Yeah they should notify you especially if you are so easy to find, maybe you were marked?
Either way, congrats!
it wasn't my preferred method of leaving but at least i'm as far as i can be from this cult.
over 2 years ago i've tried to fade out but i guess i did it too drastically.
i live in nyc so the entire territory is walkable and everybody in the congregation live pretty close by.
Yeah they should notify you especially if you are so easy to find, maybe you were marked?
Either way, congrats!
if more faders stopped fading and just stopped,.
would more of the many closet unbelieving attendees just stop too, creating a momentum?.
I believe this to be true, by quitting you activate brain cells in some JWs who are curious. Sometimes they know something is wrong on a subconscious level but they don't/won't think about it until they see that others also recognize the problem. A few have told me personally that they left and I had an indirect role in doing so. I was DFd and it was widely known the reason why (apostasy).
Sitting in the hall for years on end when you don't believe it only helps perpetuate the lie.
my guess is, god gets bored.. armageddon's over, the earth has been cleansed, only his sycophants have survived.
all is perfect.
after a millenium or three god gets bored.
Likely the people get bored first. If they actually have free will, they will start experimenting with Mary Jane, and of course alcohol.
How much alcohol will a person be allowed in the new order before they are 'sinning'? Or will they be allowed to form competitive sports leagues, or even play board games competitively? Or, as Data Dog mentions, a little sexual experimentation - will that be allowed? We all know how much God dislikes Oral already!
You can only take so many picnics on the rolling green grass hills of paradise before you want to take your own life out of sheer boredom.
well,according to my mother,lots of bible studies and newly interested ones because of the promotion of the website.
it is just growing,lol.. i have no clue.
it's funny their spin on things.
The only real number IMHO that matter are the baptisms, which tell us how many actually dedicate their life to this silly little cult.
Unfortunately those only come out once a year so its kinda like watching paint dry.
Everything else is subject to inflation and speculation, as the OP's experience shows.
friends.. i'm sure you will all be encouraged by this nice story related to me by a brother in my old congregation.
4 year old "jana" (not her real name), is from a witness family in a middle sized city.
she has faced many challenges in her pre-school class.
4 year old "Jana" (not her real name), is from a witness family in a middle sized city.
Was her real name "andre'?
so it's been about 10 years since i have faded out and have stopped believing in the jw teachings.
since then, i have accepted jesus and have experienced an amazing tranformation in my life and have been freed from the jw prison mentally and spiritually.
a more detailed thread about my journey is here if you are interested.. anyways, my jw family lives in another state so they are unaware that i am no longer "in the truth" since i have not told them.
Never say you are the A-word to anyone who you want to continue to communicate with, the JWs have loaded the language with that term.
There are other ways to simply let them know you agree to disagree with them.
i cannot wrap my mind around the fact that there is jw tv.
being a born in and living most of my life hearing how tv evangelism is wrong and lazy preaching yet seeing this unfold solidifies this religion as a cult!.
i remember back when i began my fade a few years ago i told my brother during an argument how this religion is just like any other religion in that its bull.
Yeah its a joke to call it a TV channel. Its just more content for the fully brainwashed rank and file JW.
The world at large knows nothing of this silly little cult.
i've heard about his bombastic, overly patronising, cartoon-ish delivery before, but i'd never actually seen it...until now.
and i should add, this religion bears little to no relation to the one i left 6 years ago.. .
And, I also, never heard the names of the GB back in the good old days. Didn't know their names, rarely heard anyone speak of them.
Now they are mentioned in every meeting, in almost every prayer. I don't get it.
Its idolatry. They are the modern day Golden Calf. Too many years of waiting for Jesus to do the job and the troops are restless, thus they are falling all over themselves to worship the Governing Body.
so i had to see what the hubbub was about.
pointed my browser to the tv site and started watching the streaming video of the prodigal son.. here's my review:.
first, not a lot of dialogue.
Mmmmm....Vanna White, but I digress.
Yeah, that video sucks. Sucks big time. Did I mention that it sucks?
who thought in the early months of 2012 that such a rebranding would take place in only a matter of 24 months?.
they managed to go from an antique looking and boring website ( with hardly any attractive content to go to a fresh looking new website with stuff for everyone, families, children, teenagers.. movies, and short videos about almost everything and new ones added every month.
cartoons, animation video's , interviews, picture activities all kind of projects, many audio files like dramatic bible readings, dramas and music, online research tools, new brochures for kids (off and online) etc.
Conclusion here on this forum reside a bunch of amateurs, the pro's are in Brooklyn, Patterson , Wallkill and soon Warwick
They are ten steps ahead
ROFLMAO! The douche bags that run this religion got their asses handed to them for the first 17 years of the internet's existence (counting from 1995 to 2012). Basically they stuck their scraggly necks in the sand and prayed for Jehoopla to remove the evil interwebs from the earth. Finally the old timers die off and they decide to pull their collective head out of ass and enter the 21st century.
Too late. You can't play catch up with something that you cannot censor. Sure the little cult will sputter on for another century, but the glory days are long, long gone.