i need part 2 link, the link i have is broken(RapidShare)
JoinedPosts by andy5421
DVD "JW's Faith In Action, part 1 Out of Darkness" Omits! Omits! Omits!
by Wasanelder Once ini've been watching the new dvd and it is a bull fest about russell.
i haven't even gotten half way and they already excluded one very important bit of information.
you'll recall that russell "lost" his faith and "turning away from church creeds and searching for truth, russell examined some leading oriental religions, only to find these unsatisfying".
DVD "JW's Faith In Action, part 1 Out of Darkness" Omits! Omits! Omits!
by Wasanelder Once ini've been watching the new dvd and it is a bull fest about russell.
i haven't even gotten half way and they already excluded one very important bit of information.
you'll recall that russell "lost" his faith and "turning away from church creeds and searching for truth, russell examined some leading oriental religions, only to find these unsatisfying".
pm the link to me
new light is the term used whenever a change in position on certain subjects is made.
Proverbs 4:18 But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established.
Much like the refining of metal, dross and impurities must be taken out so the silver & gold can come forth.
Since we are imperfect humans being used by Jehovah, our understanding of God's Word is flawed, since we are flawed. God used imperfect huumans throught His existence.
Apollos, an ardent, zealous Christian, preached constantly, but he had a small misunderstanding of doctrine. Two older, wiser sisters corrected him and he humbly accepted it.
God does not change. His word has been the same since day one, our understanding of it does since we are flawed.
DVD "JW's Faith In Action, part 1 Out of Darkness" Omits! Omits! Omits!
by Wasanelder Once ini've been watching the new dvd and it is a bull fest about russell.
i haven't even gotten half way and they already excluded one very important bit of information.
you'll recall that russell "lost" his faith and "turning away from church creeds and searching for truth, russell examined some leading oriental religions, only to find these unsatisfying".
wannabefree: look for a VOB>AVI Converter program on the net, use that to post it and if you wanna post it online use www.vidreel.com to post it. I've seen full length movies from there.
Not as fansy-schmansy as yourube but then agin you should get any flak about having it online from there
The Invention of Lying
by AllTimeJeff ini just watched this movie on video this weekend.
always meant to see it and just got around to it.
it was a brilliant movie, but not at all what i was expecting.. it's a story of a man who lives in a world where everyone says what is on their mind all the time, to the point of brutal honesty (no, i am not sleeping with you.").
actually the first lie was when he said he wanted to withdraw $300(but his account was zero) after that he lied all throughout the movie, and the other people(not privvy to the lie) believed his every word.
apostacy....is it the unforgivable sin???
by peaches indo active witnesses consider apostacy the unforgivable sin????
if not,,,,then what is the puniishment for being on this sight????
just curious...thanks much....peaches.
The Only unforgiveable sin according to the bible is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit:
this happened when Jesus cures a demon-possesed man. The Pharasees attribute this to Beelzebub, Satan the Devil.
Matthew 12:22:
22 Then they brought him a demon-possessed man, blind and dumb; and he cured him, so that the dumb man spoke and saw. 23 Well, all the crowds were simply carried away and began to say: “May this not perhaps be the Son of David?” 24 At hearing this, the Pharisees said: “This fellow does not expel the demons except by means of Be?el′ze?bub, the ruler of the demons.” 25 Knowing their thoughts, he said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself comes to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. 26 In the same way, if Satan expels Satan, he has become divided against himself; how, then, will his kingdom stand? 27 Moreover, if I expel the demons by means of Be?el′ze?bub, by means of whom do YOUR sons expel them? This is why they will be judges of YOU. 28 But if it is by means of God’s spirit that I expel the demons, the kingdom of God has really overtaken YOU. 29 Or how can anyone invade the house of a strong man and seize his movable goods, unless first he binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house. 30 He that is not on my side is against me, and he that does not gather with me scatters.
31 “On this account I say to YOU, Every sort of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven. 32 For example, whoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the holy spirit, it will not be forgiven him, no, not in this system of things nor in that to come. -
June 2010 Awake! more duplicity.....
by Hobo Ken ini was up in my mum's house the other night (she and my father are still active jws) and saw the june 2010 awake!.
as i browsed through it i came to watching the world.
as i read the article on the "baby mammoth" i noticed that there seemed to be some important information missing, as well as some good old watchtower selective quoting.. bear in mind that devout witnesses would never question the organisation or suspect that an article could be misleading them far less go and research the information to check it's authenticity.. the article mentions the age of the animal at time of death (3 to 4 months) and the fact that it was well preservedin the ice and that it's airways and digestive systems were clogged with silt.. right at the end of the article they say that the "scientists were lead to believe" the animal "must have drowned".
Anytime they say "lead to believe" or "apparently" it means the bullshit is to follow. "Evidently" is another one.
Weasel Words:
Comic Relief .....post some of your favorite comedians
by thetrueone inmitch hederg was a good comedian.
Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglasies
Eddie Izzard
The Wedding Talk-A Humiliation to Women
by WalkTall init is so strange how you look at things so differently when your eyes are open.
i recently went to a witness wedding and listening to the talk with the constant emphasis on the bride having a 'head' and being submissive to her head was painful to listen to.
and how the bride has to say 'deeply respect' while the groom does not, is the epitome of misogyny.
"My dad once gave a wedding talk and accidently referred to the bride as a heffer instead of a helper. It was quite memorable."
LOL. Man good luck living that one down...... of course I dunno maybe she was on the chunky side, Fruedian slip
Anyone know Anthony Morris?
by Eiben Scrood ini listened to this district overseer's talk here:.
i had never heard of the guy and was curious if perhaps he was decent.
what year is this?