Ok, I watched yesterday as well.
The "climax" as described above was just idiotic. Basically the comparison was getting drunk and killing someone = leaving the b0rg. They kept on and on and on with the "your choices affect other people". Hidden message, "You can't leave the b0rg or you won't have a family ever again"
Also right before this part, daddy tries a last ditch effort to get Marcus back into the b0rg. Instead of meeting any of the objections the son has, daddy's solution is Marcus should just go to meetings, in serve-us, and attend family worship "full force" for six months. All they have is desperate re-indoctrination ploys these days. Nothing else.
Also this was brought up in Reddit, the magical negro angle.
As usual, its kinda hilarious to see how they dress up the JWs to look like 'worldly people'. Just doesn't work.
The resolution was ridiculous as well. Here is a guy working tons of OT, and who has his wife at work. Suddenly he sits down and works out a budget in the backyard where they can suddenly "make it" on his income alone, and wifey will get to go in serve-us more. This was before any discussion of selling the house. Pretty amazing how in JW land you can cut your income in half suddenly and everything works out!