(((((((((((((((((((((((((((( poor places )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) totally understand......
JoinedPosts by peaches
feeling lousy
by poor places inhi folks,.
i'm a newbie here.
been watching the proceedings on this site for some time now.
Remembering why I haven't gotten married
by keyser soze inthere's nothing like a trip to the supermarket to remind a person that being single isn't so bad.
i was at the self-checkout and had a front row seat to a couple in their forties arguing over their inability to operate the scanner.
more to the point, it was her loudly berating him for any attempt he made to help.
The effect of this religion on my children & the action I had to take - Part III
by jambon1 inhere is parts i & ii.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((( JAMBON 1 )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Your Current thoughts
by zzaphod inif you had to sum up your current thoughts on the wts/jw experience what word/phrase would you use?.
New Light on Fat people
by RR inglutton...fails to show love for jehovah.
is food a big thing in his life?
if in the presence of others, does he selfishly ignore their needs and take more than his fair share?
oink oink oink........burp.......oink oink oink.....puke......oink oink oink.....
eye graduitted taup of mi clas in spulling and grommer.....eye's one of doose givtid wones.....
absolutely.....i loved jehovah with every ounce of strength i had....i felt as if i could feel him at times...i had prayers answered,,,,and saw his "spirit" work in the congregation....i think that is why i cannot heal.....how can jehovah be so full of love,,,,answer prayers,,,,etc etc,,,,only to have such horrible abuse and actions,,,,where peoples lives are destroyed,,,,take place in the same building???
i have not been in a kingdom hall for about 4 or 5 years....but was a witness for about 30+ years.....i do not think i will ever heal...too many scars...but yes,,,,there was a time when i reguarded jehovah as a friend and loved him very much....sorry i rambled minimus....
The effect of this religion on my children & the action I had to take - Part II
by jambon1 ini posted this part of the story earlier this week.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/experiences/191112/1/the-effect-of-this-religion-on-my-children-the-action-i-had-to-take-part-i.
so we are at the point where my daughter has been taking in my lifestyle for 4 years since she i left the truth when she was just 4 years old.
my son who is a couple of years younger thankfully seems to be immune to most of the indoctrination from the jws.
truly devestating......my heart is so with you and children......
Do you think it's possible being a witness can kill a person?
by The Finger ina close relative of mine just before he died claimed it was being a witness that was partially responsible for his death (leaving aside the blood issue).
yes,,,,,absolutelly yes....and YES..YES.... YES....SOME MORE...truly awful.....
Was the Circuit Oversear treated like "a god" in your Congregation!!!
by Witness 007 inmany ass kissers would put their name down so they could have him over for dinner......"okay now, they can't eat milk products,red meat, white meat, flour, sugar, salt, water...." .
at the end of the sunday talks,,,,we had a pot luck lunch at the kingdom hall.....after everyone had eaten,,,the brothers brought in a huge tub and filled it with water....unbelievable mess and amount of work.....and all of this so the C.O. could show us how he walked on water....