Hi I am new aswell. I did post a story a little while back. Hav been fading since around jan 2010. Last meeting was the 2010 memorial.
It's been great out of the ratrace of all the bullshit of this religion, the looks when u miss a few meeting the judging cos you dont want to reach out to be a MS or what ever crap they want u to do. That alone was killing me, Literally!!!
They say Jesus load is light, It maybe so, but not with the JW's. You have to be doing so much its bullshit. It's like having 2 fulltime jobs.
As you all know it's to much. Anyway i could go on for ever with all this.
One thing i am extremly lucky with is my Dear wife is on board with me too, well she read COC before me and we are both together and out..