Just a bunch of misleading statements and outright lies.
Plus he's omitting the psychological effect that the JW doctrine about blood holds over believers. Sure, they can choose to give their kid blood or not, BUT that choice is dictated by blind adherence to what the WTS has told them they should do or out of fear of judicial action/disfellowshipping.
Using the line, "JWs do not refuse medical treatment," is a misnomer. We're talking directly in this case about a refusal of blood transfusion, not medical treatment as a whole. The point is, given the choice between 'Blood or Death' many JW R&F will feel compelled to, either by blind adherence of doctrine or through fear of consequence, choose death.
In this scenario, a parent let a child die specifically due to belief taught by the WTS, to say she was free to make the choice is to belie all that is involved in that choice.
Truly despicable what the GB is capable of getting away with just because the R&F wholly put their faith in their connection to "Holy Spirit."
This is where the quote from Steven Weinberg comes in and explains so efficiently,
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.