went well, I'm completly out now. I guised my exodus as moving out of state for work. So far so good. I have family in, and they still think I attend. Thankfully Blonde (bless you, yup I said it!) posts the watchtower comments. which is REALLY appreciate to make chit chat about the meetings. Also another sister I knew feels the need to spam my inbox with watchtower propaganda, oddly enough. That also helps.
I was a born inner.. and can't believe I hung in as long as I did. It got to the point where I just WANTED to beleive. But couldn't, cause I saw it was all BS. Then I was rather depressed cause I felt good didn't want me. since all we hear is that Jehovah's draws people. Well I wasn't being drawn obviously..so that much mean he didn't want me! After trying, adn studying, I still thought it was all crap. And honestly the only ones with veils over their eyes are the ones in the organazation! Cause they can't see the man behind the curtain, they only see the Wonderful Wizard of Jehovah..