JoinedTopics Started by pixiesticks
New publications 2010
by jmbrasil innew publications of the congress of 2010, someone you know?.
books and brochures em pdf.
Did you swear when you were a JW?
by St George of England ini have noticed that quite a few people here swear and use profanity.
an elder once told me this is quite common in the congregations he has been in.
i was raised in so never allowed to swear and never got into the habit.
New Creation Book
by God_Delusion ini was recently informed (on jwn) that plans to publish a new creation book were well ahead.
is this true?
if so, can anyone clarify this for me?.
What had its beginning in the Garden of Eden?
by wannabe inwhat had its beginning in the garden of eden?.
we know that right at its outset ancient jerusalem, was representative of the throne of jehovah, that all of his chosen kings sat on the throne of jehovah in that city.
a scripture that the governing body of jehovah's witnesses has used to back up their claim that jerusalem was the throne of jehovah, found at jeremiah 3:17 although, on the one hand, would apply to ancient jerusalem, but a close reading of that entire scripture would appear the be saying something other than what might appear to be the case.
Why so many similarities between Saturn/Kronos and Jesus, Jehovah and Satan?
by EndofMysteries inlooking up the gods saturn and kronos, their legend, what they do, how they got in power, what they are called, what they did to their children, how their rule is and conditions on earth during it.
i'll post what i'm exactly referring to when i get back from work, but just google saturn and kronos and you will see what i'm referring to..
Don'tcha Feel Bad For The Pope?
by minimus inthe europeans are getting angry with the pope for alleged coverups of sex abuse.
don'tcha feel bad for the pope?.
How do you cope with boredom at meetings?
by MMXIV inwhat did/do you use to cope with boredom at the meetings?.
as sad as this sounds, when i was a kid and desperate for anything to do at a meeting, i used to count the punctuation in each wt study article.
i had a system.
When religion dies....will it just roll over belly up?
by cameo-d inor will they go down with one last big fight?.
or will they reinvent themselves and return in disguise as part of the nwo?.
what do you see as the future when religions reach the tipping point of empty pews and no more $$$?.
SURVIVORS on BBC America, majority of people in Britain die of "flu"
by blondie inhttp://www.bbcamerica.com/content/370/index.jsp.
has anybody been watching this show in the us or saw it last year in the uk?.
i taped it and i'm starting to watch it from 10/14/09 episode.. set in the present day, survivors focuses on the world in the aftermath of a virulent disease that scoured the planet, wiping out 99% of the human race.