You mean aluminium? ;-)
JoinedPosts by A.Fenderson
Are There Any Words That You Have A Hard Time Pronouncing or Spelling?
by minimus ini always have a hard time saying entrepreneur.. are there any words or phrases that get you tongue tied?.
Are There Any Words That You Have A Hard Time Pronouncing or Spelling?
by minimus ini always have a hard time saying entrepreneur.. are there any words or phrases that get you tongue tied?.
I can never seem to pronounce "rural" in a way that doesn't sound retarded to me, but no one else ever complains.
I also get pink and yellow mixed up and sometimes say the wrong one--not really what you're asking, but thought I'd share.
Again debating Sipping The Kool-Aid, I'm just frustrated....
by Confuzzled insorry if this is rambling.
i just have some thoughts i need to get out.
i've mentioned before my thought about faking my way through the cult, or at least pretending to, would make my life easier.
Then I wonder out of pure curiosity, did anybody know of anybody as anti-JW as I developing Stockholm Syndrome?
Well, I can't claim to know you, but the answer is "yes, or something similar." One of the nicest and most lovable brothers in a congro I was in absolutely hated the JW religion for a time prior to having joined himself--it happens. Please don't risk your sanity this way.
They sold their souls for rock and roll.
by A.Fenderson inhave you ever noticed any bands/musical artists that overall you really just don't like, or even actively dislike/hate, but out of freaking nowhere they have this one song that is just so awesome it makes you wonder where in the hell they got it, and why they weren't able to go to that place again for equally good songs?
i have two personal examples:.
hotel california, the eagles.
Yeah, I just really don't like the Eagles--in fact their other songs really annoy me. My mom, though, says she really likes the Eagles--and yet does not like Hotel California whatsoever. So how do you feel about that particular song, OnTheWayOut?
They sold their souls for rock and roll.
by A.Fenderson inhave you ever noticed any bands/musical artists that overall you really just don't like, or even actively dislike/hate, but out of freaking nowhere they have this one song that is just so awesome it makes you wonder where in the hell they got it, and why they weren't able to go to that place again for equally good songs?
i have two personal examples:.
hotel california, the eagles.
Have you ever noticed any bands/musical artists that overall you really just don't like, or even actively dislike/hate, but out of freaking nowhere they have this one song that is just so awesome it makes you wonder where in the hell they got it, and why they weren't able to go to that place again for equally good songs? I have two personal examples:
Hotel California, the Eagles. I freaking hate the Eagles, their songs annoy me to no end--and then there's Hotel California, which is almost divinely awesome.
Superstition, Stevie Wonder. I have nothing against Stevie Wonder, but I do not care in the least for any of his songs besides this one, which is supremely rockin'. Night and day difference, to me.
So--did these guys make deals with the devil or what? For me this is a rhetorical question, but for anyone who believes in the devil, feel free to respond as you see fit.
Any examples you'd care to share that you feel similarly about?
Did leaving the WT build greater appreciation for or kill your reading of the Bible?
by lepermessiah ini am really on the fence on this issue right now and would love some opinions.. i find that i dont sit down and read the bible for long periods since becoming inactive, but on the other hand, individual scriptures mean much more to me now.. i will sit down and look up some favorite passages from time to time and feel like its the first time i really "got it" - without the jw goggles on.
i love matthew chapter 23, since i think it describes to a tee the situation in jw congregations.
i think if jesus returned today, he would blast the elders and "leaders" of the borg in a similar fashion (along with most religious leaders) .matthew 24 is actually more interesting to me now, simply because my whole life was waiting for the 1914 generation to end sometime during the reagan era!
with fire.
Good name for a goldfish!
by Open mind indarwin!.
my wife got a darwin fish, complete with little footsies, not too long ago.
it graces our refrigerator 24/7 unless jws are coming over.
I'm in the U.S., specifically Oklahoma, which is generally considered part of the U.S. "Bible Belt." It's a fair guess that the vandal was a nominal Christian (thank you for reminding me of that term, by the way, it would seem to apply) due to the fact that the Darwin fish is a defilement or perversion of the "Jesus fish" emblems (sported by modern Christians) which themselves echo the ichthys symbol supposedly used by early Christians. Jews, Muslims, and other religious non-Christians, to my knowledge, would have no direct interest in vandalising a symbol which itself mocks a decidedly Christian symbol. Still just a guess, but like you said, statistically unlikely it would be other than a Christian. Then again, maybe it was a false-flag operation undertaken by Discordians--that thought makes me smile. :-)
Anyway, whoever they were, they broke mine's little footsies off! It made me sad and angered, but life goes on.
Enjoy yours, om, and protect it from mean people! :-)
Have you hit your 50's? Are you feeling it, or do you still feel young?
by restrangled ini'm curious, because in my 40's i felt like a million dollars.
i am starting to feel it,....i just don't have the stamina of working in the yard all day, coming in making dinner and getting the laundry done at the same time, or working full time.. i see the years in my face when i don't get enough sleep, and no amount of makeup makes a difference.
my eyes seem to always look tired.
I'm in my early thirties
Me too.
and I wish somebody would just shoot me.
Well, let's not jump the gun...
I'm losing my hair.
Growing hair in places where I didnt know it would grow at.
It takes longer to burn off winter weight. I listen to outdated music. People wearing tight jeans. I hope I die soon. I really do. I'm cranky all the time. Gotta mini pot belly with hair on it. God, what happened to me?
Two magical words that can change your life: diet and exercise. I personally am on Atkins (with some personal modifications), and I love it.
As for outdated music: we can't help it if 99.9% of all music made in the last several years is objectively horrible and hardly deserving of even being called music--that's not our fault! :-)
How To Construct a Creationist/Theistic Argument
by darkl1ght3r inhow to construct a creationist/theistic argument - by ben spencer.
step 1. come up with a supposed self-apparent, universal, unbreakable, and yet ultimately unprovable "law".. for example:.
all effects require a cause.
So what evidence exactly would convence an athiest that God exists?
Define "God." And I'm not being intentionally antagonistic, I'm attempting to answer your question.
Good name for a goldfish!
by Open mind indarwin!.
my wife got a darwin fish, complete with little footsies, not too long ago.
it graces our refrigerator 24/7 unless jws are coming over.
Intolerance of free thought is pretty insidious. It can even lead to lumping Christians into one mindset. I'm hoping that wasn't implied in your comment.
Do I believe a Christian did it? Absolutely--I don't see any non-Christian having any motivation to do so, given the nature of the object in question.
Was I using the word "loving" facetiously? Absolutely--an act of random vandalism based on nothing more than a philosophical disagreement doesn't seem to me to jibe well with the connotations of the word "loving" when applied to a person in general and more especially to a Christian who (to my understanding) believes that the words recorded in Matthew 5:44 were spoken by Jesus and should therefore be followed.
Did I say the act was performed by all Christians, or a representative thereof? No.
Did I so much as imply that all Christians do or would behave in this deplorable manner? No.
Did I imply that the perpetrator was a hypocritical Christian: Yes!
Did I imply all Christians are hypocritical: No!
Intolerance of free expression is pretty insidious. It can even lead to moral posturing in relation to comments by non-Christians . I'm hoping that wasn't implied in your comment.