Happy 21st to your girl. May her day be merry and bright. She is a lucky girl to have a mum who thinks she is important and special.
Posts by nugget
Happy 21st!!!!
by KateWild in21 years ago today, was the one of the most special days of my life.
i gave birth to my precious daughter.
who knew it would pass so quickly!
Why is my JW mother so mean to me and her grandson??
by quellycatface ini've been wanting to ask your advice for ages on this subject and here goes.. my mum is a jw fanatic, she just reads the bible and the publications, no other books at all.
she is a functioning alcoholic.. she is so disappointed in me.
i married out of the truth, you see!!!.
She sounds like a very self centred lady, she has drink problems and seems to have no appreciation for your son or you. If you were to DA she would use it as the excuse to have nothing to do with you. We invest a lot in family relationships and sometimes try longer and harder than we should because of the blood connection.
She is mean because she probably has mental and alcohol issues that mean that she sees things constantly from her perspective. The faith she belongs to also makes her judgemental and gives her permission to be unpleasant and a framework to judge you.
She is not a healthy person to be around at the moment. When you are in her company be firm about what you will and will not accept in terms of your son. If she accuses him of being naughty then I would be direct, "He is not naughty he is autistic as his grandmaother I would hope to see a little more tolerance and understanding."
You have nothing to lose.
Ray Franz - is he REALLY a hero?
by baltar447 inon one hand, he's enlightnened many to the internal circle jerk that is the governing body (circa the 70s).. but if there's one reason that can be pointed to for the jws becoming full on cult, it's ray franz.
without him leaving in the manner he did, and stirring the pot, they might not have change the rule (retroatively i might add) on shunning of disassociated ones.
they specifically changed that so they could remove him and eliminate his influence.. his actions single handedly have created the situation where we have to fade, evade, leave marriages, say goodbye to family, just because we don't buy the jw bullsh!t anymore.
He took a stand that took courage. He is a victim of the cult as much as any of us. HE is not to blame for the spiteful policies it just shows the cruelty of those left behind who would have made the same choices to hide their corruption over time.
Blame the offenders by all means not the victims.
Would blood mgmt improvements have been made without firm stand of JW's
by berrygerry inhttp://o.canada.com/news/national/blood-transfusions.
Blood is expensive so economics would have forced change with or without witnesses.
Fake friends and other things that annoy me about the Kingdom Hall
by MysticMage init was easy to figure people out.
as long as you got out in service and put money in the money box people will pretend to be your "friend".. but let's be honest is most of business associates.
they are your friends as long as you are active doing the watchtower bidding.. and then let's talk about the lack of hot women.
What I hated was the young men thinking they were god's gift to womankind holding court at each assembly, whilst gaggles of giggling girls stood around them trying to catch their eye. This later transposed into inequal marriages where smart capable women had sold themselves short to foolish boys because they were in a race not to be left on the shelf.
There are many fantastic women who don't get married because they were perceived to be too plain or dowdy by the shallow self obsessed brothers. If they had been outside the organisation then it is more likely they would have found someone who appreciated their worth.
Some people need to grow up before they inflict themselves on womankind. Good luck with that.
Shepherd the Flock Book - Did Your Wife or Other Family Member Find It?
by jw07 inthose of you who served as elders, did your wife or other family members / friends find your secret shepherd the flock book?
how did they react?
how did you react?.
I was an elders wife and never read it. My husband never it left it lying around and I never felt the need to look for it or read it. There was enough boring literature I had to read, why bother to read another bore fest I didn't have to.
My husband never told me any of the confidential information he was privy to nor if the "meeting" he was attending was a JC or some other congregation business.
I behaved as I was supposed to by not asking questions and not being curious I truly believes at the time it was the right thing to do.
Convicted paedophile allowed to grill his victims at Jehovah's Witness meeting
by Sapphy inhttp://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/convicted-paedophile-jonathan-rose-grilled-7151197.
oh my goodness, i'm so angry i can't even speak!
"women who complained that former jehovahs witness elder jonathan rose, 40, had molested them as children relived their nightmares in front of him after he was released from jail".
The damage this does psychologically to the victims should not be underestimated. They go through this gruelling ordeal with no aftercare or support except for a bunch of men who once the judgement is passed down wash their hands of the whole thing.
This must stop. Questions such as whether the experience was enjoyable are irrelevent. Certainly trying to imply that a victim was in some way complict in the act are disgusting. This shows why unqualified men shouldn't be allowed anywhere near these cases.
This was proved in a proper court and court transcripts are available there was no requirement for this sort of meddling.
My daughter's wedding dilemma
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmy daughter will be getting married this coming august.
she and her future husband are not jehovah's witnesses.
they will have a non-religious wedding ceremony.
Weddings are an expensive business, your daughter does not want to pay for people who then walk out and waste the food provided. If she is planning a sit down meal the costs of a large number of people leaving the venue could be significant and disruptive. Sorry to talk money in a moral dilema but it is a consideration.
If she wants to invite the Df'd relative she should be free to do so but I would notify the JW relatives she intends to invite that he will be attending, thus giving them the opportunity to decline if their conscience is offended . She can then have people attending her wedding who are thinking about her happiness and not their religious rules. Often at weddings we invite people out of duty when in fact we should invite people who love and care about us and want to share in our happiness.
It is her day and so she should not have to deal with any dramas on the day, JW relatives causing a scene is an embarrassment and could spoil the day for everyone. The other solution is to take the decision out of their hands and not invite them at all or invite them to the ceremony but not the reception.
Have you talked to your daughter about this? What would she prefer and how does she feel about her JW relatives, does she want them there or are they being invited because they are relatives. You may be worrying about something that she has already thought about.
My Child Has Asked Me to Divorce Husband
by HeyThere ini guess i am just venting.
its a mess.
i just dont even know where to start with this crap.
Being a JW is his choice, he is trying to force you to make it your choice too. JWs with his mindset do not compromise and are not interested in an alternative point of view. His infidelity may make him feel that he has to work even harder to be in an approved state but if he hasn't confessed his sin to the elders he will know he cannot earn God's blessing under JW rules. The problem is he is making you do his pennance with him which is unfair and unreasonable.
If his behaviour is having a negative affect on you and your child then it may be time to change things. If he is not interested in what you want then separating from him and giving him an opportunity to realise that you are serious may be necessary.
It is incredibly difficult dealing with lapsed JWs who still believe because you are never free of the religion it is a shadow hanging over you. In such a relationship there is a danger you become marginalised and seen as a problem that will make it harder for him to progress in the organisation. He needs to decide what is important to him. You need to look after your child's interests sine he is being selfish and focusing on himself at the moment.
I wish it could be more positive, I really feel for you.
New to The Jehovahs Witness Faith and need some help
by jnjburkett inhello there i am new to the faith and have been studying for about a month.
i am very excited and hungry for the truth and have not missed a meeting or study since the memorial.
we do about 2 bible studies a week.
Your study gradually conditions you to do and accept things that you would never consider in the beginning. They say "you will know what to do" because they know that if they told you what is acrually expected at this early stage you would think they were crazy people. What they mean is when you have been conditioned enough you will judge your families choices and want to distance yourself from them. You will not want to support them because you will think that what they do goes against God. you will feel uncomfortable around them because their choices are different from your choices so you will distance yourself from them and spend less and less time with them. You will constantly feel the need to make a stand for your beliefs because keeping quiet will be seen as a compromise. JWs do not compromise. You be absent from all the family celebrations they hold dear, you will not celebrate their birthdays, be part of family Christmas or attend a military funeral. You will be pulled away from your family.
I am sad for your family as you sound like a supportive and loving daughter who has respect for the things your family holds dear. This religion will ask you to make many sacrifices in it's name and give up a lot of the things that you take forgranted. You will change from the person you are now and you won't even realise it is happening. You will be told that people who disagree with this religion may be well motivated but they are influenced by Satan and you shouldn't listen to them. You will trust the organisation more and your family less. A religion that will demand as much from you as this one needs to deserve the level of commitment they will require. You need to be very sure of that before you drive a wedge between yourself and your family.
These people mean well but they are already conditioned to believe that theirs is the only true religion and there is nothing else. They will not read anything that is critical of their faith and never check the cited references in their literature. Check everything and if they lie to you remember that this religion calls itself the "truth".