Love his, "Evidence for Evolution," speech, showed many point by point explanations for all of the evidence. Included link to the video below if anyone hasn't seen it:
JoinedPosts by The_Doctor10
Faith v Fact - New Book by Jerry Coyne
by cofty injerry coyne has been in the news with the release of a new book "faith v fact".. you can read a review from the independent here.... "he argues that there is a direct and unavoidable conflict between faith and science.
both make truth claims about the universe.
but only science has the means to test, refute or refine its claims.
Conti v WT court documents
by umbertoecho ini don't know if this has been read by any who are on this forum.
i have only received it in the last few minutes.
it is a good document in that, it is easy to understand, it's not full of legal jargon.
I don't understand the WTS stand on this issue, just tell the BOE to always inform the congregation when there's a known pedophile amongst them, how hard is that?!
When an accusation is made, even if only by one person, the BOE should actually recommend taking it to local law enforcement, that'd absolve them of all responsibility for whatever happens thereafter.
Having a pedophile do something may look bad on the WTS, but with proper measures they could completely avoid any blame. Instead they not only have pedophiles doing things, their policies only help shield a pedophile from being properly held accountable, and even worse keep the pedophiles around to harm more children.
Why the WTS is so committed to being on the wrong side of this argument is mind-boggling to me.
JW Org Flags at R.C.
by ToesUp inphoto was posted on jw-archive. flags flying at the 2015 r.c.
in fribourg, switzerland..
Already seen the retort, "We don't worship our flags, they're just advertisements." Let the JW rationale begin. -
Disfellowshipped at 18
by asensier inyou can probably guess how this story goes.. i began dating a non-witness boy.
he knew i was a baptised witness and understood the consequences i faced for dating him.
we agreed to keep our relationship secret, which was easy considering our 200 mile distance.
Just found this great quote that fits your situation, "If your approval of your child is predicated on their beliefs, you don't love your child at all, you love your beliefs."
If you extend yourself that you want to maintain a relationship with your family at some point, but they hold to their JW enforced doctrine, trot that quote out to them. It's not you that caused this division, it's their beliefs that did, always remember that.
If you have trouble realizing that, just ask yourself how many people of other backgrounds get basically disowned by their family for simply having a boyfriend? You'll only find overbearing beliefs/religions/cults to blame for this kind of attitude.
Stay strong.
Disfellowshipped at 18
by asensier inyou can probably guess how this story goes.. i began dating a non-witness boy.
he knew i was a baptised witness and understood the consequences i faced for dating him.
we agreed to keep our relationship secret, which was easy considering our 200 mile distance.
This is a great site, you'll definitely find support here.
It can be a tough road, just look at it right now as you're out, you're free of burden. You are free to do the things you want to do, pursue your passions, make friends, learn all you can, explore your own thoughts, find the real YOU. Let nothing hold you back.
Are JWs trying to make dysfunctional kids and destroy their ability to live normal lives?
by C0ntr013r inare jws trying to make dysfunctional kids that wont "fit" in normal society so they will "return to jehovah"?
because there have been many stories about young people who have been out in the world only to find how bad it was and how correct the org was.. a good jw kid with "good" jw parents will have many big issues, some examples:.
fear of demons (fear, misfit).
There's definitely a huge in-group/out-group mentality that gets bred into JW youth that will carry on throughout their lives unless they "wake" up.
Below I've attached a great link to an interview with former Westboro Baptist Megan Phelps. The parralels between Westboro and JWs is downright scary, some beliefs, doctrine, the indoctrination of youth, etc... Basically stop the WB from picketing or make JWs start picketing and any other differences are near negligible.
Education Level of GB
by The_Doctor10 inafter seeing so many topics about the stupidity of the gb, just got me wondering, anyone know the secular education levels of the gb?
are they high school level religious zealots or are they college educated manipulators?
@Ding Didn't mean any kind of implication between all high school educated and college educated people.
Just was curious if any in the GB had any kind of formal background in making any of their claims.
If they're just HS educated then they're most likely just making most of the stuff up as they go along, not that they can't still learn, but just an assertion that there's likely no formal training at all behind their methods of teaching, researching, or leading.
If they are college educated, then what fields of study? It would be of interesting import if human psychology was studied by any of the GB, as this could lend itself to methodology of manipulation. Or if any had studied in History, their twisting of historical events to fit Biblical prophecy.
Just was wondering if any had a "leg up," as it were to have any kind of scholarly know-how in leading a worldwide organization or were we just dealing with K-12 educated zealots who rode their piousness to their current positions atop Mount of All Lies?
My query was not meant as any kind of comparison between the education levels themselves, just was wondering what we were dealing with from the GB.
An amazing interview by Sam Harris
by The_Doctor10 insam harris did this interview with megan phelps formerly of the infamous westboro baptist church, and i got to say holy $#!
@ the parallels to jw indoctrination/beliefs is actually pretty astonishing..
highly recommend everyone listen to this interview, especially if you're on the fence about continuing as a jw or in any other overbearing cult/religion..
Same here OneEyedJoe, they're insanely similar, just get JWs to picket with vitriol or get the Westboro to stop picketing and the differences are negligible. -
There was a cart outside a local courthouse, thought it seemed fitting as the WTS will be at many courts fighting Child Abuse cases.
As a side note, the two sisters sitting this particular cart were of the plumper variety, probably should be the ones out walking door to door to shed some weight and get healthy, but nope just sitting there racking up easy hours. I guess they don't take care of themselves because, hey, why get healthy in this system, they can be skinny in the new system lol
July Broadcast Denies That JW Children Die Rather Than Have Medical Care
by BluesBrother inanthony morris 3rd delivered the broadcast this month and advised that lies are circulated that they let children die rather than have medical care .
he says this is so inaccurate as to be a boldfaced lie ...... further he says it is "up to the parents to determine what would be the best treatment for their children" .
now, does this mean that parents are really free to make a decision to accept blood for their minor child, if they so choose?
Just a bunch of misleading statements and outright lies.
Plus he's omitting the psychological effect that the JW doctrine about blood holds over believers. Sure, they can choose to give their kid blood or not, BUT that choice is dictated by blind adherence to what the WTS has told them they should do or out of fear of judicial action/disfellowshipping.
Using the line, "JWs do not refuse medical treatment," is a misnomer. We're talking directly in this case about a refusal of blood transfusion, not medical treatment as a whole. The point is, given the choice between 'Blood or Death' many JW R&F will feel compelled to, either by blind adherence of doctrine or through fear of consequence, choose death.
In this scenario, a parent let a child die specifically due to belief taught by the WTS, to say she was free to make the choice is to belie all that is involved in that choice.
Truly despicable what the GB is capable of getting away with just because the R&F wholly put their faith in their connection to "Holy Spirit."
This is where the quote from Steven Weinberg comes in and explains so efficiently,
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.