Krett, thanks for the expansion. I am curious, what do you presently believe about:
- Jesus, is He God (same substance as the Father) or less than God (a little so-called god who should not be worshipped and prayed to)?
I dont beleive Jesus is GOD, but rather the SON of GOD. The nature argument, or substance argument I have seen so many times put forth by Trinitarians has never made sense to me beause this substance or nature is undefinable in the BIBLE. You see, the angels are called "elohiyms" in Psalms 8:5, and even Jesus refers back to Psalms 82 In John 10:34-35 where the Judges were called gods. Also, in 1 Peter 2:4 it says the followers of Jesus will "share in the divine nature". If we follow this undefinable substance or nature argument then all those who share this must also be GOD. (My gosh am I really putting myself into another Trinity argument.... sigh....).
Should he be worshipped? As in the same worship the congregation of Philadelphia recieves in REvelation 3:9, or the Ruler receives in Matthew 18:26? Once again, if we are going to use "proskueno" as a basis for deciding who is GOD, then that principle must apply in all cases. But it doesnt, and the selective translation is not a good basis for such a central doctrine for so many.
With that in mind I do think he should be prayed to. After he recieved "ALL AUTHORITY" he should be honored as his FATHER Jehovah is (John 5:22-23) and he clearly said HE could and would answer prayers in John 14:14. But, all of those things were only possible after it had been GIVEN to him by Jehovah. So, it clearly was not his, and to me this means he isnt GOD.
The Oneness and Modalism Trinitarianism presented by the WTS is a good Strawman no doubt, but even after looking at other explanations I still just can't bring myself to saying the BEGOTTEN is the same as the BEGETTER.
But I dont beleive the WTS gives enough credit to Jesus personally, and the intellectualizing of Christianity (taking in knowledge of) instead of "knowing" Jesus means they cant quite understand Jesus's role completely.
- the Holy Spirit (not a person, not the same substance as the Father)?
Not GOD, just the power that he uses to "become what he shall become". I kind of covered the "substance argument above.
- are you born again?
I have been waiting for my Damuscusation but it hasnt happened yet. Perhaps I am holding back, because I do feel when I examine myself I have so many things to work on. I have never taken Communion, and just cant bring myself to making such a claim. I have seen others describe it as a "life-changing" event. Perhaps I am not worthy to recieve that, perhaps I am expecting too much, or perhaps I just dont know what to expect. I have had one spritually moving experience (besides all teh cliche ones) and that was when I heard a sermon about staying in the boat or walking on the water. I realized the WTS was my boat. It was comfortable and it floated, but I would like to think I am special enough to walk on water for just a bit! But, to be honest, I have tested teh water a few times, and still find myself sinking. I am working on it though.
So to answer your question...
I dont know, and I dont know if I ever will know.
- are you indwelt by the Holy Spirit?
Explained above..... That is an awfully loud declaration, and I still dont feel like I am up to the challenge of meeting the responsibility that comes with that statement.
Be carefull, because if you expect the WTS or others to be perfect after making this declaration, then you ought to do the same.
I just cant go there yet....