Pay taxes on their self-employment.
Oh wait, they already do that.
i was listening to a circuit overseer's talk and he mentioned about how a sister wanted to simplify.
she had a couple of dogs.
then he related that she said that all she had to do was get rid of the dogs.
Pay taxes on their self-employment.
Oh wait, they already do that.
i just found this out last night.
(preface: this is a husband and wife that i have come to be friends with after leaving the borg, they are christians).
we were sitting around visiting last night and having a good time when my friend starts in on illegal immigration and politics and starts throwing out his hate speech which eventually turns to homosexuals.
Thats funny. Was his theory that God just created the earth with a bunch of fossils already built into it?
Come across this a few times myself, I realize now that there are plenty of people out there just as crazy as the JWs.
i don't understand why so many ex jws and faders think that the jws will continue to grow and thrive as a religion.
i still attend a meeting once a week and you can smell the death of the religion creeping up when you hear the talks, read the study wts and hear the letters from the gb.
the way the organization has changed is a sign that it reached its peak (in "healthy" membership) long ago.
And though many here have sounded the death knell for Mormonism, we're still doing quite well
Of course they are doing well, the leaders of course. Sucking 10% off of the top of every single Mormon's income has to really add up!
God Needs Money!
if gods kingdom is anything like the laws of leviticus and other books, it will be tough on women and children.
a man gets into a fight with another man and his wife impulsively grabs the offenders testies.
her hands are cut off.
Good points.
Along with DOC's thought, I've though a lot about what JW paradise would mean.
Endless fruit platters and a personal petting zoo might be nice at first, but after 347,000 years that would get old. What happens when someone plants some marijuana and starts smoking it up once the buds are ready? What if someone starts a 'business' or a competitive sports league? Are they going to get wiped off of the face of the earth? And how will those still alive cope with that kind of justice?
Its an impossibility, unless free will is removed.
i don't understand why so many ex jws and faders think that the jws will continue to grow and thrive as a religion.
i still attend a meeting once a week and you can smell the death of the religion creeping up when you hear the talks, read the study wts and hear the letters from the gb.
the way the organization has changed is a sign that it reached its peak (in "healthy" membership) long ago.
And yet the org still grows.
The same thing was said after 75.
And when the 'generation' doctrine was blown up in 95.
And when the UN scandal broke.
And when the bullshit known as overlapping generations was rolled out just a few years back.
So you still go? Why? You are wasting every single minute you get ready for it, attend, and drive back home. Zero return on investment.
And how many like you do the same? Thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Who knows?
The Watchtower Printing and Real Estate Investment Corporation isn't going anywhere. Sure growth may stop, even decline in the next decade or two. So what? Millions will still stay in, because they either can't or don't want to think.
Its up to you to get out.
"did god really say that you must not eat from every tree of the garden?
" with those words, satan the devil became the first troll.
(gen. 3:1) what is trolling?
Jesus H. Christ. Absolutley, f'ing brilliant!
Next step is to read all of those scriptures cited.
Jehovah, the Great Moderator???? I'll be thinking of that every time I read through a troll thread til the day I die.
I salute you, sir.
I only ask for the rest of my spiritual food. Must. Have. Paragraphs. 7-20.
so i was visiting my older cousin who has been out of the jw's for many years but is still favorable.
to the whole nonsense and seems to be on the fence still after 35 years and she asked me "have you ever.
thought about going back?
So she is not formally DF'd right? That is what I'm getting from the "she left without consequence" part.
If you are inactive, they won't hold a formal reinstatement committee, so it could vary wildly on what they would do with/to her if she came back to the hall. It could just be a brush up study and then back into service/meetings/the rest of the bull.
But a formally DFd people have to go sit in the back of the hall, then grovel at their feet after probably six months minimum.
Not sayin' it makes any sense! Just sayin' how it works.
Hmmm. Loesch continues to preside over an evil cult, even after peeking behind the curtain for more than two decades. I can only go by the actions of the WT as a whole, which continues to ban blood in lifesaving situations, and rip families limb from limb simply because they can.
Franz tries to reform the mess, and gets kicked out for his efforts. He goes on to expose the cult for what it is without bitterness, freeing hundreds of thousands from its clutches.
Loesch is a dick, Franz is a hero.
its been a long time since i have been this enraged at the evilness and shameless exploitation by the jws.
i just got back from the meeting (dont ask) and sat through the km article laying out plans to mass convert nursing homes all over the world.
i am not going to labor the obvious ethical travesty of this plan but i will say that it constitutes a major public health risk.
Oh come on. Did you hit the bottle when you got home?
You really think the key to Watchtower world dominiation is the recruitment of nursing home patients?
I'm sure it was just their usual tripe about witnessing anywhere and everywhere. What better place to drop off their 16 page tractzines than the local nursing home, as the old folks aren't going to have many conversation stoppers.
i just got back from the district convention and watched the new video.
can't remember what it is called but the main family live in a million dollar home and there teenage daughter drives a red convertable sports car.
probably worth about 50000$.
Need a little more detail on that one. Like Londo says, probably the BAD JWs who got caught up in material pursuits.
They can't be saying those are the "good JWs" right?