I watched the movie a couple of days ago. I enjoyed how simple the movie was, the actors didn't play up any parts. The part that really hit me was when the main character walked past her best friend and the best friend breezed past her like she wasn't even visible. It pained me a lot because thats how i used to treated my sister, even though she hadnt done anything wrong. It just minded me of why I wish June would get here faster so i can leave.
The line in the sand moment for me came when I fell sick, I didnt know i was going to be mentally and spiritually beat up so badly in those fall/winter months of last year. It was definitely true I was sick , missing days of work, but no one, not even my family cared about how I was doing. Only thing everyone who was a witness cared about was being AT the meetings and going out preaching. Every phone call or every conversation I had with someone, it felt like i was being cut to bits because I didnt physically appear at some building so I can listen to the same nonsense I've heard for the past 30 years.
I was glad the people who created that movie didn't stray far from real life. The atmosphere that was created and the cinematography was excellent. I like how they made so many scenes just feel dark, oppressive and moody when it came to the witnesses. Especially since thats how most of us felt before we had that defining moment of clarity. The scene where the younger sister confronted the mom and the main character.. that was the icing on the cake! Whew... there was NO getting through to the girl at all. Reminds me of my younger sister....