Ha ha, you caught your wife on a good day, right after your prayer.
Come back on Monday after she rips your ass a new one and tell us how helpful God was.
Here's your answer, no prayer needed though I do accept paypal donations - DIVORCE HER ASS!
all my family members and friends (that include some elders) advised me to divorce my wife whose only joy was to pick up fight with me for everything i do, except my grand-mother who said: when you married her, you looked for only her good pointher regular pioneering despite having an opposing family.
for being good, you will ultimately reap something far better through her.
stick on to her.
Ha ha, you caught your wife on a good day, right after your prayer.
Come back on Monday after she rips your ass a new one and tell us how helpful God was.
Here's your answer, no prayer needed though I do accept paypal donations - DIVORCE HER ASS!
i know this has been talked about in the past but im new here..
There are so many things the JWs spout off about that they say are "good" or "right" when the reality is completely opposite.
Morality is one, as already exposed nicely by Cantleave. Add to that they really aren't any more moral than the rest of humanity. Plenty of sex outside of marriage, lots of alcohol abuse, and I'm sure they watch plenty of porn on the downlow. Drug use is probably lower, but then again they lie about how much the world uses drugs.
Lying is a biggie with JWs, starting from the top down. When you lie about being God's mouthpiece, you pretty much lose any high ground when it comes to morality.
sorry my bad englich i need the new book for pioners , edition 2014 !
in pdf or doc, please!
New pioneer book below, 1 page only:
Go hand out worthless leaflets for 70 hours each month.
Repeat next month.
In reality, I actually do hope they further expose themselves to the public. More people will understand they are a cult and will want nothing to do with them.
i made a post a few days ago about stagnant jw growth at international conventions.
i also enjoyed reading analysis of the statistics from jwfacts.
what the watchtower claims and what the reality is, are two different things.
Born ins like us are dealt some pretty shitty cards.
You don't expect you parents to be liars. You trust them.
You go to school and have to be different, stick out like a sore thumb. You start to build a persecution complex from a very young age.
You invest thousands of hours in meetings, FS, assemblies, over the first 20 years of your life. If you want sex, you get married real young, and have hopefully have some real fun for a few years. If kids come along quickly, its stressful as hell as you try to make ends meet with a HS diploma.
Its a wonder any born in escapes.
listen guys, one month i had some bible thumpers knocking at me door telling me about hell.
then i have some weird fundamental religious sponsored "education books for parents to help their children in school".
the next i have some south korean mother god cult come to my door with qr codes on their literature too.
They are wearing those buttons in service? How frikken embarrassing!
we have had a great discussion about world war i and its impact on the twentieth century.
i hope we can have an equally interesting exchange about october 1914. we all know how important that date was in the history of jehovah's witnesses but what may be murkier is the wts's later thinking on what happened that month and when.
charles taze russell and his followers expected the gentile times to conclude in that month with the battle of armageddon.
As to the last part of your post Q, I think they are distancing from this sort of nonsense. One of their recent publications says something like "about 1914" on the chart.
Vague claims and dates work best for the type of personality they are trying to attract and keep in the cult.
we have had a great discussion about world war i and its impact on the twentieth century.
i hope we can have an equally interesting exchange about october 1914. we all know how important that date was in the history of jehovah's witnesses but what may be murkier is the wts's later thinking on what happened that month and when.
charles taze russell and his followers expected the gentile times to conclude in that month with the battle of armageddon.
1914 was one of many darts thrown at the board. They kept on throwing, then Armageddon didn't materialize.
I shudder at the thought of collective total of man (and woman) hours lost because of this ridiculous date, 1914.
"Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions." -- Frater Ravus
"The Way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason ." -- Benjamin Franklin
"Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence." -- Richard Dawkins
ive heard from a credible source that the landover (dc) international convention is important to the society in view of the 100 year anniversary of "kingdom rule" and the location being near the capital of the "seventh world power".
perhaps they hope this particular international sends a message.
we know that come convention time usually there is some feel good fluff piece in the newspapers about the watchtower religion.
Just checked the DC weather forecast.
Fortunately there won't be blistering heat.
Unfortunately its 40% chance of rain Friday, 70% Saturday, and 40% Sunday.
How many will simply say f-it and go home Sunday morning if they get poured on tomorrow and Saturday?