Judge for yourself
JoinedPosts by mickahia
It seems the holocust is a hoax. Then the WTS is accomplice in the lie too.
by mickahia injudge for yourself.
Auschwitz survivor: "I can identify with Palestinian youth"
by PrimateDave inauschwitz survivor: "i can identify with palestinian youth".
"hajo meyer, author of the book the end of judaism, was born in bielefeld, in germany, in 1924. in 1939, he fled on his own at age 14 to the netherlands to escape the nazi regime, and was unable to attend school.
a year later, when the germans occupied the netherlands he lived in hiding with a poorly forged id.
Check this page for very interesting information. If this is true, as I consider it to be, then the WTS has part in the perpetuating the lie.
Dealing with Being DF'd
by ~Jen~ ini haven't posted much here but i feel like i need some support right now.
i did post my story, but basically i'm 27, married for 7 years and i was df'd in july.
i always knew i didn't want to be a jw but went along with everything because of fear.
It is painful Jen, but hang in there; things definitely get better. You get used to it and you get stronger and you grow and mature. Just don't talk to your children bad about their father or his religion, so that they will never see you as an adversary. My liberation started a year and a half ago and ended in disfellowshipping a year ago.
I only had a daughter inside, but she has become inactive since. What I have to say may not be welcome by many in this forum, but TO ME what helped me to go through everything and kept me going and made me strong has been my faith in God. Fortunately I could make a very clear distinction between the JW religion and God+the bible and I didn't throw the baby together with the bathwater. My faith in God, the Bible and Jesuschrist are the same as ever, although now with a very different understanding as that of the WTS.
If it fits your emotional situation and spiritual condition, go ahead and pray to our Heavenly Father. I believe He is there waiting for you to go to Him so that He can show you His hand in your life and you can enjoy His goodness. One day you may find peace in Him, as that beautiful hymn says "watching and waiting, looking above, filled with His goodness, lost in His love".
May our Father's blessing be with you and your children.
To you what was the Watchtower Socity's biggest lie ?
by The Almighty Homer inyes, what was the biggest lie that you can think of, that persuaded you to realize that they were not who they said they were ?.
for myself it would have to be the year they picked as the destruction of ancient jerusalem 607 bc.. i have an assumption this was done purposely to coincide correctly with making 1914 an a important pivotal date.
in human history, which by all factual evidence it was not.. unassuming and deceiving manipulation for self marketing purposes.
The biggest lie is that they are "God's organization". All others spring from this one, because it gives them the necessary authority. The scales started falling from my eyes 1 year and a half ago, when I found out that they lied when they said that they had "restored" God's name into the N.T. by putting Jehovah in all the O. T. quotations in the N. T. But then in 3 scriptures they kept the "Lord" even though they are O.T. quotations because those 3 scriptures refer to Jesus. But nowhere do they give any explanation.
QFR..Feb 15 2010. RE Shared Living Accommodation??
by BluesBrother inif this has been posted, then i missed it... .
Song titles in the new song book
by kurtbethel ini have not seen the new song book yet, since i have not managed to ever set foot in a kingdom hall, and i got to wondering about them.
it seems that jws have this need to speak in secret code so that they stand apart from christians, and i was thinking it might find its way into the song book.
so i was wondering what the song titles would be like.