and they proudly display their JW.0rg signs because the money-making religious and litigious company wasn't successful in getting it copyrighted, otherwise the religions-minions wouldn't be able to brandish it about like the previous religion's Watchtower logo which was a no-no to use.
So that's the obsession about 0rganization, or as much of an answer I venture to give you nincompoop of a troll.
so since the last time i posted regarding my fade, you all learned that i was having some health issues.
that came along just right to quit going to meeting without raising much suspicion.
somehow everyone at the hall seemed ready to tell my wife they missed me but attended the memorial and no one bothered to take the initiative to back those words with actions.. i guess that having seen me at the memorial they at least felt bad because last night i got a call from one of the elders telling me they want to come today and visit with me.
Turn any shepherding call with more than one elder down!
Tell the kind elder you'd rather meet up with him for a coffee somewhere and then just chit chat with him and avoid any theo-cultic-talk, to any question he might ask in this regards just say "hum, I dunno, I guess I'll have to think about that" and "hum, I guess I'll have to think about that too" and "I guess that's another one to think about".
To any theocratese expressions from him squint your eyes a bit and tilt your head like he just said something in a foreign language you don't understand.
Keep changing the subject to non-theo-cultic topics and try to speak to his genuine personality not his cult-personality.
Anyway, that's how I handle these types (and their anti-types as well).
only a few days ago i was walking around the house in a mindless wander thinking if i needed to seek professional help.
then i got the courage to seek the comfort of complete strangers on the internet and found a world of support here on this website.
thank you simon and whoever else has made this website possible.
What is a CLAM? I guess I've been out awhile and this is something new?
my name is christian and my wife is katja, and we have been out of the organization for a year and a half.
we were both regular pioneers and i was a ministerial servant.
we were very much happy to be witnesses and doing our best to do more for the organization.
I looooovvveeee your YouTube channel videos. Two thumbs up!
Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your experience.
since 1995 gorby likes to investigate the organizational behind the jehovah's witnesses, and is working now on a publication about it.
i will keep you updated about that.
now, in the memorial week, i found a new watchtower trade brand under the wings of kingdom support service, inc. and it's name is hudson valley.
if i pay a ransom do i get my money back?.
jesus' paid the price (ransom) but he got his life back.. he was dead like 6.41e-13 years of his long life..
It's a sacrifice of the physical for the spiritual.
Indeed. The original Greek < > doesn't say anithing about the "inspired statement of". The word is pneuma which means spirit or air, as in the "airs", the way people carry themselves, one's vital spirit, one's creativeness and motivation.
By basing his talk on a mistranslation, the whole premise of his talk is wrong.
“There is a story of a Scotch traveller who changed clothes with a Jerusalem shepherd and tried to lead the sheep; but the sheep followed the shepherd’s voice and not his clothes.” Plummer.
I thought I'd heard that before. It's taken from a Bible commentary--from the "world of false religion" as JW's would call it.
someone asked for a second source on this, so i'm putting this out there to those who may have visited the new wt hq lately and know it to be true.
i had read from others on the ex-jw subreddit that had taken a tour recently at wt hq, that they had been shown photos of a mountain in china, and told that this is where all of the granite is being mined from and shipped over to new york to use at the site of the new wt hq.
apparently, it was cheaper for them to do this and have the local brothers in china mine it, then having to by tons upon tons of granite here in the usa, even wholesale.
Thanks for that link, ttdtt.
"Chinese granite is its high levels of radiation. Radioactive isotopes of potassium and radium exist in most Chinese granite in higher levels than elsewhere. Chinese chemist L. Xinwei and his colleagues claimed in 2005 that six types of the most sought-after granite mined in China contained more than the normal radiation limit for home use."
ok wow.
i am really really pissed.
i had to really hold back and bite my tongue.
When I was serving as an elder, before ever making a call on any JW by two elders, it would be discussed by the elder body, then two brothers assigned and these two brothers would call, both on the phone line, not just one, but both on the phone line at the same time, to arrange for a scheduled time, especially so if it was a DF'ed person, and even more emphatically so if it was a female.
That they showed up un-annouced, is very suspicious. Not to make you paranoid or anything, but since you just saw them at the Hall three days ago this stinks of an "investigatory visit".
You did well not to see them in. If you invite them you are giving in to their tactics. Next time just tell them you're in the middle of getting dressed since you just came out of the shower and have an important appointment at school you must go to. (Their fantasies will run wild).
If it happens again tell them they just caught you coming out of the shower again, and follow this up with the question "Do you guys plan this? 'Cause you always seem to know when I'm naked and getting out of the shower. If I didn't know better I'd feel like I was being stalked!"
Then at the very next meeting ask another elder if you can ask something in private with him and another brother and say that you would appreciate if they're going to call on you that they make plans ahead of time because twice now they've shown up at your door when you've just come out of the shower.
It will get back to the whole body of elders, you better believe it, and if they do try to visit again without an appointment, then sure enough this third time is highly suspicious, no really, the second time may have been a coincidence but now you're getting awful worried and will be calling the CO.