Life is a journey.
Jim TX
well, tonite, i finally said what i had to say to my live-in.
i've shared just a tiny bit of the insanity i've been thru and put up with with this man...............for three years.. there is a saying when you've had enough, you'll stop.
today, after pacing like a restless tiger in the house and not wanting to do any of the things i suggested, he called a cab and is on his way to buy crack and hang out with an old friend from his past.
Life is a journey.
Jim TX
minimus asked if we had ever turned in someone to the elders.
sassy posted that now that she is 'out' she would not mind turning some people in.
its so unloving to keep their sins hidden, they need reproof.
After reading through all of these posts... and agreeing that it is best to not bother with 'outing' someone...
...but then reading that one is being harrassed... well, I feel that perhaps a 'warning shot over the bow', might be in order.
An anonymous letter perhaps... warning that if one is not left alone that legal action - lawyers and such - will be taken.
After all, harrassment can be handled in the courts, I believe.
Then, if the nonsense does not stop, perhaps a legal document - notarized - with a court appearance date on it - handed to them by a process server.
Just my .02 worth.
Jim TX
i'm a youngster, so i don't like the old cars as much as i do the new cars.
my #1 favorite car is (any year) ferarri f50, but a 1993.5 toyota supra comes close.......
Well... I guess I look at things differently...
I currently love the car I am driving - a 1998 VW New Beetle. It's a diesel, and gets about 45mpg city and over 50mpg hi-way.
I would _really_ like to get a VW Lupo diesel, as it gets over 90mpg, but they don't sell it over here in the states.
I would then be able to manufacture my own bio-diesel from used vegetable oils, and run it in my VWs - like I did about 3 years ago. Pretty awesome stuff!!
Plus, it only cost me about .50/gallon to manufacture. *putt* *putt* *putt*
*wide grin*
Jim TX
i have been fading since the middle of last year.
if it wasn't for my wife being a devoted dub, i probably would not go to the meetings.
i go to around 65%-75% of the meetings.
Been there, done that.
I recommend that you be courteous - if they say "We'll be by in a few days to talk to you." Just say, "Okay."
They will do their thing - and leave. _IF_ they come by.
I found, in my experience, that they feel obligated to drop by - usually when the Circuit O. is in town, or near 'memorial'... special occassions.
Otherwise, they could care less about YOU.
So - let them play their games. They will say that they would like to come back - say, "okay." It's a gamble, but the odds are in your favor, that they won't be back.
When they visit - just sit there and let them babble. They will usually run down after a bit. Don't say too much. Just nod a lot. You might even want to drool a bit. They don't know how to handle that. *grin*
That is - if you wish to continue to do the 'slow fade'.
If you want to go out, guns blazing (DF or DA) - that's another story.
Good Luck.
Jim TX
this morning at coffee, my friend sheri was telling me how she recieved one of those e-mails... you know the ones... where the person is in some foreign country (i.e.
nigeria), and in need of your help to assist them in getting the large sum of money out of the country.. well, she then went on telling me how she replied to a couple of them.. with her permission - i am pasting them below.
i thought that they were very funny - and i hope that you do too.
I never reply to these guys... but occassionally, I will take the time to check their IP addy to see where they are posting from.
One was posting from California... another from New York.
I was half-tempted to forward the e-mail to their ISP - but didn't. I figure that if enough people complained to their ISP - they would get kicked off. But maybe not.
Jim TX
this morning at coffee, my friend sheri was telling me how she recieved one of those e-mails... you know the ones... where the person is in some foreign country (i.e.
nigeria), and in need of your help to assist them in getting the large sum of money out of the country.. well, she then went on telling me how she replied to a couple of them.. with her permission - i am pasting them below.
i thought that they were very funny - and i hope that you do too.
This morning at coffee, my friend Sheri was telling me how she recieved one of those e-mails... you know the ones... where the person is in some foreign country (I.E. Nigeria), and in need of your help to assist them in getting the large sum of money out of the country.
Well, she then went on telling me how she replied to a couple of them.
With her permission - I am pasting them below. I thought that they were very funny - and I hope that you do too. (I was laughing my silly head off at coffee, listening to her describe her reply.)
---------- pasted reply number 1 ---------- How many people fall for this bullshit? Really, how many? Do you realize that every day I receive an e-mail asking me to help transfer millions of dollars to the US? If I had a dollar for every e-mail like yours that I received, I could quit my second job. But seriously, how many people fall for this? Are they old people on fixed incomes who need an extra income? Or are they just really stupid people? Do you have their names and address? How about a phone number....I'de really like to call them and ask just what made them think that you were for real. And by the way, what makes you think I am that honest reliable person you are looking for? I have three felonies under my belt and can't keep a steady job. Sure.....give me your money (is it Monopoly)? and we'll see if it's there within fifteen minutes of it being deposited in my account (of course the account won't be in my real name, I have mob connections who will take of all of that). I'll make a deal with you, send me cash, at least $30,000 US dollars (I prefer UPS shipping) And I'll open your account in a name that only you and I will know. Then you can transfer money all day long until your little heart is content. Deal? ---------- pasted reply number 2 ---------- Now, I have two other offers on the table. I am going to give you the unique opportunity to counter these offers. I require $30,000.00 US funds in cash prior to ANY bank info given out. This will ensure me that you are genuine. Upon my receiving the funds, which I prefer to be sent to me by UPS, I will give to you, by personal messenger, all the bank info you will need to transfer your money. You will in return, send me a large supreme pizza from Pizza Hut with the words "Transaction Complete" spelled out with mushrooms. I will then know that you have dropped off 1 million US dollars in cash in a dumpster behind the state capital of Arkansas. Now you must do this yourself. I know it might seem scary, you being from Nigeria and all. But the people in Arkansas are starting to be a little more politically correct and they shouldn't give you any problem. Just be alert for anybody wearing sheets that are over 200 thread count and yelling out "You take the left side Bill and Roger will get the right" (Clinton country). What do ya say? Deal? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regards, Jim TX
i have receiving letters from switzerland,different localities saying psychic ability 2 chose the right lottery numbers if i send money 2 a swiss address.. how should i respond?
do such people think i am a sucker?
Jgnat has the right idea...
I used to get offers from Sears for new siding, or new roofing... or whatever...
They were really nice enough to also include a self-addressed postage-paid reply envelope. Nice of them to be so considerate!
So, I promptly removed any materials with MY address on them, stuffed all of THEIR own crap into this reply envelpoe and returned it to them.
*wide grin*
Well... I guess I wasn't the only one doing this, as after a few attempts to get me to buy this way, they changed their way of replying - to a postcard.
I say, have fun with it - if you can keep your name and address out of the returned mail.
Jim TX
i just had to share...i had the most wonderful weekend!.
friday, i took two of my girls for a 30 minute walk to a park nearby.
on saturdayi took three of the girls with me...we were gone for about 2 hours...had a good time.
Good post, Eyebrow!!!
This weekend, I went to a small town - shopping, at an outdoor mall. I enjoyed myself, walking - and in general people-watching.
I had several things that I knew I wanted to buy - and got most of those. The skies were very overcast - threatening rain, but it held off. The worst of it was a medium-to-high wind that blew across San Marcos - I love it when that happens. I close my eyes, and enjoy the winds.
Now... last Thursday, was lovely! I took a galpal for a drive in the country - pretty much blew off work that day. The hill country, while still in 'winter' was very nice. We stopped at a roadside park which was atop a mountain. You could see a long way from there. I even spotted a dome home that I have visited in the past.
That was a grand day. I always like to get out - and go for a drive. It helps to clear the cobwebs... and I like to see the sights, too.
Jim TX
here in america we had the most spoiled females on the planet!
american women run the show, guys we are toast!
and i know who to blame!
I had to laugh at your post. I too am a dad to a girl. She is now about 20 years old, but she got things that she wanted, when growing up.
However - I don't think that she was spoiled. She knew that we didn't have that much money. She paid for some of the 'toys' that she wanted. I went halvsies on the 5-piece drumset that she wanted. Not small change for a young teenager who only got a $20.00 allowance every other week.
I had to laugh one time, though... she and the ex-wife are JWs... I am a driftee.
One time a few years ago, we were at a JWs home - visiting. There were lots of nice young fellas there - trying to impress each other, as well as the young ladies present.
One of them pretty much snapped his fingers, and told ... I think it was my daughter - to make him a sandwich, because he was hungry.
She pretty much told him to make it his-self. She doesn't buy into that 'male image' that so many of the JW males do. She was raised as a free-thinker, thanks to me.
Jim TX
i`m not sure if any on this board has seen the show " crossing-over with john edwards" but for some strange reason the show fascinates me.
if you have not seen the show its basically a guy who does readings for people in a studio audience who have had loved ones die, 'crossing-over' to the next realm.
he then connects with these dead people offering up clues to their passing and only personal things that close family would know about .
I used to watch his show on the telly here in the states. I wanted to 'believe', but there was something about him that didn't quite ring true.
After a bit of watching, I discovered it.
He was supposedly talking to someone in the audience, and telling them that their 'dog' - their former pet - was okay and doing well in the 'beyond' - and being taken care of by one of the relatives who had also passed on.
Ummm... dead pets? I dunno about that. I think that he was grasping at straws on that one.
I believe that there is another ... 'dimension'... where folks go when they pass on... I just don't think that John Edwards is able to 'connect' with the people there.
I figured that he may be 'in tune' with the folks in the audience that are 'pre-selected'... perhaps he _is_ able to 'hear' their thoughts or something. You have to remember... the folks on that show have been selected in advance - and so have already begun to 'think' about lost relatives who have passed on - and so their thoughts are in these areas when they are sitting in the audience. All he has to do is 'link' to them, and viola.
Just my observations - after watching him for a while.
He reminds me of a slick car-salesman.
Jim TX