Topics Started by leec
Just felt a tremor
by leec insitting here catching up on why the haitians deserved to suffer when i tremor jolted the house.
funny how i can kind of tell the direction they come from / go to by which side of the house creaks first/last.
checking google live results feed i see i was not the only one who felt it, though i don't see it yet on the quakes sites i occassionally check.. .
Olympic Torch Failure A Blessing!
by leec inthe olympics is nothing more than a satanic contest between one wild beast and another.
the failure of the forth arm of the olympic torch is a twofold prophesy, to wit:.
1) the beast cannot stand on its own, it will ultimately fail due to man's folly!.
A Class Divided
by leec intotally unrelated to anything except that my mind has been on this long-running documentary series lately, this is an episode of frontline broadcast originally in 1985, about a teacher in a small school in bfe (somewhere in iowa iirc) who, starting in 1968 i believe, taught her class about the realities of racism.
(commentary requested.).
a class divided.
Anyone besides JWs and LDSs use words like "apostate" and "worldly"
by leec ini was just watching a documentary on polygamist ldses in canada and i hear them dropping terms like "apostate" and "worldly" ... and i'd never heard either of those terms in my entire life until i started spending time in the company of jws.
have i led a sheltered life?
is this just a random coincidence?
Songs of Questioning
by leec in
How To
by leec inhow to google_ad_section_start() how to become a jehovah's witness google_ad_section_end() contributorby ehow contributing writer article rating: (10 ratings) google_ad_section_start() jehovah's witnesses are a christian group who adhere to first century christianity while shunning corruption in the faith over the years.
best known for "the watchtower" magazine and early morning visits to your front door, jehovah's witnesses believe that there's room for just 144,000 souls in heaven.
if this interests you, read on to learn how to become a jehovah's witness.. google_ad_section_end() .
A Sliver of Poetic Justice
by leec in
san franciscos answer to westboro baptist churchby ed hunsinger on january 29, 2010 comments (6).
photo by edw lynch.
"Dubs" ??
by leec inwould someone please explain to me the etymology of the term "dub" as used in this forum?
i've searched here and elsewhere online (albeit not exhaustively) and cannot find anything enlightening.
(by the way, if it's something really obvious, i am infamous among those who know me for missing the obvious at times, so this is not a joke or anything other than a straightforward question.
So what's in it for the WTS?
by leec ini'm still just trying to understand ..... what is the real essence of why the leaders at the very core of this religion do what they do?
i assume they are all in the 144k, so i get that.
but i mean ... that can't be the entire motivation for all this misery.
Current view of Russell's writing?
by leec infor those who don't know me, i am not knowledgeable about jw, but have been invovled with someone who is.
can someone here who knows please tell me what jws currently believe about these passages.
i'm just wondering how they rationalize the current state of jw/wt vis-a-vis the following.