I'm a New Englander at heart...and Boston is my home.
Ditto. I New England and have traveled all over, nothing can compare. :)
is this a freaking joke??????
it's 60* today and we might have 1 foot of snow by friday night???.
i remember april 1 1997 i plowed almost 3 feet of snow..... haven't we had enough?
I'm a New Englander at heart...and Boston is my home.
Ditto. I New England and have traveled all over, nothing can compare. :)
my last update on my daughter was so good...but it didn't turn out that way.
she was cleared to go back to work, but with limitations... she couldn't lift more than 10 pounds.
her employer wanted her back but wouldn't agree to the lifting restriction.
I am so sorry and keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
we are great friends now....but he wasn't much of a father growing up.. worked all the time...we went on few vacations....pretty much pussy whipped my my nazis jw mother.. he never did believe in the whole jw thing.
he just when along with it, for my mothers sake.. she never did respect him for not being a "spiritual head" and pretty much let us kids know about it.. i, like my mother became very self rightious and judgmental.. i wished now he had just came to me just once and said "keith maybe the jws are not the people you think they are.
" but he was to afraid of my mother to say that...even though he knew it to be true.i would have never believed him....back then....but it would have planted a seed.... .
My Dad was the best father anyone could have. Extremely loving, attentive yet strict when need be all the while being an elder. His family came first no matter what. I do not fault my parents for being JWs and strict, it sure kept us out of trouble. They encouraged friends (JWs) and our home was always filled with our childhood friends.
My Dad has made a few comments and basically apologized for not "allowing" us to do certain things. My reponse was "NOT a big deal, you did the best you could and loved us no matter what." To this day I am in awe at the sacrifices my parents made for us. Between everyday life, being an elder and the rules of the WTS that had to have been tough.
i'm a loner.. offline, i have few friends.
the friends i do have are dear to me but i'm bad at communicating with them, meaning i don't call often.
facebook has been a boom with me cuz i can keep contact with folks i really care about without being constantly in contact with them which would drive me crazy.. on this board i haven't got too deep with folks.
I can see why some "think" there may be cliques, but people need to realize this is the net and the nature of the beast. ALL message boards religious/non-religious have the same issues. Personally I feel it would be up to the new ones to try hard and get comfortable and possibly send PMs. It takes time and no one should have hard feelings.
If members were attacking or getting nasty/personal then the gang mentality is childish and people need to take a step back.
during the early 2000s, kevin wright was the c.o.
for a circuit that included several of my friends.
i remember hearing my friends complain about what a tool this guy was--and these complainers weren't just "lowly" publishers--some of them were elders and pioneers.
LOL Oompa my exact thoughts!
in my previous topic alwayshere said the following:.
you asked "can a jw join the military?
" her answer "no all the military is good for is killing people and destroying things.
found this on the U.S. Securities Exchange website. Why would the SEC lie?
Anyways I do not see a reason for the SEC to lie. And if it is a mistake then the SEC should be notified that REGI INC has filed a false Annual Report! http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/922330/000106299302000371/form10k.txt
I scanned the document and I was unable to locate where the WTS is involved with this company. Can someone give me a page # to refer to?
i've been on a couple of kh remodels (the last one over 2 years ago)... both remodels took about 2 months to complete... in both cases i pointed out numerous safety hazards and osha violations to the site coordinator (not petty nonsense but actual safety hazards).
just to give a few examples...there were stripped extension cords everywhere, poorly protected temporary wiring, trip hazards, unlabeled cans containing either hazmat or flammable liquid, hazardous liquid spills that were cleaned up with rags and then tossed in the trash, the list goes on and on... i can tell you that it really got out of control (no exageration)... in both cases i was told not to worry about it because we would be done with the remodel fairly soon and jehovah always looks after his people.
what i didn't get is that they would have these 5-10 minute "safety talks" before starting the work day, yet we would be constantly surrounded by safety hazards all day long.. so my question is... have you ever been on a kh new construction or remodel and observed any osha safety violations?
I have heard OSHA is very involved in the southwest KH builds. They do not allow them to serve food from witnesses but it all has to be prepared/cooked in approved trailers/buildings.
it was my granddaughter, bailey's third birthday yesterday.
her bd party was last saturday.
just look at these faces.
They are beautiful. :)
this is probably the stupidest thing to ever be wriiten on here, but i need to just talk/type it out.. my cat got run over last night & killed, i am a complete mess.
my hubby has gone away with work today for a few days today so im on my own & i cant cope.
i know loads of you will think, it was just a cat get over it, but dam i hurt so much.
I am so very sorry. You feeling this way is not silly at all. There are many who look at their pets as a family member.
there are two parts to this topic you can read one or the other or both if you want, i just figured i post this for differents ones who might being going thru what i am going thru i tried to write this as quick as possible so everything i am posting here is not to offend anyone i know everyone has the own opinions on different things so you can disagree or agree, but this is where i stand.
sorry for any spelling errors or grammar issues up front.
my story .
It is odd, but the very rare hall does have meetings that start @7.
In my area 99% (I live in a very populated area) of the congregations start at 7 PM. What is the "normal time" people think they start at?