First, I'm just glad to be out of the WTS so that I can actually think about whether there is or is not a god. I'm still undecided on the matter, although I plan on doing a lot more reading and thinking before I come to a concrete decision.
I do know this: I prayed to God for 25 years, and the more and harder I prayed, it drove me deeper into a destructive mind control cult. So I'm pretty sure that for those 25 years, nobody was listening to my prayers.
Billions of people have lived on the earth, and I haven't seen anybody that has moved on to an afterlife and has come back to let me know that an afterlife exists.
If God wrote a book for us, then surely he would have preserved the original text so that his message would be here for us today, instead of copies of copies copies.
If God wanted us to draw close to him, then surely he would make sure that we knew the exact pronunciation of his name. According to my limited research - nobody knows that. (I think this statement is correct..please correct me if it's not..)
These are things that I ponder. Sure, an afterlife would be awesome. I wish there was one myself. Especially if it was an afterlife that was enjoyable. But realistically, looking at the hard facts available - I'm not leaning toward believing in this right now.
As mentioned, I plan to do much more reading on this subject in the future. And I have enjoyed this thread very much. It's very mentally stimulating to read oposing views on this matter.