Firstly, I am not a doctor, but I do work with people with various addiction problems, and the associated practical difficulties that this causes.
For your and your wifes piece of mind; I have been on Morphine medication myself for a couple of years for widespread Arthritis and other problems, I know how easy it is to abuse these meds, (even though I was not seeking to be in any way "high", just pain free) believe me I`ve been there!
Firstly, although Morphine Withdrawals are very unpleasent and quite protracted, they are considered to be less dangerous than alcohol/benzodiazepine withdrawals, that`s not to say they are not entirely safe to go through, especially if your Dad has any heart, or blood pressure problems, -
****One should never go through withdrawals without medical advice and support.*****
I don`t know how Doctors work in the US but here, I was able to explain to my doctor that I was having trouble making my script last, as it is easy to take "just another" especially if someone is in pain.
My doctor aranged for my CDs (controlled drugs) to be prescribed weekly, I find this much easier to manage, as you aren`t tempted as much, as you don`t start the month with 100`s of tablets.
I`d especially suggest that he trys to get his prescription in the sustained release versions, then he will experience a lot less of the ups and downs associated with opiate abuse.
If this isn`t possible, then he could try dividing his script into daily doses, there are various containers available, that have the day/time marked on them, and try to stick to this.
As a more drastic measure ask him to hand over his meds at the begining of the month and give them to him on a daily/weekly basis, this unfortunately puts rather a lot of pressure on you and your family, as someone with an addiction problem can be very persuasive/devious/ even nasty when they run out.
If all this fails, then I would ask to see his doctor yourself, ask his/her opinion, and if he/she advises a Detox programme, then that will be the way to go.
This problem can be sorted if your Dad wants to sort it, if not, then I`m afraid a bit of tough love is in order.
Eventually, when your Dad get`s to grips with his problem, he will thank you for being strong and doing the right thing (whatever that may be).
I hope for all your sakes that you find an answer to this problem, as what your dad is doing at the moment is hurting everyone, not least himself.
All the best
Paul UK
P.S I would strongly advise him to stay away from any "street drug, he doesn`t know what he`s getting, and getting ripped off for (as the Tylenol example (Paracetamol in the UK showed), or who or what he his funding, even indirectly and unintentionally. A dealer is never your friend!